[化妝] 有好評有劣評既Hourglass Modernist眼影組

Hourglass最出名既就係佢地既Ambient Lighting Powder,我自己都覺得好好用,因為佢光得黎似打燈,但係效果好自然無咩大粒閃粉。 之後佢有出過胭脂同埋眼影,胭脂我再過一陣再作分享,今日講下佢既眼影先,因為我都用左好好好一段時間。

(English:  The most famous product within the Hourglass family is their Ambient Lighting Powder, I love it too because it gives you that radiant without looking all glittery.  Then they continue with their journey with blush and eyeshadow palette.  For the blush, I will talk about it another time.  Today, I want to focus on its eyeshadow palette because I have been using it for quite awhile.)

Hourglass Modernist Eyeshadow Palette

Color: Obscura 


Buy from: Net-A-Porter


呢個價錢同其他大牌既4/5色眼影差唔多。 佢有7個系列既顏色揀,我自己就揀咗最常用既啡色。 我覺得佢呢個設計都幾特別,不過用用下就發現顏色好易左飛右飛。 我直覺話我知我買個陣應該左一同左二既顏色係matte,但係而家就變咗少少閃閃地,因為用其他色既時候飛粉。 上網睇評價好壞參半啦,我自己就覺得佢粉質係好幼細,好上色同埋好易blend。 顏色選擇唔算好驚喜,不過大牌通常都係講實用性為主(始終唔係人人都係化妝師啦),我覺得佢實用性都高,同埋夠易用,是但搭都唔會差得去邊。 我覺得佢用係眼比Chanel出色,拍得住Tom Ford既上色度。 品質真係唔錯! 我自從買左佢唔想用腦既日子都會用佢,貪佢好快同好簡單可以完成眼妝。 佢其他顏色我就comment唔到,不過如果你問我呢盒買唔買得過,我覺得如果你平日多數都係大地色系眼妝既話,呢盒係好實用既一盒眼影,我亦都會建議你投資~~

(English:  This price tag reminds me of the other big brands’ quads.  There are 7 colours to choose from within the range and I picked Obscura because I know I would wear these.  I find the design quite innovative at first but then after using it for awhile, I discovered that the colours tend to mix a bit due to the flyover.  My instinct told me that when I first got this, the 1st left and 2nd left colours were matte, however, I could see a bit of the shimmer now due to the other colours close to them.  When I checked this out online, I could see both positive and negative comments.  For me, the powder is finely milled, very pigmented and easy to blend.  For the colour selection, it’s definitely not the most exciting range because big brands tend to do colours on the safe side (well, not everyone is a makeup artist!).  I love how practical the colours are and they are really simple to use because every colour in the palette just goes with each other.  This is definitely more pigmented than Chanel on eyes  and I somewhat feel the quality is comparable to Tom Ford.  I would say it has really good quality.  Since I got it, I tend to use this whenever I don’t feel like matching colours on my own.  With this, I could finish my eye makeup quite quickly without hassle and brain power.  I can’t comment on other colours in the range, but if you specifically ask me if this is worth the money, I would say “yes” provided you love earth tone colours.  

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