[保養] 平價抵用保濕化妝水 ♥ Hatomugi Skin Conditioner

近期清貨當中,所以有好多野俾我開埋黎用!好似我今日想講呢枝化妝水咁,我係台灣買咗好耐,但係就一路都未得閒可以拎黎用!好彩而家開jar,唔係就走寶喇!! 好好用呀, 好想同大家分享一下!

(English:  I have been using my skincare stock recently, therefore I have been opening “new” things to try!!  Just like the toner that I want to talk about today.  I got it from Taiwan for a long time but I haven’t got the chance to use it!  Yay…lucky that I start to use it now, it’s really great!!!  Let me share how good it is with you!!)

Hatomugi Skin Conditioner

價錢(Price):Can’t remember but I got it in drugstore in Taiwan, so not expensive at all…


使用次數(No. of Usage):2 months

用後感:呢隻化妝水米米地色無味,個感覺又d似洗米水!佢好稀身!用咗個感覺真係超保濕,但係一d都唔潤!用完個面係超夠水份個種感覺!!真係好正!!我有時皮膚覺得好乾都會用佢敷下乾既位,敷完5分鐘就原全唔乾!!好掂呀!! 我聽有人話佢可以媲美Albion既健膚水,我覺得兩個感覺都似,仲要呢隻無咁攻眼添!但係如果你話消痘痘既話,我都係覺得Albion會消得快少少,如果講保濕呢,兩者都差唔多!! 我超推呀!! 又平又大枝又保濕!!如果你鍾意用化妝水黎保濕,我好建議試呢枝!!!加上佢無香料, 無著色, 敏感肌/ 轉季都唔洗擔心呀! 保濕得黎無負擔!!哈哈!!

(English:  Product Review:  This toner looks milky white and it doesn’t contain any scent.  I actually feel it looks rather like rice water!!  It’s very liquid-y and it makes skin feel super hydrated after use without feeling sticky or too heavy!  It is really hydrating!!!  I love it!!!  Sometimes when my skin feels really dry, I use it on a cotton pad and put it on the dry spot for like 5 mins, after that I feel that my skin is really hydrated – brilliant!!!!  I heard that someone said it’s comparable to Albion Skin Conditioner and I feel that it has some truth in it and this one actually creates less irritation to the eye areas.  If we talk about killing pimples, I feel Albion is a bit better in that sense, but if we talk about pure hydration, I feel both are very similar in the results.  I super recommend this because its price is really reasonable, it comes in a good quantity and it’s really hydrating!!  If you love using toner to add an extra hydration to your skin, I really recommend this!!  Plus it doesn’t contain fragrance and pigment, there is no worry for sensitive skin and change of weather!!  Hydration without burden!!! *Winks*)

我之前見過Sasa有得賣呀, 當時我仲諗早知有得賣,我就唔係台灣拎咁大枝野過黎啦! 但係呢期去Sasa,我又唔見有得賣!!如果有興趣就去留意下啦!

(English:  I saw this toner in Sasa before.  At that moment, I thought to myself if only I knew, I wouldn’t have to haul this from Taiwan.  But these days, it seemed not available at Sasa anymore!  So, if you are interested, please check at Sasa from time to time!!)

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