[Heart Warming] Charity Sale for Make A Wish HK

細細個我好多時都會夜晚同個天許願,希望快d大個,希望自己既夢想快d實現! 我好幸運,因為我有一個健康既身體去追尋自己既夢想,但係我亦都知道好多人未必好似我地咁幸福。。。

(English:  When I was small, I always prayed to the stars above, wishing that I could grow up quickly and wishing my dreams would become reality sooner!  I am very lucky in the sense that I have a healthy body to chase my dreams and to make them happen, however I also know that not many of us are lucky in that aspect…)

自己實現自己既夢想當然開心又有滿足感,但係如果當自己係身體上唔能夠做到呢樣野既時候,咁只有可以許願,希望有”聖誕老人”幫手實現願望! 而我,我好希望可以做”聖誕老人”呢個角色去幫一d生命受到威脅既小朋友去實現佢地既心願! 幫到有需要既人個份心情係無價,而我一直都相信將愛傳出去,世界會變得更加美好!

(English:  When one can accomplishes his/ her dreams, of course one would feel tremendous happiness and satisfaction; however if one’s physical body cannot allow him/ her to do so, then all one can do is to make a wish and hopefully somewhere out there, “Santa Claus” will come around and bring that dream to reality.  And me, I wish to be Santa Claus this time to help children with life threatening diseases realize their dreams.  When we can help others in need, the feeling is priceless and it makes you feel wonderful; and I am always a believer of spreading love and eventually the world will become a better place!)

Charity Sale – My Second Hand Makeup and Skincare
今次我決定將我所有二手化妝品護膚品拍賣,價錢我定得好平,希望如果大家可以以平既價錢去試你自己想試既野,而全數我亦會捐款到Make A Wish HK,等佢地去幫有需要既小朋友!

(English:  This time, I decided to do a Charity Sale for all my second hand makeup and skincare products, I have set the price really reasonably, hopefully you can try out the stuff you want to try and all proceeds will be donated to Make A Wish HK, in turn they could help the children in need!!)


Date & Time: Jan 3, 2015 (Saturday) at 4pm – 7:30pm

Venue: No. 135, 1/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Payment Method: Cash ONLY

注意: 請大家自備購物袋同埋帶大量散紙! 所有產品不設試用(因為多數都係得一件),先到先得!
(English:  Please bring your own shopping bag and a lot of change!!  There are no testers for the products (because mostly there is only 1 per each item) and it’s on a first come first serve basis!)

完成Charity Sale當日,我會係Facebook公佈總數,亦都會當晚用ATM捐款俾Make A Wish HK,捐款之後我會影張receipt post埋上Facebook,然後我會將Original Receipt寄翻俾佢地做record。

(English: On the day when the Charity Sale finishes, I will report the number on Facebook and I will transfer the donation to Make A Wish HK using ATM, after that I will post the receipt on Facebook, then I will mail the original receipt to them for their record.)

如果你對我既二手化妝品護膚品有興趣,想買到心頭好之餘,又幫到人既話,我好歡迎大家黎參加! 仲有,因為產品太多,我不能夠做個list俾大家望咗先(我暫時都有成9大袋),我建議大家行開過黎望下,唔買唔緊要,因為都俾個機會我同大家當面講聲新年快樂。 我盡量係當日set好場地個下好快拍Instagram (@iamhakme) 短片俾大家望下(又係啦,先到先得,無得留貨)。

(English:  If you are interested in my second hand makeup and skincare products and join this beautiful cause, I welcome all of you on that day.  Plus, due to the insane amount of products, I cannot formulate a list for you to take a look first (right now I have 9 big bags and I physically can’t manage), I suggest just drop by if you are around in Causeway Bay that day, if you don’t fancy any of the products, no worries, I could grab the chance to wish you a “Happy New Year” face to face!  The best I could do is after setting the scene up on the day, I will take a really quick video and post on Instagram (@iamhakme) so you can take a brief look (again, it’s on a first come first serve basis and we cannot hold any items).

鳴謝/Thank You:

場地係Solo Ltd.贊助! 黑咪Beauty店都係租佢地既位置,佢地既concept係主要俾創業人士,我亦都好開心可以遇上佢地,佢地都係我可以實現夢想既其中一個原因。今次亦都要多謝哂佢地幫忙! 因為我唔想有人係賺錢,所以佢地可以贊助場地俾我,我覺得呢個Charity Sale已經成功咗一半!!

(English:  The venue is sponsored by Solo Ltd.!  Our Hakme Beauty store is one of their tenants too, their whole concept is to offer space for new businesses, I have to say I am very happy to have found them, this is one of the reasons why my dream did come true!!  A special thanks to them because I don’t want anyone to make money out of this cause, so when they agree to sponsor the space for us, I feel that this Charity Sale is landed on a good start!!)

最後,就多謝我萬能既管家啦!佢放棄星期六休息同我一齊搞掂呢個Charity Sale! 無請錯佢!! 哈哈~~~ 好啦,大家有興趣就mark底calendar,我地到時見面!!!

(English:  Finally, a big thanks to my Butler!!  She gives up her day off to work with me on this Charity Sale!!  Haha~~~  Right, if you are interested, please mark down your calendar and I will see you there!!)


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