水感超強清爽泰國防曬: Her Hyness Royal HYA Water Sunscreen

之前大家如果有睇我去泰國嘅敗家片都見到我入手左呢一個泰國本土clean beauty品牌 – Her Hyness。 我第一件好心急想試就係佢哋嘅Royal HYA Water Sunscreen防曬,唔覺唔覺我都玩咗一段日子,今日同大家分享吓我嘅用後感。

If you have watched my Thailand haul video, you know that I got my hands on this Thailand local clean beauty brand called Her Hyness.  I was most excited about its Royal HYA Water Sunscreen and I have been using it for awhile, let me share my review with you.

Her Hyness Royal HYA Water Sunscreen SPF50+ PA++++

Her Hyness Royal HYA Water Sunscreen

我唔係好記得佢幾多錢,但係我記得呢個品牌都係HK$500樓下啲朋友。 同埋我上網查資料嘅時候見到佢好多泰文冇英文,我唔肯定佢係物理防曬定係化學防曬,我淨係見佢英文寫住hybrid,所以我估係混合防曬。 不過如果你只係想搵一枝好鬼清爽嘅防曬,你就要睇落去喇。

I am not sure how much it is but I remember the items are under HK$500.  When I was researching this brand online, most words are in Thai, so I am not sure if it’s a physical sunscreen or a chemical one.  The bottle says “hydrid” so I believe it’s a bit of both.  Well, if you are looking for a sunscreen that’s super light-weight, read on.


佢個質感真係超級怡人,唧出嚟白色望落好似lotion咁樣,但係一推開好薄身好有水感,亦都非常之快吸收,吸完之後一啲黏笠嘅感覺都冇,塊面摸落係爽身,好鍾意呢個質地。 仲要雖然佢係白色,但係搽上面佢係變咗透明,唔會有反白,或者帶咗面具嘅藝妓效果。 同埋佢哋樽身都有寫敏感肌適用,我搽佢塊面冇紅冇熱冇唔舒服,亦都冇爆粒粒,所以我都同意敏感皮膚用得到 (除非你對佢入面某一個成份敏感就另計)。

It’s texture is truly wonderful.  It comes out like a white lotion, it becomes almost like a watery-texture when spreading.  It’s really quick to absorb and it doesn’t feel greasy at all.  Skin feels super light after and I really love it.  Though it looks white out of the tube, it becomes transparent on skin and doesn’t leave a white cast.  On the tube, it also says suitable for sensitive skin and I have been using it for awhile, my skin isn’t irritated nor attacked by sudden bumps, so I agree that it works for sensitive skin type unless you are allergic to one of the ingredients. 

我去英國有太陽嘅日子都真係幾曬,但係我冇黑咗,所以我覺得佢呢個防曬都有用。 而且就算佢咁清爽,佢冇好似某啲牌子咁有啲好細微嘅粉末喺塊面度或者有好強嘅酒精味(呢隻係冇味)用用下整到皮膚好乾。 再加埋佢本身係clean beauty,即係話Her Hyness呢個品牌唔會用好多有害成分,所以都用得安心。 佢有50度+ PA++++,我哋一般日常用都夠,就算要補搽,因為質地清爽,所以都唔會對皮膚構成負擔。 

When I went to the U.K. and the sun was shining, it was really bright and my skin colour is still the same, so I think as for a sun protection, it works.  Plus, it doesn’t leave a powdery film on skin nor has a strong alcohol scent, so it won’t dry out your skin.  Bonus point is that it’s from a clean beauty brand – Her Hyness, which means it’s free of many harmful chemicals.  It has SPF50+ and PA++++ so it would be enough for a normal day-to-day use.  Even if you need to touch up, it wouldn’t create any burden to the skin due to its light texture.

你哋如果去泰國嘅話記得去Eve and Boy睇呢個防曬,試吓個質感,我覺得好多你哋都會鍾意!

If you are heading to Thailand, be sure to check this out in Eve and Boy, I think many of you would love it!

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