如果你睇左我個blog好耐, 或者你都記得我兩年前敗左部Handybio (回顧按此), 點解我又敗多部HadaCrie呢? 一:女人都係貪新鮮。 二:Handybio要用佢自己d精華素, 我覺得有d麻煩。 三:我得一部野無得比較, 所以敗多部做下比較。
(English: If you have been following my blog for a longer while, you must recall that I bought Handybio machine a couple years ago (refresh memory), then you may wonder why I would get another device with basically the same functions? Firstly, women are always into new things; secondly, I find it quite clumsy to have to use Handybio’s own essence with the device; thirdly, I want some comparison!)
其實呢部HadaCrie都出左好耐喇! 我記得我買左Handybio無幾耐就有人講呢部野, 但係我一路都唔想係Yahoo買, 因為係電器野, 如果買到A貨就真係唔係咁好喇。 呢期見佢有廣告出, 同埋百老匯有得賣, 所以Boxing Day即刻碌去敗。
(English: HadaCrie from Hitachi was released quite awhile back. I remember when I first got my Handybio, people were talking about HadaCrie. Since HadaCrie wasn’t sold in stores in Hong Kong at that time, I didn’t want to buy it from yahoo seller since I am always skeptical of the authenticity of the items. A couple days ago, I saw an advertisement mentioning that it’s sold in Hong Kong retail outlets and it’s available in Broadway, I rushed to get it on Boxing Day.)
Hitachi HadaCrie CM-N8100
價錢(Price): HK$1,880
佢另外有兩部喺平d, 一部係可以差電嘅(無記錯係HK$1,280), 另一部就咁用電芯(HK$980), 但係呢兩部都係得cleansing function, 我唔想用用下又身痕想有多d function, 所以我就買左比較全面嘅一部喇(當然價錢都會貴d啦)。
(English: There were two others with more friendly price tags to choose from: one can be charged up (HK$1,280) and the other one can be used with batteries (HK$980). However, these two only offer cleansing function. Since I wanted something with a more complete set of functions, I picked the N8100 (hmmmm…of course the price is more expensive as well).)
(English: It offers 4 functions: Cleansing, Micro-pat, Moisture and Refresh.)
最好嘅係可以用翻自己本身用開嘅護膚品, 唔洗特登買。 我敗完之後即係試左佢嘅cleansing function! 掂呀! 等我再用多幾用就會做個review, 同埋同Handybio比較下。 如果你哋諗緊呢兩部買邊部好, 就等等我嘅比較啦。 我答應今次唔洗等好耐, 我一月一定會寫俾大家睇!
(English: I love this since you can use your own skincare products with the device – more convenient. I immediately tried the cleansing function when I got home and it was wonderful! Let me use it a few more times and then I will do a review (maybe compare it with Handybio as well). If you are struggling between which one to chooe, maybe you would want to wait for my review first? I promise that it won’t take forever – I will write about it in Jan 2012!)
笑料: Mr. Honey見我玩得咁開心, 佢話佢又要玩。 當佢見到張cotton pad係灰灰地色個陣, 佢話好神奇(我嗰張就more係啡色, 我諗係我d殘餘化妝品啦)! 哈哈, 我覺得佢對我d護膚野都好有興趣wor!
(English: Side Story: Mr. Honey saw that I was having so much fun, and he asked if he could try too. His finished cotton pad was grayish (mine was more brownish, I suspected that it was the remaining makeup on my face) and he was fascinated with the effect! *Laughs* I have a feeling that he is very interested in the skincare stuff that I have *winks*!!)