[職場] 奇怪老闆 I

係我唔係太長既人生裡面,我當然都有試過轉工,什至乎係轉錯工! 轉錯工既意思唔係話份工唔啱, 而係個老闆同我唔夾。 話說幾年前, 我做咗一份工好幾年時間,想轉換下環境學多d野,所以我quit咗份工,去咗一個好長既旅行,返黎再揾工。

(English:  Even though I haven’t been on this planet for too long, I had a few experience in changing jobs, it also meant (sometimes) changing to the wrong ones.  The wrong ones don’t necessary imply the job nature is not suitable, it usually means (in my dictionary) that I don’t have chemistry with the boss.  A few years ago, I was on a job for several years and I wished to change the environment to learn something new, so I quitted the job, went on a long holiday overseas, came back and started my job hunting!)

當年我都係揾一d同recruitment有關既工作,我去到其中一間公司去見一個老闆, 同佢傾咗兩粒鐘 ,佢都分享咗好多佢理想,將來既發展,career path等等! 亦都係因為我見佢咁有熱誠,我就take咗個份工!

(English:  At that time, I was looking for something related to recruitment.  I went to one of the companies to meet with the boss.  We talked for a good couple hours and he shared his vision, company development, career path etc.  I saw the passion in him and I accepted the offer of the role!)

我入到去做既時候,初初都無咩特別,因為個老闆本身唔係recruitment出身,所以我以為佢會相信我既judgement,但係一d都唔係個回事! 我入去一個月到就close咗一個case,原本應該係好開心先係,但係佢竟然同我講佢覺得個個人唔係perfect match!  係我以前既經驗話我知,呢個世界無perfect match, 你揾老公老婆都無perfect match啦,同埋,如果perfect match, 人地點解要轉工,黎到都無新野可以學可以grow! 跟住我話:”做recruitment唔係講perfect match, 係講best match! Hardware(technical skills)緊要,software(性格/ potential)更加緊要。佢唔認同亦都唔相信呢個理念,之後佢同我講話:”我睇佢唔會做得長!” 我當時無講d咩, 講都浪費我既口水! 我覺得個人唔係我話請就可以請,個candidate都要過完我個關,再過客人個兩三關,人地咁多個人覺得佢啱先會請佢。唔係我講一句,人地就會是是但但咁去請個唔知咩人! 如果個個都要perfect match, 應該好多工會無人做,而好多人都會無工做!

(English: When I first joined, everything seemed normal.  Since the boss’ experience wasn’t from recruitment, I was he would trust my judgement and expertise, but nah! Within the first month I was there, I managed to close a case and it was supposed to be a celebratory event!  However, the boss said to me, “I don’t think he is a perfect match!”  Based on my past experience, there is no perfect match on this planet (there is no perfect husband and perfect wife!!!).  If there is a perfect match, why does he/ she wants to switch job?  Anything new for the person to learn, to grow?  Then I said, “in recruitment terms, we don’t talk about perfect match, we talk about the best match!”  Hardware (technical skills) is important but software (personalities/ potential) is even more important.  He doesn’t believe in the theory and said to me, “I don’t think he will be there for long!”  Whatever!!  I didn’t say anything because it was wasting my breathe talking to a wall!  It was not down to me that the company hired the person, the candidate had to get pass me, then get pass the 2-3 rounds of interviews at the client’s, they had to believe that he was suitable before making that offer!  It wouldn’t be just because of me!!!  If everyone is talking about perfect match, there would be so many vacant positions and also, there would be so many unemployed people!)

唔知係咪因為呢次我咁短時間就close咗個case同埋我同個老闆既理念唔係好相同,大家唔可以做到互相欣賞信任,佢之後咩case都無俾個我做!預下一個月,無人close到case之餘,我就日日玩data entry!

(English:  Not sure if it was because I closed the case in 1 month and my vision deviation from the boss, we couldn’t respect, appreciate and trust each other.  He never did pass any case to me and for the remaining month, no one closed any case and I was doing data entry!!)

當然啦,以我既性格,我唔會咁樣浪費生命!我係個間公司做咗兩個月就辭職! 此處不留人,自有留人處!我辭職個日仲搞野! 我一同佢講,佢即刻話:呀! 真係好喇,你真係明白事理! 我諗呢一個真係唔係一個right moment去請類似你d咁既人,遲d啦遲d應該會啱d!不如我地出去飲咖啡等我俾d career advice你丫!

(English:  Of course, I didn’t allow myself to waste my life, so I resigned after spending 2 months there.  I am sure some other places are better for me!  The day that I resigned was the highlight of my career!  After I handed in my resignation, he was like, “Ohhhh this is good!  You are really understanding.  I don’t think this is a good timing to have someone like you, maybe later!!  Let’s go out for coffee and I will give you some career advice!”)

哈! 原來佢好想我走! 咁佢無勇氣去做決定,就等我做!我係度諗, 做一個老闆連同員工正面去討論都唔可以,亦都唔敢做任何決定,我跟呢d人有咩意思? 走係正確! 一個人係公司既時間多過係屋企,點可以咁樣浪費生命同一d我唔可以尊重既人做野!

(English:  *Laughs*  He wanted me long gone but he didn’t have the courage to make the decision.  Well let me make it for him then!  I was thinking at that moment in time, “being a boss, but you cannot talk positively to a staff and you are afraid to make any business decision, I am wasted here!”  Leaving was the right choice.  A person spends so much time at work than at home, I cannot spend that much of my life working with someone whom I can’t respect and appreciate!)

我之前睇過一篇文章,詳細內容我都唔係好記得! 最記得個句係 “呢個世界上無一個無用既員工,只有無用既老闆!”  意思大概係每個人都有長處,做老闆要識得用人,自己同員工先會成功。 係話個員工做得唔好之前去了解下究竟自己有無用錯咗呢個人, 如果係用錯,根本人地唔會發揮得到,錯就在自己啦!

(English:  I read an article once and can only remember the details vaguely!  One phrase jumps out, “there is no useless employee in this world, there is only useless boss!” Its meaning is everyone has strength, being a boss has to know how to utilize the talent in people, only then the employees would succeed.  Before you accusing the employee being useless, take a good look and see if you have fully utilize the strength in the person, if you haven’t done so, it’s you who fail, not your staff!)

(image from http://www.clipartoday.com)

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