Holiday Random-ness ♥ Waxing + Chanel Gel Nail + More Mumble

我係馬拉返黎放左連續4日假期 (好爽!), 我無咩plan我呢個假期做d咩, 所以全部野都好random. 

(English:  I was on 4 days of holiday when I got back from Malaysia (how wonderful!).  I didn’t really plan for the holiday, so everything seemed quite random.)

我除左食卑鄙月餅之外仲有咩搞作呢? 亞Mr. Honey話好想食cheese, 我地有日走左去City Super買cheese, 左揀右揀, 佢話要買Brie, 咁之後佢就自製左呢碟Strawberry + Brie喇:

(English:  Apart from the Iced Moon Cakes, Mr. Honey was dying to have some cheese, so we went to City Super to get some.  After some consideration, he picked Brie and made a dish with strawberry in it:)

話時話味道都唔錯!! 咁你地都知我坐唔定, 我係坐坐下望下自己日久失修條眉, 突然間就覺得點解我會忍得到ga!  返工唔洗返到連條眉都話唔得閒去修ha wah!!  之後我打電話比Benefit諗住同佢地約個時間放假個兩日去wax眉啦, 佢地又話full sa (唔通個個都好似我咁?? 哈哈…).  Full sa, 但係我又唔想等wor (亞小姐…咁遲打去約都預左full sa啦…其實我都知…睇下有無奇蹟ma!!).  於是我就自己黎wax眉 (我癲起上黎都真係….).  我自己鍾意wax多d, 因為我太多小毛毛, 所以wax對我黎講係乾淨好多. 

(English:  Quite nice!  You know that I cannot sit still for too long, I was looking at my eyebrows in the bathroom and thought, “how could I stand this?”  Yes I am working, but it doesn’t mean that I have to have bushy eyebrows!  Then I called Benefit and they said the bookings were full these two days (haha bet everyone was like me hahaha!!).  Hmmm… I didn’t want to wait.  How about I did it on my own (quite creative when I got into a crazy mode).  I love waxing eyebrows personally as I have too many tiny hairs and waxing them is cleaner.)


(English:  Before the DIY:)

我先拔走比較長個d眉毛.  然後我就搵野黎wax佢, 咁我屋企無啦啦唔會有hot wax啦, 我就用呢個 (佢去得唇毛, 無理由唔去得眉毛, 個道理一樣jer):

(English:  First, I plucked away those longer eyebrows.  Then I had to wax them but I didn’t have hot wax at home…then I found this….(it should work since it works on the upper lip hair!!):

我將佢剪得細細份就開始我既DIY工程喇…雖然無人家wax得咁快又咁靚, 不過就起碼乾淨左, 可以頂多陣先再去book wax眉 haha!  估唔到咁比我整整, 我暫時慳左HK$200!! 

(English:  I started cutting the wax strips into smaller portions and started waxing.  Well, I have to admit that my work wasn’t as professional as those people behind the counters, but at least they look tidier right now and I could hang on for a couple more weeks before I get the booking.  Nice!  I save HK$200 at the moment just by doing this on my own.)

之後唔知係咪有日無出到街, 成日係屋企上網諗敗家…諗諗下又覺得自己好耐無修過甲 (我真係多奇想).  於是又上網search下修甲野…點知一search又出事, 我見素顏天使寫左個blog post關於Chanel Gel Nail.  我一見到就愛上左, 雖然唔係係Chanel度整, 只係整完gel甲之後加個Chanel Logo上去, 但係我一睇就好鍾意喇.  我記得我以前整Gel Nail有不愉快經驗, 但係為左Chanel, 我可以比多次機會Gel Nail, 哈哈哈…呢個就係我整既款式喇:

(English:  Then I mostly stayed in to browse online and such like.  Suddenly, I recalled that I didn’t have my manicure for a long while (sighs…how come I have so many “sudden ideas”?).  Then I searched for some manicure related things online.  Well well well, I saw a post from Su Yan Tian Shi regarding Chanel Gel Nail.  OMG absolutely gorgeous!!  It’s not by Chanel, it’s just having the regular gel nail and have Chanel logos on – but I love the idea!!  Hmmmm… I tried gel nail before but I didn’t have a very good experience, but I am willing to give it a second chance just because it’s related to Chanel!!)

