[敗家] I am a fan of Alexandre de Paris Hair Accessories

哈哈哈!! 之前我出過個post話我去咗Alexandre de Paris睇頭飾! 好多產品都真係太靚喇! 當然全部帶哂返屋企係唔可能既一件事啦,我揀咗幾款我覺得好襯我平日打扮既頭飾!! 慢慢去build一個屬於自己既collection! 嘻嘻!! 你地上次有無睇到好好好燒? 嗱,因為我造型唔算係好girly,我亦都知道未必個個都鍾意好型, 所以我用iPhone影埋我個friend敗咗既頭飾(iPhone d相唔算好靚, 不過比你地有個感覺啦), 佢揀個d比較girly, 等你地有個比較。 我係咪好貼心? 唔講咁多, 即刻睇下我既成果先:

(English:  I mentioned before that I went to Alexandre de Paris to check out its hair accessories!!  There are so many products which are just simply fabulous!!  Of course, I cannot bring them all home, so I picked a few which suits my usual style really well to share with you!!  I will slowly build my own collection of their items *grins*!!!  Have you been tempted by me last time when you were reading my blog posts?  Right, I know I am not exactly the girly girl type, and I know not all of you are fond of rocker chick look in the winter time, so I used my iPhone to shoot some of the stuff that my friend got (she is more girly).  I wouldn’t say the iPhone photos are great, but it’s for you to have an idea!!  So I am really thoughtful, am I?  Well let’s get started:)

Alexandre de Paris 黑色小閃高貴頭箍

Elegant Sparkle Headband in Black


呢個我真係超級愛佢交叉既設計, 感覺豐富! 加上佢有少少閃石, 低調地奢華!! 好靚呀! 黑色又唔會太過火, 可以成日帶!! 好好好愛!! 我之前都講過啦,佢價錢唔平民, 但係因為佢好耐用之餘, 仲要好舒服唔會整到頭痛, 如果成日會用頭飾, 真係值得投資!

(English:  I am super in love with this cross over design, the style is simple yet rich!  Plus, there are some sparkling crystals, it’s low key yet looks grand!!  It’s super pretty!!  The black color is just so subtle and it’s a color that can be used every single day!!!  Really love this!!  As I mentioned before, its price is on the luxury side but it’s worth every penny because it’s very durable, comfortable and doesn’t create any unnecessary headache!  If you love hair accessories, this is a brand that’s worth investing!!)

有一點我要提一提, Alexandre de Paris個logo係得個A字, 大家要認住!如果唔係得個A字既就唔係我講緊呢個品牌喇。

(English:  One thing I have to stress – the logo of Alexandre de Paris contains “A” only!!  If there are other letters, then it’s not the brand I am now talking about.)

Effect on Head:

係咪唔誇張又好高貴? 仲要我覺得呢個真係返工, 平日同埋去P都啱用呀!!

(English:  Not over the top but very elegant right?  I feel this is really suitable for every occasions – work, causal day and party!!!  Will get a lot of use out of it!!)

Alexandre de Paris 酒紅色波浪頭箍

Oxblood Wavy Headband


我好鍾意呢個型狀! 帶上兩邊有唔同感覺! Wavy個邊好型好有氣勢, 好有驚喜! 哈哈! 酒紅色係頭上有對比, 但係又好奇妙地同黑啡頭髮好襯!

(English:  I really love the shape of this headband!  Two sides are a little different!  The wavy side is definitely more stylish and eye-catching, a good surprise indeed!!! *Laughs*  The oxblood color forms a great contrast with the hair, but sometime, it goes really well with black and brown hair!!)

Effect on Head:


(English:  Super stylish!!)

Alexandre de Paris 閃閃髮夾

Sparkling Hair Clip


黑金色係我最愛既組合, 所以一見呢個髮夾, 我簡直瘋狂!! 人手做得黎手工仔細, 每一個細節都做得非常好!

(English:  Black and gold has to be my favorite color combination, so when I see this hair clip, I was absolutely crazy about it!!  It’s handmade and every single detail is really well done!!)

Effect on Head:

可以用呢個做公主頭! 不過後面睇就唔係普通公主, 係型格公主呀(註:我無公主病)!

(English:  Can create a princess style with this hair clip!  When you look from the back, it’s not exactly the normal girly princess, it’s a trendy princess indeed!!)


Alexandre de Paris 星星型髮夾

Star-shape Hair Clip


救命呀!! 我一見到星星型既野我就會好着迷!! 我見到呢個髮夾個下真係不得了!! 我覺得佢個設計好有心, 係星星既邊邊放左閃石,個感覺好似星星閃下閃下! 太靚喇!!

(English:  OMG!!!  I can’t resist anything in star form – indeed I am really obsessed with anything that’s star-shaped!!!  When I saw this hair clip, I was in absolute amazement!!!  I love the thoughtful design of this piece, there are crystals on the edges of the stars and it reminds me of the stars shinning in the sky!!!  Absolutely amazing!!!)

Effect on Head:

我覺得帶上頭仲靚過就咁望呀!! 不得了!! 有無人好似我咁係星星控?

