NAH: Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick

大家記唔記得有一段時間好興粉條? 各大品牌嗰期都紛紛出唔同嘅粉條,我當時都試咗好多亦都同大家分享過呢一條Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick,當時我比幾高分。 事隔幾年,我又買返嚟用。 諗住除得口罩可以化個靚妝,點知我對佢嘅感覺完全唔同晒,一齊睇吓。

Do you remember there was a time when foundation sticks were on trend?  Many brands released their own version, I tried many at that time and shared my thoughts with you on this Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick which I gave a good score at the time.  So it’s been a few years, I repurchased the item thinking it would give me a flawless base look, however, my comments changed 180 degree as follows.

Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick HK$420

粉條以前係比較多用嚟做舞台化妝,因為遮瑕度非常高,亦都非常持久,不過一般人未必鍾意用,因為會太厚身。 但係自從各大品牌都出咗屬於自己嘅粉條之後,佢得以改良,一般都保持到遮瑕度高持久度高,但係妝感變得比較自然,一般日子用都冇問題。

Foundation sticks were really popular for stage makeup a long time ago due to its super high coverage and excellent longevity, however, it wasn’t for regular folks because they did tend to look a bit thick and fake on skin.  Luckily many brands modified them to suit the mass market, they kept the longevity and coverage but made them look more nature and day-to-day on skin, so you and me can enjoy the convenience of a foundation stick.


原本買返呢條Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish粉條,我自己都好開心,因為我記得以前佢遮瑕度高,好多顏色揀,同埋持久度高,妝感好似自己皮膚變靚咗咁。 我唔肯定呢幾年之間係咪佢轉左嘢定還是係我而家皮膚同佢唔夾。 見佢網站話持久防水,我覺得好神奇,因為我喺未係最熱最潮濕嘅天氣用咗佢兩三次,佢溶到阿媽都唔認得,仲要係溶到一達達補唔到妝嗰一種。 我皮膚已經唔屬於多油,只係有時潮濕嘅時候T zone會有少少油,如果我都溶到咁樣,我唔知混合肌同油肌會甩成點。 店長係沙漠肌,佢有買返嚟用,佢都同我講話呢條粉條係佢塊面度都溶到一達達。 Oh well,遮瑕度係唔錯,啱啱搽完嘅妝感有少少奶油肌,但係我接受唔到佢溶得咁誇張,所以我唔特別建議大家試。

At first when I got my hands on this Hourglass Vanish Seamless Finish Foundation Stick (again), I was mega excited.  I remember it offered good coverage with a wide range of colour selection and amazing longevity.  The finish was like your skin but better as well.  I am not sure if the formula had changed over the years or if my skin just decided not to be friends with it.   When I saw it said “a longwearing waterproof formula”, I was puzzled.  I used it a couple months back (so it wasn’t the hottest and the most humid month) for a couple of times, it melted like crazy, it went patchy on skin and I couldn’t even touch up after.  My skin doesn’t secrete much oil, maybe only a bit around the T zone when it’s humid, so if it went patchy on me like this, I wouldn’t like to imagine how it would look for oily and combination skin types.  Shop Manager has super dry skin and she repurchased one as well, even she told me it went patchy on her.  Oh well, the coverage is decent and it gives a slight glowy finish when first applied, however, I just cannot accept the very unbearable longevity, so I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone of you.  

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