Hermes Oran Slippers in Gold

唔知大家有無睇我之前既Bali Vlog,Day 5個日我講過呢對Hermes Oran Slippers (Gold)。 今日想同大家分享下我對呢對拖鞋既感覺。 我唔係咩fashion強人成日拎d衫左襯右襯,我只係對fashion有興趣,久唔時會買下luxurious產品,我係用家,買咗我都真係希望著得到或者靚得黎實用,唔係襯完就算。 所以我好希望係我既YouTube Channel同埋我個blog入面可以俾到大家一d真實既luxurious product review,咁大家買之前可以多d參考!

(English:  Not sure if you have watched my previous Bali Vlog, I did talked about these Hermes Oran Slippers in Gold in Day 5.  I really want to share my thoughts with you on this pair of particular slippers.  I am not a fashion guru who mix and match my outfit every single day, I am just a regular person who is interested in fashion and who occasionally buys luxurious items.  I am a customer and when I buy something, of course I want to be able to get my uses out of it.  So I really hope that I could give you a realistic perspective on some luxurious products in either my YouTube channel or my blog so that you could have more references before you decide to make that purchase!)

Hermes Oran Slippers in Gold

Hermes Oran Slippers

我係Hermes店睇既時候一係無我要呢個顏色一係無我既size,所以我最終麻煩代購幫我係法國買 (代購link)。我當時買既價錢係HK$3,700,代購話係香港店既大概7折。 平咗當然開心,但係最緊要既係我買到我想要既顏色同埋號碼。 我平日著鞋多數係39號,呢對我要買大半碼,如果唔係後跟會有少少突左出黎!

(English:  When I was checking out the Hermes stores, either they didn’t have the colour that I wanted or they didn’t have my size.  In the end, I bothered my usual group haul person and she got it for me in France (link).  When I bought this, it was HK$3,700.  The lady mentioned that it was around 30% off HK pricing.  Of course I was happy because it was cheaper, however the most important thing is that I got the colour I wanted and I got them in my size.  I usually wear a 39 but this pair I need to size up half a size, otherwise the heel sort of fall off the slippers.)

Hermes Oran Slippers


我初初以為拖鞋著上腳會好舒服啦,點知行左一陣覺得好刮,係H個位刮到我兩腳都留哂血同甩皮。 你地睇Bali Day 5 Vlog就見到實況。 我可以明白高跟鞋唔舒服但係我真係完全無諗過拖鞋都可以刮到我抓狂! 可能係我對腳唔好,不過講真我無諗過俾呢個價錢會有呢個受損程度。 佢真係好好襯亦都好有causal感,不過我建議如果你買,先著幾次短時間著鬆左先,先再著佢行一個鐘non-stop。好似我咁諗住佢舒服就著佢行半個鐘non-stop就真係太冒險喇!

(English:  At first I thought slippers should be very comfortable on the feet, little did I know that my feet were scratched.  The H part scratched my feet to the point that they were bleeding and the skin came off.  You can see my feet situation in Bali Day 5 Vlog.  I could totally understand high heels are not meant for comfort, but for slippers?!  Maybe my feet are just too crazy, but honestly I didn’t expect to spend so much money to get hurt.  I admit that they are very easy to carry, they go with everything that I own and I love how causal they look.  So here is my recommendation:  if you are going to buy them, make sure you wear them a few times and walk the least amount, after they are “loosened up”, then consider walking one hour with them non-stop.  Don’t make the same mistake that I did – thinking that they LOOK comfortable and walk in them for 30 mins non-stop!)

Hermes Oran Slippers

仲有,雖然我覺得呢個tan colour好靚(佢地叫gold),但係離奇地容易沾上污點! 仲要我記得我無跌過d咩落對鞋度,所以呢點污點我都覺得好神奇。 如果買,買深色既安全d,因為唔洗下下擔心!To sum up, 我覺得佢係易襯,靚唔靚就見人見智,但係我對佢刮腳既程度同埋易打理既程度失望。

(English:  Plus, though I think this tan colour look amazing (the official colour is called gold), it’s surprisingly easy to “collect” dirt mark, and the strangest thing is that I don’t recall dropping anything on them.  I have to say I am quite “bewildered” by the dirt mark.  So if you are going to buy, buy a pair in deeper colour just to be safe and you wouldn’t have to worry about them all the time!  To sum up, I think it’s a very easy piece to style, it’s not to everyone’s taste, however, I am disappointed by the scratching and the fact that these are difficult to keep clean.)

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