[保養] HydroPeptide防曬SPF30

好既防曬真係好難揾,要系數OK同埋唔笠,搽完唔會顯白,仲要唔乾身! 有時我都覺得係咪我要求太過高。。。哈哈~~ 搵咗幾個月,俾我揾到,所以今日想分享一下~

(English:  It’s hard to locate a good sunscreen because it needs to have a decent SPF, not heavy, doesn’t turn white on skin and no drying!  Sometimes I do question if I have a too high of a standard… *laughs*  I have been hunting for a good few months and finally I found one that I really like, so I want to share my thoughts with you today~~)

HydroPeptide Solar Defense Broad Spectrum SPF30

價錢(Price):HK$360/ 50ml

Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店/ email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

Made in the USA

Product Information:

“Acai + Green Tea, Aloe + Hyaluronic Acid, Galanga, Titanium Dioxide 2.5%, Zinc Oxide 6% – This non-greasy sunscreen self-adjusts to the color of your skin tone offering flawless coverage, while anti-aging elements hydrate, protect and help clarify the skin.

Formula Features:

 – Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide, physical blocking sunscreens, offer broad spectrum protection against UVA and UVB damage without leaving a white, chalky appearance.
 – A Moisture-Binding Peptide rich in protein and derived from yeast extract reactivates epidermal lipids and allows for improved, long-lasting hydration. Significantly decreases the sebaceous secretion of oily skin, leaving a non-shiny appearance.
 – Self-adjusting sphere’s perfectly blend to any skin tone, camouflaging mild hyperpigmentation and redness while offering a more even, flawless, matte finish.
 – Oil-free formula that doesn’t leave a greasy feel. Aloe, niacin and sodium hyaluronate perfectly balance hydration.

Free of: Gluten, Parabens, Phthalate, Sulfates”


Before Blending



After Removal

使用次數(No. of Usage):2 months

用後感: 先講解下佢既功效先。 佢係30度物理性防曬,亦都係有色打底霜,亦都有保濕抗老功效! 一唧出黎個陣係灰白色,入面有少少粒子,好易推得開唔厚身。 推開個陣佢會跟你既膚色去轉變,而佢真係match到你膚色,唔會白咗唔會黑咗(你落妝個陣真係會見到佢有色)。 我覺得如果你唔平日唔會點化妝,淨係想枝防曬可以俾你皮膚有少少coverage,呢枝真係好正,搽完無妝感但係面色均勻咗。 如果你化妝既話,搽完呢枝又可以直接上粉底,好方便! 我鍾意佢上咗面上輕身,有保濕感同少少滋潤感。不過佢唔係控油產品,所以如果你皮膚比較油,咁你要用翻控油產品先可以喇。 佢30度一般都夠用,但係如果你成日係戶外,就要補搽丫!! 我so far超滿意呢枝防曬,質感,功能都符合我對防曬既要求,我覺得如果你係乾性,混合性皮膚,你會好愛呢枝產品,但係如果你係油性,你可能會覺得厚少少,佢亦都唔會幫你控油丫!! 揾到佢之後,我送咗一枝俾Mama,連佢都覺得正!! 開心~~  仲有,愛美既男士都用得呀,佢幫你調節膚色,但係又唔會覺眼呀!! 哈哈~~~

(English:  Product Review: Let me first explain its functions.  It’s a SPF30 physical sunscreen and it offers a tint of color, also it hydrates and fight against aging!!  When you first squeeze out, it looks somewhat like a greyish white, it has tiny particles inside, is very easy to blend and light in texture.  When you blend it out, you can actually see it turns its color to suit your skin color, and it really matches your color, not lighter, not darker (when you remove it with cleansing water, you will notice the color on the cotton pad).   I feel like if you don’t wear makeup on a day-to-day basis, and you are only looking for a sunscreen to offer that bit of coverage for your skin, this is what you are looking for, because when it’s on skin, it doesn’t look like makeup, but somehow your skin tone is even out!  If you wear makeup, you can apply foundation right after this, it’s convenient!!  I really like the fact that it feels light on skin, it hydrates and it offers a bit of moisturizing result.  However, it has nothing to do with oil control, so if your skin is on the oilier side, then you will need to apply some oil control product.  It has SPF30 and it would work on a normal day, but if you stay outside most of the time, then you will need to reapply regularly!!  So far, I am really happy with this product due to its texture and what’s got to offer.  Hmmm… if you have dry skin or combination skin, I think you will like this as much as I do; however, if you have oily skin, then you might feel this is a bit thick for you and it doesn’t help your oil secretion!!  When I found this and had my verdict, I gave one to my mom and she is really happy with it too!!!  Yay~~  Oh if you are a male who likes to look good with better skin, you can use this too, because it does tune your skin without making it obvious!! *Laughs*~~~~)

黑咪Hakme Beauty店
地址 (Address): 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號 (No. 365-367, 3/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
付款方法 (Payment Options): EPS & Cash (唔收$1000紙 – No HKD1000 note)

或郵寄∕太古MTR∕沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com
(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)






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