Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush: Diffused Heat

上網買呢個胭脂都有好一段時間,如果你有上網留意其他外國既YouTuber既話,你地都應該知道佢地前個期成日都講呢個胭脂。 講真我本身唔係好燒,但係有次買開野就買埋,個個都講到咁鬼好用,咁又真係要試下! 玩咗好幾次,今日同大家分享下用後感丫!

(English:  I got this blush online awhile back.  If you have been watching other YouTubers, I am sure you have heard so many of them talking about this not too long ago.  Honestly, I wasn’t really dying to have this, I put it in my basket when I was shopping for other things.  I guess my thought was “if almost everyone likes this, I really have to give this a go!”  I have been playing with it for a good few times and now comes my comments.)

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush

Conor: Diffused Heat

我當時係Net-A-Porter買,HK$420,但係前兩日有babe同我講Hourglass係Times Square有賣,等我去8完再係Facebook同大家update!

(English:  I got mine from Net-A-Porter and it was HK$420.  However, a couple days ago, one babe told me that Hourglass is available in Times Square, so I guess I will go check it out myself and then update you all on Facebook!


我上網有聽過有人話呢款胭脂係人手做,所以粒粒會有少少唔同。但係我上網見Diffused Heat張相紅既部份係好多,白色既部份係好少,但係當我收到之後,我個粒白色既部份好多,係太多添喇! 所以我畫出黎既顏色係近似highlight色唔係胭脂色。 我覺得除非你係非常十分白淨,否則係唔會做到胭脂色。 講真我都幾失望,因為雖然粒粒會有偏差(人手做我好明白),但係個偏差唔應該係胭脂同highlight既偏差,應該只係深淺既偏差。 粉質係good既,都幼同埋滑。 但係個色距離胭脂個顏色真係好遠。 如果香港有counter,應該可以再試真d,同埋記得check粒貨係咪同你試個粒tester差唔多,唔係返到屋企有surprise就唔好。 我覺得呢款你唔好上網買,因為控制唔到你會收到同張相一樣既顏色。 如果要買,真係要去counter玩清楚先買。 我覺得品質係唔差既,但係要make sure個顏色。 講真,我係因為個色而對呢粒野幾失望。 

(English:  I have heard someone said online that this series of blush is handmade, therefore everyone would be a bit different.  Well, when I saw the picture of Diffused Heat online, the red bits are way more than the white bits, however, when I received the real deal, the white bits are way more than the red bits.  Therefore when I used this on my skin, it was more like a highlight than a blush.  Unless you have super fair skin, this wouldn’t work as a blush.  Honestly, I am gutted, I do understand that there are variations when it comes to handmade items, but the variation should only be the depth of colours, but not turning a blush into a highlight.  The powder is finely milled and smooth, but mine cannot be regarded as a blush colour.  If there is a counter in Hong Kong, then we could give it some more testing before bringing it home, but mind you, I suggest to check the one that you plan to take home against the tester to see if there is a huge difference, otherwise you might ended up not pleasantly surprised at home.  Also, I wouldn’t suggest anyone to buy this online because you can’t really control what you get.  If there is a counter nearby, make sure you go to the counter to check it out.  Quality-wise, it’s not a bad item, but it’s the colour.  To be honest, I am so disappointed with the colour variation.)

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