(English:  I think it does its justice when it’s used on hair!!  OMG!!!  Is anyone out there who is addicted to anything star-shaped as well?)

Alexandre de Paris Pinces Vendome
(Size: Baby)


有好多色, 不過我又係揀黑金(襯我麻)! 好閃好靚呀!!

(English:  There are many colors to choose from but my choice was the black and gold one (suit me and suit Winter clothing)!!  Very bling and very pretty!!)

Effect on Head:

最正係用嚟夾住前面一束頭髮!! 夾得好實又唔會扯到頭髮!! 掂呀!! 我另外買咗一個色俾個朋友做生日禮物(我成日見佢都係鍾意夾住前面一束頭髮, 哈哈, 應該好啱用)。

(English:  The best use of this (in my opinion) is to hold up the fringe!!  It grabs the hair really well without pulling too much!!  Brilliant!!  I got another color for one of my friend as a birthday pressie as well *winks*.)

Alexandre de Paris 髮叉
Hair Pin


U型既髮叉呀! 呢個我真係無敵好用! 如果你鍾意紮髮髻, 呢個真係好好好用呀!!! 仲要佢有少少閃石, 又靚又實用呀!! 我係屋企都用佢(我覺得我要敗多一枝), 你可能覺得我好誇張, 屋企都用, 但係真係好舒服又好簡單就可以紮到個髮髻! 我覺得佢雖然真係貴, 但係如果似我係屋企都用佢(當然出街都用啦!!!!), 咁我覺得好快佢值回票價!!

(English: U shape hair pin!!  I really really really love this one because it’s just so convenient!!  If you love turning your hair into buns, this is for you – I highly recommend it!!!  It has quite a few crystals – so it is practice and looks good at the same time!  I use it even when I am at home (I think I will need to get one more).  Now you must think that I am a bit over the top (using such luxury thing at home), but it’s really comfortable and convenient to turn my hair into a nice bun!!!  Right, its price is luxurious, but if I use it at home too (of course, I use it when I go out too!!!!!), then it’s definitely worth the price!!!)

Effect on Head:

我淨係用咗佢就紮到喇!! 唔洗用其他野!! 係咪好好好方便丫??? 唔好緊張, 我決定我要寫另外一篇文章歌頌一下呢枝髮叉同埋拍一個短片show俾大家睇我點可以三十秒就用佢整到個髮髻出黎!! 係, 我真係好愛佢, 所以我要特別講一講佢!!

(English:  I only use the hair pin in this photo and I haven’t used anything else!!  It’s very convenient, isn’t it???  Don’t worry!!!  I have decided to write another blog post about this particular item and shoot a short video showing you how I can create this in just 30 secs (maybe less)!!  Yea, I am really in love with this and I think it’s definitely worth one dedicated blog post + video!!)

好! 我既東東就講完喇!! 而家望一望我個朋友仔既girly款式先(好多謝佢帶住俾我影呀)!!!

(English:  Right!  So much about my stuff and now we should move onto the girly items that my friend got (many thanks to her for having the accessories on for my shoot):)

Alexandre de Paris Pinces Vendome
(Size: Mini)


呢個個顏色好靚好sharp呀!! 個size係mini, 即係最細個隻!

(English:  I love this color, very sharp and eye-catching!!!  Its size is mini and it the smallest in the collection!!)

Alexandre de Paris Pinces Vendome
(Size: Baby)


呢個同我個隻個size係一樣, 呢個得一行係石, 個顏色我都鍾意呀!! 可能我夏天會買呢類既顏色!! 係呀, 頭飾都要換季!

(English:  This is the same size as mine!  This has only one line of crystals.  I love the beige color too and I will get this one for the summer time because hair accessories should change season too!!)

Alexandre de Paris Ribbon Hair Clip

價錢(Price):Original – HK$920 (it was on sale when she bought this)

朋友係ribbon控啊!!! 佢一見呢個就猛話好靚好靚!! 你而家都應該知道我就好鍾意黑色野, 我個朋友就好鍾意beige野! 其實我都好鍾意beigeE同nude, 但係我會夏天先用多d呢兩個色調!! 哈!

(English: My friend is obsessed with ribbons!!  When she saw this, she kept saying it was really pretty!!!  Now that you know I am in love with black and she is in love with beige!!  Actually I love beige and nude too but I use more of these two tones in the Summer time!!)

Alexandre de Paris Ribbon Headband

價錢(Price):Original – HK$920 (it was on sale when she bought this)

都話佢係ribbon控啦! 不過真係好girly好襯佢呀!

(English:  See!!  I said she is obsessed with ribbons, right?  Ha – but it suits her style really well!!)

如果你未睇我之前講Alexandre de Paris既文章而你又開始對佢地既產品有興趣, 你可以睇翻我之前個post丫:

(English:  If you haven’t read my previous piece on Alexandre de Paris and you start getting interested in their products, you could check out my blog post in the link below:)

[時尚] Alexandre de Paris 高雅舒服髮飾

Store Address:

Shop 221, Level 2, Pacific Place, Admiralty

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