Hermes Bracelet Collection

以前我後生既時候,我根本就係一個飾物控,係又買唔係又買。 但係年紀大咗就已經好少買。 原因係我開始覺得買一d比較classic既先會值會票價,先唔會過時。 過往既日子搜集咗幾件飾物,其中最滿意亦都帶得最多就係我既Hermes Bracelet。 因為價錢唔親民,所以每件我都認真考慮過會唔會帶先買。 不如今日同大家分享下丫。

(English:  When I was young, I was an absolutely accessory freak, I got so many to the point that I thought it was ridiculous.  Now I am older, thoughts are different and I certainly buy less accessories. I guess the reason is that I am now more interested in things that are classic because they never go out of time.  I have been collecting a few accessories here and there and out of the whole collection, I have to say I am most happy with my Hermes Bracelet collection.  Since they are luxurious, so I did take a long time to analyse if I was going to wear them before making that killer purchase.  I thought it would be interesting to share my collection and thoughts with you today.)

Hermes Bracelet Collecton

Hermes Collier de Chien

 Iconic Leather Bracelet

大家都知道Hermes係好麻煩,唔係你睇中一個款行入去佢地舖位就有得買,要睇下佢地有無貨,SA心情各樣各樣。 所以我考慮左幾個月,諗翻我最最最常帶既飾物種類係皮手帶,亦都上網睇過好多真身圖,決定我一定會好愛佢之後叫代購幫我揾(代購資料)。 我買既係S size,因為我手唔係粗,所以S已經好夠。  佢有好多唔同顏色揀,亦都可以配金或者銀扣。 我就當然係揀左classic黑金啦,因為呢個組合我一定唔會厭。 不過頭先啱啱上網睇到佢出左玫瑰金添,大家又多一個選擇喇。 我當時既代購價係6千頭,不過我唔肯定而家咩價。 有興趣自己可以問佢地丫。 唔放心代購,亦都可以行多d Hermes舖去碰下運氣!

(English:  Everyone knows Hermes is famous for its exclusivity, it means that even if you are in love with their items, it doesn’t mean that when you walk into their shops, the items that you want will be available.  It really depends if they have the stock at that point in time or the mood of the sales people etc.  Well, I had been considering this for months and I confirmed with myself that the most worn piece of accessory for me was actually leather bracelet, then I spent quite a bit of time looking at photos whereby people wearing them.  After a lengthy process, I convinced myself that I would really love this, therefore I asked a group haul company to find this for me (info).  I got the one in S size because my wrist is not big, so S is just perfect for me.  This also comes in different colours and you can choose gold or silver hardware.  For me, of course I went for the most classic combination which was Black and Gold and I know I won’t get tired of it.  Well the good news is that when I was browsing just now, they now come in Rose Gold hardware as well, so one more choice for you!  I got this at around HK$6xxx, but I am not sure how much it is now.  So if you are interested, you can ask the company yourself.  If you don’t feel safe to go for group haul companies, you can also choose to pass by Hermes store often to see if you would be the lucky one!)

Hermes Clic Clac H

Wide Bracelet In Enamel

呢個係我第一隻Hermes Bracelet,亦都算係佢地最classic既一個款。  佢地亦都係有好多顏色選擇,亦都有唔同粗幼可以揀。 我呢隻係PM size,1吋闊款。 我覺得帶落去大細啱啱好,如果你好girly,我覺得0.5吋闊係一個好既選擇,但係如果你係比較型既路線,我覺得一吋好d,佢另外再有1.5 / 2吋咁,我覺得都太大喇,亞洲人未必carry得好睇。 呢個款真係好好好多顏色可以揀,而扣又係可以揀銀,金或者玫瑰金。 呢隻我係叫我朋友去歐洲個陣幫我買,幾多錢我都唔記得左。

(English:  This is my first Hermes Bracelet and it should be one of their most classic ones.  There are many colours to choose from and there are different widths as well.  Mine is PM size and 1″ wide.  I think this is just right for my wrist size.  If you are more girly, I think 0.5″ wide would be a good choice for you, and if you are more on the edgy side, I think 1″ wide is better.  They do come in 1.5″ or 2″ wide, but I think all of them are somewhat too big and they are quite hard to carry for Asians.  Again, it comes in so many different colours and I am sure you will find one that you like!  The hardware also comes in silver, gold or rose gold for you to choose.  I asked my friend to get me this when she went to Europe awhile ago and I can’t recall the price now.)

Hermes Rivale Double Tour

Leather Bracelet

最新入手既,亦都再唔係黑金組盒。 呢款係幼帶同埋打兩個圈,我覺得比較有質感同埋有d野睇,佢都有一個圈既設計,但係我個人覺得如果單帶又有少少單調。 我揀呢款既原因係佢好底調,可以單帶或者配其他飾物帶都得。 加埋佢係紅金組合,一年四季都好啱。 呢個係管家去日本個陣幫我買,大概4錢令蚊!

(English:  My newest edition to my Hermes bracelet family and it’s not gold and black combination.  This is quite thin and it’s a double loop, I just think this is a wee bit more interesting than the single loop.  I love this because of how low-key it is, I can wear this on its own or mix with other accessories.  Plus it’s red and gold, so it’s really good for all seasons.  I asked my Butler to get this when she went to Japan earlier this year and I remember it was around HK$4xxx.)

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(English:  Hope you enjoy this slightly different blog post today~~)

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