[Home Deco] 我愛蠟燭 ♥ 城市中的一點浪漫清幽

有無人同我一樣都係好愛蠟燭? 尤其係香薰蠟燭? 其實我覺得蠟燭可以當係屋企既裝飾, 點著既時候又好浪漫好靚,有埋香氣既話又有屋企香薰作用, 一物多用! 可惜我覺得市面上有好多蠟燭都好香好靚, 但係氣味都係比較大路, 同埋價錢好貴,所以我一直都係度揾有無另類好選擇! 多謝我朋友話我知中環有間蠟燭店價錢親民得黎又多選擇, 我一聽完即刻要去望下了解下!嘻嘻!

(English:  Anyone else is a fan of candles, especially those scented ones as well?  Actually, candles can be treated as home decoration; they look very romantic when they are lit; and if they are scented, even better (to stimulate your senses)!!  There are just so many different uses!!  Sadly, the ones that I find here, even though they look pretty and smell nice, the scents are usually very ordinary and they are quite pricey, so my search of decent and reasonably priced candles have gone on for quite awhile!  Thanks to my friend!!  She told me that there was a store in Central whose candles were price tag friendly and with many choices.  After I heard the news, I had to go check it out myself!! *Grins*)

The Candle Company

店舖係中環既一條街入面, 行到門口已經聞到淡淡清香!

(English:  The store is situated in a side street in Central.  When I arrived at the door, I could smell the aroma!)

店內真係有好多唔同香味既蠟燭! 佢地既香味同其他既唔同。 當然好大路既Lavender, Rose佢地都有, 但係佢地亦都有我最愛既Lemongrass, 我聞咗好多隻款, 得出既結論係, 佢地既氣味係高級氣味, 好清好舒服! 我諗呢個同佢地既精油係英國引入有關!! 好開心!! 好想每個味都帶翻屋企丫(一陣講我敗咗咩!! 不過我仲係禁敗當中, 所以無買哂人地舖頭有既野, 買少少啦!!)!!

(English:  There are so many different scented candles to choose from inside the store!  Their scents are a bit different than the ones available in the market.  Of course, they do have those very popular scents (in Hong Kong anyway) like Lavender and Rose.  However, they do have my beloved Lemongrass.  I couldn’t stop “testing” out each scent and my conclusion was that the scent was with high quality (not artificial and disgusting)!  I believe it has something to do with the fact that they import their essential oils from the UK!  Ahhhh….what a lovely heaven!!  I wish to bring each and every one home (I will tell you what I’ve got!!  Since I am still on my spending ban, I haven’t gone out of my mind to haul.  I got a couple things only!!)

最愛係佢有勁大個蠟燭呀! 你睇,呢個係有七條芯俾你點丫!! 係咪好壯觀先!! 好愛紅色個條呀!!!

(English:  I am really fond of these gigantic candles.  You see, there are 7 places in 1 candle you could light up!  It should look breath-taking!!  I really love the red one!!)

哈! 我覺得d白色既蠟燭放係呢d透明container入面都好靚! 話佢可以佈置家居真係無錯啦!

(English:  *Smiles*  How do these look?  White candles in a glass jar!!  My opinion?  They do the eyes good even when they are just sitting there!)

另外, 佢都有一d特別設計既蠟燭款: 

(English:  Apart from the traditional looking candles, they have other fun designs as well:)


(English:  These can float on water!  Yay – very colorful!!)

呢d就係中文字蠟燭! 呢個我推介俾遊客丫, 做手信好特別!! 個盒有教個中文字係咩解!! 香港無咩地道野做手信, 我覺得呢個送俾朋友真係唔錯!!

(English:  These are made in the form of Chinese character.  I actually would recommend these to tourist as souvenirs to their friends!  There is explanation on the box regarding the meanings on the words!  I don’t think it’s easy to get something very local in HK as souvenirs, so these would be perfect!)


(English:  They haven’t forgot the brides-to-be!!)

呵呵! 如果你有朋友係麻雀迷, 你要送禮可以諗下呢個喎!! 哈哈!!

(English:  *Grins*  For those Mahjong lovers, I am sure they would love these?  *Winks*)

呢個佛像我覺得做得好仔細丫! 唔細心睇我唔知係蠟燭丫!