Tiara Nail @ Causeway Bay
價錢 (Price):  All First Trial Prices
修甲 (Manicure): HK$129
Hard Gel Nail: HK$328

Chanel Logo: HK$30@

清清地又有少少特別.  超級滿意呀!!!  今次整呢到地方又好坐, 同埋手功都好好呀!!  同我之前個次既經驗真係差得遠喇.  應該會再有下次呀!! 哈哈….本來我想整埋toe nails, 但係我諗都就黎秋天, 等下個夏天會露toes先整 (唔好waste quota ma!!).

(English:  Simple and chic!  Super happy with them!!  The environment at Tiara is very comfortable and the work is really well done!!  I don’t even have to compare it with the previous sloppy work to enjoy this experience!  I should go back next time!!!  Hahaha, I did want to fix my toe nails as well, however, it’s approaching Autumn, I will wait till next Summer to show off my toe nails then!)

整完指甲超開心, 餘下既節目就係去Guerlain + Chanel拎野喇 (無錯, 今次唔係買野).

(English:  I felt absolutely wonderful after fixing my nails.  The next thing would be visiting Guerlain and Chanel to pick up some stuff (not haul!!).)

Guerlain就係我like左佢Facebook, 佢入面有個位register d information就有sample拎.  咩都唔洗玩之餘, 仲要個sample係我超想試既Abeille Royale Youth Serum –> click here

(English:  You could “like” Guerlain Facebook and register your information, then you will get a sample of Abeille Royale Youth Serum – very simple!!  This is one of the items that I am dying to try!!  Brilliant –> click here)

我去拎個陣發現…除左Abeille Royale Youth Serum (2ml x 2)之外, 仲有Up-lifting Eye Care (1.5ml x 2) wor!!  開心到爆呀!!!  咁我就可以試下正唔正先睇下今年Thankful Week敗唔敗佢地喇.

(English:  Ohhhhh apart from Abeille Royale Youth Serum (2ml x 2), they gave me Up-lifting Eye Care (1.5ml x 2) as well!!!  Wonderful!!!  Now I could try them before my decision on hauling them during Thankful Week or not!!!)

另外就係Chanel喇, 佢寄左張野黎, 叫我拎:

(English:  Also I received a mail from Chanel asking me to take this:)

Ultra Correction Lift Intensive Lifting Concentrate 5ml


(English:  After that, I went to pick up a ring that was pre-ordered:)

呢隻真係唔係個個人既favorite, 但係我就好like啦, I ♥ Skulls!!  仲要呢隻係3隻手指一齊帶…型仔呀!!

(English:  I know it doesn’t suit everyone’s taste but I ♥ Skulls!!!  This one is for 3 fingers!!  Very cool!!)

最後我行行下見到對短boots, 覺得平得黎幾有型下就買左喇:

(English:  Last, I saw this….)

HK$229 jar!!抵得黎個款我又幾鍾意, 唔買對唔住自己~~呵呵.

(English:  They are only HK$229.  How could I not get them??)

呢個假期仲俾我發現一樣野, 就係Mr. Honey係我係馬拉個陣打爛左我既 Chanel Body Cream:

(English:  I also discovered something during this holiday.  Mr. Honey broke my Chanel Body Cream when I was in Malaysia.)

我見到之後同佢講, “你知唔知我好崇拜Chanel ga??  而家你打爛左個Chanel Body Cream, 咁即係對Coco Chanel不敬啦!!!” 哈哈…即係話我無得用完佢之後拎黎裝其他野lu, 要同佢(我係話Chanel個jar!!)分手!!  嗚嗚~~

(English:  Then I said to him, “do you know that I worship Chanel?  Now you broke the Chanel Body Cream, that means you do not respect Coco Chanel!!!” Hahahaha…well that means I cannot use this as a container…*cries*)

唔知你地個中秋假期又點呢?  有無去旅行, 定係去左敗家? 

(English:  How about your Mid-Autumn holidays??  Trips??  Shopping??)

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