[敗家] 點可以喺美國網買到你想要既產品 (Haul from US Websites)

之前我話係美國訂咗d化妝品,今次唔係朋友幫我買,因為佢呢期都好忙,我真係唔想成日煩佢。所以我搵咗個辦法等我可以自己自由去買我想買既野。我始終都係鍾意自己買多d,因為我都搞過團購,整order list, 計價錢,再去買分貨,其實都真係用好多時間。如果我次次都要叫個朋友幫我分幾間店買,我都真係怕麻煩到人。而家搵到呢個方法好開心呀! 可以自己想買咩就買咩!

(English: I mentioned that I ordered some cosmetics from the US before.  I didn’t bother my friend this time since she is really busy and I don’t really like to bother anyone when it comes to my shopping, so I found my way to order myself.  I love purchasing stuff myself, honestly.  I did group order before and I understand that sorting out order list, calculating prices, ordering and then distributing products can take loads of time.  If I always ask my friend to help me order from different stores, I wouldn’t feel too good about it!  So, I am really happy that I’ve found this and from now on, I can order whatever I want from the states!  Hurray!!)

我諗我地係美國買野遇到最大既問題係,佢地唔收international credit card同埋唔ship international, 就算ship international, 個郵費都貴到好誇張,差唔多係個產品既兩三倍。 哈,有左下面個service,就唔會遇到我講嘅問題喇!今日我會講myus.com

(English:  I think the biggest problem that we encounter when we come to order stuff online from the states is that they don’t accept international credit card and they don’t ship internationally.  Even some companies ship internationally, the shipping fee is sky high, almost like two-fold/ three-fold of the product prices.  *Laughs*  Now with the service below, you won’t have to worry anymore!  Right, today I am going to talk about myus.com.)



(English: myus.com is designed for non-US residents to shop online on US websites.)

 首先係佢分開三隻唔同既membership,你可以因應你自己嘅上網買野情況去選擇。當然每個membership每個月既收費都唔同。 好簡單咁講,如果你唔係買得多,成年都係買一次半次,你可以考慮Standard, 無月費得set up fee, 但係shipping就係三個membership中最貴。 如果你一年都會買幾次以上,可以揀Premium,有月費,但係shipping就抵d。如果你仲想收埋magazine咁呢,就要Premium + Mail喇。

(English:  First, there are 3 memberships to choose from, you can choose based on your needs.  Of course every membership costs different.  For example, if you don’t haul a lot from the states, maybe only once or twice per year, then you can choose Standard.  There is no monthly fee but a one-off set up fee, however, the shipping fee might work out the most expensive out of the 3 memberships.  If you haul from US websites from time to time, say quite a good few times a year, then you can choose Premium, there is a monthly fee but the shipping fee is more reasonable.  If you want to receive magazines and such, then you have to go for Premium + Mail.)

申請好喇,你就會有一個myus.com俾你既美國地址。 咁你一買野,就可以入呢個美國地址為shipping address喇。 我嘅membership係Premium,所以佢地會幫我集運添。意思即係話我可以係幾間唔同既店買野,叫佢ship sa去我美國個地址, 之後我就叫myus.com既人幫我由幾盒野變做一盒野。咁我就可以慳翻運費喇!係咪好正呢?

(English:  After registering your membership, you will receive a US address from myus.com.  When you buy online from US websites, you can just use that as your delivery address.  I have Premium membership and they will collect all my stuff from different stores and repackage it into 1 box for me before sending it over.  This way, I could save on multiple shipping fee!  Isn’t it wonderful?) 

(English:  Hauling Method / Tips:)

你可以揀自己用自己張卡係d美國網買野。如果你有d卡係海外簽賬有多d績分,呢個方法會抵好多,因為你係美國網買野,佢地收美金,有d公司呢d都會當係海外簽賬,詳情你要問卡公司。 你用自己張卡,分別去唔同公司買完野之後叫佢ship sa去你既美國地址就可以喇。之後一次過叫myus.com ship俾你。

(English: Use your credit card to purchase from US websites.  If you have some credit cards which offer more reward points for overseas purchasing, this is really great since the amount that charged on your card will be in US dollars, some of the companies would take it as overseas spending already.  You have to check with your credit card company though.  After picking out what you want from US websites, put your US address as the delivery address and voila – they will arrive at myus.com warehouse!)

如果美國網唔收international credit card又可以點? 咁你有兩個方法:

(English:  What if the US websites don’t accept international credit card?  Then you can choose from the following two methods:)

-你打俾自己卡公司,叫佢地改你個billing address做myus.com個us地址。 之後你去買野,買好之後過幾日等過sa數之後,你就叫你卡公司改翻個billing address做你香港地址。 呢個係麻煩少少,但係都係自己煩。唔需要俾額外錢,同埋你又可以儲分。

(English: – Call your credit card company to change your billing address to your myus.com US address prior to hauling.  After changing the billing address, you can go haul.  After a few days to ensure the transactions go through, you can call your credit card company to change your billing address back to your HK address!  This is a bit clumsy, but there is no extra charge and you can still use your credit card to pay for stuff.)

– 用myus.com既Personal Shopper Service!你俾個list佢佢幫你買,之後送去你嘅US地址。 呢個當然要收錢啦。佢收你每間店消費額既7% (我無記錯既話),minimal amount要俾US$10,同埋有d店唔會俾佢地買,所以都會有機會買唔到, 買唔到當然唔收錢啦。Sephora就係一個例子。

(English: – Use myus.com Personal Shopper Service!  You basically give your list to the Personal Shopper and they will order for you (charge you back) and ship all your stuff to your US address.  Of course, this will cost you.  If I remember right, PS charges 7% on your order amount per store and the minimal amount to pay for each store is US$10.  Also not every store would accept PS service, Sephora is a very good example.)


(English:  You can definitely choose based on your needs!)

個人經驗:我用左呢個服務一次我就覺得好正。可能係我性格唔鍾意煩人,如果自己做到既野我就寧可自己做。最重要係應用一d都唔複雜,我好快就上左手!而家真係超開心,終於可以自己去美國網買下野。好有多當地既產品我都好有興趣,以後唔驚買唔到!同埋佢地每次有野到,都會拆箱同埋影張相放落你account度俾你睇, 好清楚!我覺得呢個網真係對我呢個敗家精好有用。我過一兩個月會再係美國訂野!到時應該出左好多秋季新色!哈哈!其實唔止化妝品, 其他野你都可以用呢個方法係美國買架!我超推呢個service,如果你同我一樣,香港已經滿足唔到你,你都可以去myus.com join member丫!

(English:  Personal Experience: I used myus.com service once and I am totally happy with it. Maybe it’s because I don’t like bothering my friends and such, if I can do something on my own, I prefer to do it on my own.  The whole procedure is rather simple and it just takes me around 15 mins to understand what’s going on!  Now I am really happy and excited, I can finally purchase on the US websites.  There are so many things that I am interested in and now I can guarantee that I could get them on my own!  Also, every time when your stuff arrive at their warehouse, they will take a photo and upload it into your account, you can check to make sure that’s what you’ve ordered!!  Isn’t that amazing?  This website is really useful for me and I plan my second order in 1-2 months as there should be new items coming out!  *Laughs*  The service is not limited to cosmetics, you can buy whatever you want (have to check what items you cannot get on their websites tho).  I super recommend this service and if you are like me that you cannot be satisfied with hauling locally, go and sign up your membership with myus.com!)

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