[職場] 男人心 Heart of a Man

上個星期同個同事食lunch, 大家傾開計,我都唔記得我地點樣開始個話題,但係佢無啦啦講咗句:”我真係好怕跟女人boss,但係你唔同丫,你根本就係一個男人!!”  哈哈哈!!!我係男人,我係化smoky eyes同著都成身窩釘既男人!!! 我當然明白佢係話我女兒身,男人心啦,但係我又好好奇,所以我追問落去:”點解你咁怕跟女人boss呢?”(我都跟過,所以我有一定程度既理解,但係我又想睇下大家怕既野會唔會一樣!) 我地傾傾下得出以下既scenario(係綜合我地過往既實戰經驗):

(English:  Last week I had lunch with one of my colleagues and we started chit chatting about some nonsense.  Then I couldn’t remember how we actually started this interesting conversation, but she suddenly said, “Ah….I am really scared to have a female boss, but you are different, you are actually a MAN!!!”  *laughs*  I am a man and I am a man with smoky eyes and studs everywhere!!  Right, I got it, she meant that even though I am a female on the outside, I have personalities like a male (female with a male’s heart – if that makes sense!!).  But I was curious so I kinda drilled the topic a little bit further, “so why??”  (I sort of have some understanding because I did have a female boss before but I wanted to see if we all had the perception in the same way!)  After some discussion, we came up with some scenarios (based on our real life experiences!!):)

Scenario 1: 你某日著得靚d返工

女人心boss:(黑面 + 用唔友善既眼神由頭望到你落腳)嘩,今日做咩著得咁靚呀?(語帶諷刺)
男人心boss:(笑咪咪)咦!! 今日著得咁靚既? 幾好睇呀!

(English:  Scenario 1: Someday, you really dress up for work

Female Boss: (stern face + stare at you unfriendly up and down) Oh wow!!  How come you dress so nicely today?  (high-pitch tone with a hint of jealousy)
Female Boss with Male Personalities: (smiles)  Oh!!  Very nice outfit today!!)

Scenario 2:某日你話俾你boss知你做錯野,但係你已經將個問題fix咗, 只係話聲佢聽

女人心boss:哎呀! 乜你咁唔小心(黑面)!成日都係咁唔得架!你下次要睇清睇楚先,都係唔好喇,下次d野俾我睇咗先出街啦!(仲係好唔滿意)
男人心boss:(無表情一路聽)OK,即係你搞掂咗係咪? 有無咩人會被影響到? OK, 下次自己留意啦。

(English: Scenario 2: Someday you told your boss you had made a mistake but you had also resolved the issue, you were giving her a heads-up really

Female Boss: OMG!!!  How come you are so careless (stern face)!  You can’t be like this all the time!  You have to pay good attention next week.  Oh well, you know what?  Just send me everything before you release them next time (very discontented).
Female Boss with Male Personalities: (facial-expression-less and listens) OK, so you got the issue resolved right?  What’s the impact?  OK, pay more attention next time.)

Scenario 3: 某日你同同事係工作時間傾計俾boss撞到


(English: Scenario 3: Someday you are talking to your colleague and your boss just appears in the middle of nowhere.

Female Boss: (pass by with a stern face and ask you to go into her room after)  I saw that you were having so much free time, why don’t you help me to finish all these?
Female Boss with Male Personalities: (come to you with a smile) I gave you those documents, 2 of them are urgent, finish them first and chat later.)

Scenario 4: 收工時間(個boss係單身人士)


(English: Scenario 4: Time to get off work (your boss is single)

Female Boss: (ask you to go into her room without any sense of time)  Here is a document and go finish it (actually she doesn’t have anyone and wants you to stay longer too)
Female Boss with Male Personalities: Finish up and go!)

Scenario 5: 有野唔明再問個boss點樣做

女人心boss:(黑面)頭先我咪講咗, 你無寫底?

(English: Scenario 5: You have something that you don’t quite understand and want to clarify with your boss

Female Boss: (stern face)  I just told you how to do it, you haven’t written that down?
Female Boss with Male Personalities: Have a seat, which part would you need more explanation on?)

哈哈哈!!呢d只係我地最快諗得出既一d例子! 當然啦,唔係個個女人心boss都係咁恐怖, 但係我只可以話有某d人真係將呢個角色演繹得太好,搞到好多人一聽到女人boss就好有concern。

(English:  *Laughs*  Here are just some examples that are on the top of our heads.  Of course, not every female boss is horrible.  However, all I can say is that some of the female bosses play this character really well, so well to a point that we all have concern when we hear the words “female bosses”.)
其實我覺得我地返工都係為生活(有d人為滿足感各樣),好多時間都真係係公司渡過(多過係屋企先啦),無需要去俾hard time人hard time自己。返工就係返工,應該將自己自身既事放底,好好待你既員工,你既員工都會好好待你。有好多人(無論男女老闆都好)都諗唔通呢點,其實你要shine,要靠你既員工呀! 無佢地,都無你(你一個人邊做到咁都野呢?)!

(English:  Actually going to work is for survival (some are looking for satisfaction and stuff).  We all spend so much time at work (more than at home), why do we go out of our way to give others hard time?  Going to work means leaving your personal issues/ feelings down at home, treat your team members well and sure they will return that respect.  I feel like many people don’t understand (be it male or female) that whether you shine at work or not depends on your team members!  You wouldn’t shine without them (how can you do everything yourself?)!!)


(English:  Finally, we came to a conclusion:  if your boss has a monthly cycle, you would definitely know with a female boss; but for female boss with male personalities, you might not even be aware of it!! *laughs*!!)

(photo from http://www.sodahead.com)

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