(English:  This Buddha is really well-made!!  I wouldn’t know it’s just a candle if I hadn’t look closer!!)


除咗蠟燭, 佢仲有好多同蠟燭有關既周邊商品: 

(English:  Other than candles, there are other candle-related products as well:)

五顏六色既燭台呀!!! 好好好靚!!! 仲要唔洗一百蚊!!! 我係咪好介紹先?  我有好多隻色都好愛呀!!

(English:  Eye-catching candle holders!!  Super pretty!!  And guess what? They are all less than HK$100!!  Good recommendation eh?  I am actually in love with quite a few colors!!)


上面呢個好得意㗎!! 入面點咗蠟燭既話, 你係出面望落去會見到d圖案好似會郁咁!! 好過癮!! 我對個粉紅色既好有興趣!! 哈哈!!! 

(English:  The ones in the above pics are fun!!  When a tealight is lit inside, the patterns look as if they are moving!! Brilliant idea!!  I like the pink one!!)

呢兩個都好型!! 我超愛紅色個個!! 個紅好靚!! 令我諗起聖誕!!

(English:  These two are on the cool side of things!!  I am super in love with the red one!!  The red reminds me of X’mas – happy days!)


上面呢個好靚! 係用貝殼做架, 人手上色!! 你地估下幾多錢?? 唔話你聽住, 睇落去你就知喇~~ 

(English:  Lotus candle holder!!  They are made of shells and the color is painted by hands!!  Guess how much they are?  I will keep a secret for now and read on to find out the price~~)

如果你好著重環保, 佢亦都有環保大豆蠟燭:

(English:  If you are an environmentalist, they do offer Kerasoy candles:)


佢自家既大豆蠟燭就無色無味既! 大豆蠟燭之所以環保係因為佢係由純天然既原料製成, 燃燒時唔會對人體有任何影響, 亦都唔會影響環境。 我做過research, 大豆蠟係由大豆油經氫化而成,不含有毒物質, 可透過生物分解,係可持續再生既物料!

(English:  The Kerasoy candles from The Candle Company doesn’t contain any color/ scent!  Kerasoy candles are environmental friendly because they are made from pure natural materials.  When it’s lit, it does no harm to both human and mother nature.  I have done my research, it’s eco-friendly because it’s bio-degradable and renewable!!)

除咗蠟燭, 佢仲有家居香薰! 我超愛呢d, 不過之前買嗰d又貴又唔夠香!

(English:  Not a fan of candles, they have these scented home decoration stuff!  I am really into these.  I got some from a few brands before but I found them not scented enough and their prices were on the high side!)


佢有好多隻味呀! 我今次無買, 我想試咗d蠟燭先。 我見呢類產品都係HK$260/ set! 唔貴呀~~  以後買禮物又多一個好地方!

(English:  These are various scents to choose from!  I haven’t got them this time but I recall the price is around HK$260/ set.  Not expensive!!  I surely will come back and pack a few gifts for my friends before the holiday season!!)


大家估唔估到呢個咁泰式既花花係咩黎呢? 唔。。。就係如果你覺得上面個隻家居香薰既幾枝sticks好唔安全(我試過因為個幾枝sticks打爛成枝野), 可以用呢個花花代替d sticks, 倒d油落去就得喇, 放係公司都好!! 又係唔洗一百蚊, 係咪好抵?

(English:  Can you guess what it is?  It looks very Thai-style!!  Hmmmmm…. OK, let me tell you!  If you don’t like using sticks (like the picture above) and don’t feel safe using them (I did break one jar because I was careless with the sticks).  You can use this flower to achieve the same results.  Pour the oil onto the flowers and there you go!!  Perfect to put it on the desk at work!!  Again, it’s less than HK$100 – tempted?)

好喇, 講咗咁多! 到我講下我敗咗咩!! 哈哈!! 因為禁敗(雖然買呢d無破戒, 但係我好乖麻), 所以我無瘋狂地敗(雖然好想)!

(English:  Right!!  I have been “talking” for so long, let me show you what I have got now!! *Laughs*  Due to my spending ban (even though these items are not bounded by my rules, I am a good girl – at least I try), I haven’t gone on full force hauling!!)

