火鍋 ♥ Hot Pot

香港人愛打邊爐, 咁我當然都唔例外啦.  前幾日我同Mr. Honey去左寧記打邊爐, 方便ma, 係銅鑼灣, 食飽又可以行街街幫助消化下.

(English:  Hong Kong people love hot pot, of course me too!  A few days ago, Mr. Honey and I went to Lin Kee Hot Pot.  The location is quite convenient, it’s in Causeway Bay.  I could do some shopping after eating – fabulous!! Haha!!)

我地叫左台灣麻辣 + Satay湯底 (本來我諗住叫四川麻辣,但係我係鍾意辣, 唔鍾意麻, 所以我叫左台灣個隻).

(English:  We ordered Taiwanese Spicy and Satay soup base (I wanted to order Sichuan Spicy, however, I am not fond of the numb tongue feeling, so I asked for Taiwanese one instead).)

你地睇下我加幾多辣椒就知我真係一個辣人啦~~ 哈哈~~

(English:  Now you can tell how much I love spiciness?!  *laughs*)

個日既價錢係$154/ 人頭, 任食.  當然啦, 飲品同埋海鮮就另計喇.  我地唔係叫左好多野, 但係就打得好開心. 

(English:  It was like a buffet style that day, HK$154 per head.  Drinks and seafood are not included.  We hadn’t ordered much but we had a fun time eating *grins*.)

唔係食左好多野, 不過就真係好飽好滿足.  我so far覺得寧記d伙計好有禮貌, 同埋服務真係幾好.  d野食都夠新鮮, 反而係個fish麻麻地, 其他就好好.  我會再幫襯, 不過下次一定會搵埋d friends去, 多人食可以食多d野ma!!  哈哈.  你近排又有無食火鍋?  邊度會係你幾推介呢?

(English:  We didn’t eat too much, but it was truly fulfilling.  I think the staff at Lin Kee were very professional and polite.  The food were fresh (the fish was a bit disappointing tho).  I definitely would go back and enjoy the hot pot again.  Next time, I will get friends to go as well, more people = more variety of food!!  So, have you been to anywhere for hot pot lately?  Where would you recommend?)

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