Hourglass Opaque Rouge Liquid Lipstick Review

之前同大家影片分享過我敗咗一堆Hourglass既產品,佢既Liquid Lipstick都好出名,用左好幾次,今日想同大家分享一下。

(English:  I have shared my Hourglass haul with you awhile back on YouTube.  One of their hot items is the Liquid Lipstick and I have given it a go quite a few times, so I want to share my thoughts with you today.)

Hourglass Opaque Rouge Liquid Lipstick in Empress 


我揀呢隻顏色係我覺得我平日都比較會用,唔係太淺色又唔係太鮮色,我覺得好易carry。 隻色係靚既,而搽上咀個感覺都好滑好易搽無一達達,亦都非常出色。 可惜既係過咗一個鐘頭就感覺好乾好乾,個咀有乾到好緊既感覺。 不過,正因為咁,所以佢顏色係好持久,雖然會淡左色,但係真係last到好多個鐘頭。 我覺得我唔會日日用,但係如果有某d日子我係要個咀既顏色好持久既話,我會用佢。 可能係我本身個咀都好乾,所以用呢個產品覺得特別乾,如果你同我個咀咁上下乾,我唔會建議你買,因為好多Matte Lipstick都持久但係乾既情度無咁誇張。 如果個咀唔係好乾既話,我覺得都OK既。

(English:  I chose this colour because it’s more of an everyday colour for me, it’s not too pale and it’s not too sharp, I think it’s a easy colour to carry.  The colour is really nice and it feels smooth on the lips without going patchy.  Of course it’s also very pigmented.  The downside is that after around an hour, it feels so drying on the lips.  Also because of this, the colour is super long-lasting, though the colours fade with the hours go by, it still lasts for so many hours.  I don’t think this is my everyday choice, however, I would use this when I need my lip colour to last for a long time on certain occasions.  Maybe my lips are dry to start with and this just makes it even worse.  If you have similar dry lips as mine, I wouldn’t suggest to spend the money on this because there are other matte lipsticks which offer longevity without this intense dryness.  If your lips are not as dry, I think it’s quite an alright product.)

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