Gift Set




Gift Set包括紫色燭台1個, 3×3寸薰衣草香薰蠟燭1個,罐裝薰衣草香薰蠟燭1個,蓮花燭台1個,玻璃燭台1個及薰衣草茶燭2粒。

(English: This gift set includes a glass tealight holder in metallic purple and gold laser finish, a lotus tealight holder, a lavender fragranced tin candle, 3×3 pillar candle, a glass candle holder and 2 tealights.) 

French Lavender Pillar Candle 3×3 inch + Glass Candle Holder

單買價錢(Bought Alone Price):HK$60 (Candle) + HK$25 (Holder)

3×3吋法國薰衣草香薰蠟燭, 燃燒時間約為30小時。

(English: French lavender scented candle. Burns for approximately 30 hours.)

French Lavender Tin Candle


單買價錢(Bought Alone Price):HK$60

罐裝法國薰衣草香薰蠟燭, 燃燒時間約為20小時。

(English: This French Lavender scented tin candle. Burns for approximately 20 hours.)

Tealight Holder

單買價錢(Bought Alone Price):HK$69


紫色好靚丫! 入面有一粒薰衣草茶燭。 

(English:  The purple is absolutely stunning!!  There is 1 Lavender-scented tealight inside.)

Rose Lotus Flower (Purple/Turquoise Blue)


單買價錢(Bought Alone Price):HK$65

呢個超級靚呀!! 我用佢黎當擺設!!

(English:  It looks amazing!!  I am gonna treat this as one of my home decorations!!)

 Natural Soy Wax Jar Candle


另外我買咗呢個環保大豆蠟燭! 我今次買既全部都係lavender味既蠟燭, 我唔想買另一隻味住(免得幾隻味混合變咗唔知咩味), 但係我又鍾意點(浪漫麻), 所以買個無味既!!

(English:  Also, I got this Kerasoy candle!  Since all the candles I got this time was Lavender, I didn’t get another scented candle (don’t want to mix the scents at home).  But I love the sights of lit candles (so romantic), so I got this one which is non-scented!)

April係Earth Month,呢隻蠟燭有個promotion做緊:

係April裡面買呢隻大豆蠟燭, 點完之後用soap water洗翻個jar, 拎翻去佢鋪頭(MAY 15th 前), 佢會refill個一個俾你(其實係俾個新既你啦, 因為refill要等好耐麻)。 即係話我用HK$90其實係買兩個大豆蠟燭, 係咪抵到飛起?

仲有, 因為April係Earth Month, 佢地唔會供應任何袋(紙袋環保袋都唔會), 你地去買野記得要自己帶環保袋。 但係如果你想做善事呢, 你可以唔帶袋去買野, 你買完野之後放抵HK$5, 佢地會俾個袋你, 個HK$5就會捐去WWF喇。

(English:  April is Earth Month and there is a promotion for this candle:

Buy Kerasoy candle in April and after you use it up, clean the jar with soap water.  Then take it back to the store before May 15th, 2013.  They will give you a refill (actually it means they will give you a new one as you might have to wait for a really long time for the refilling process).  That means I use HK$90 to get 2 Kerasoy candle!!  Great bargain eh?

Also, since April is Earth Month, they won’t supply you with any bag (be it paper bag/ environmental-friendly bag), so when you go there to shop in April, remember to bring your own shopping bag.  But, if you want to do something meaningful and good, please don’t bring yours.  After you haul, you ask for a bag and give them HK$5.  The HK$5 will be donated to WWF!)

哈! 有張card仔睇你幾時去換另一個!! 好貼心!! 你有興趣都快d去睇下啦!!

(English:  There is a card reminding me to go back before May 15th!  Very thoughtful!!  If you are interested, go check it out yourself!!)

超開心揾到呢間蠟燭店。 以後我要買蠟燭就有著落喇~~

(English:  Super happy with my candle hunting experience, from now on, I don’t have to worry about where I could get my candles~~)

Store Information:

The Candle Company, 11 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong
Website: http://www.candles.hk/

Store Photos Taken By MJPhotographyHK


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