[美容] 家居美容器: Handybio Vs Hitachi HadaCrie CM-N8100

好喇, 我今日特登預咗幾個鐘嚟寫呢篇文(咁啱Mr. Honey今日出走去Singapore, 所以我大把時間, 我連杯麵都買埋, 實行唔出街寫翻d我欠左大家好耐嘅文章 – 好乖!!>3<)。 

(English:  Alright!!  I have reserved a few hours to write this particular piece (well Mr Honey is going to Singapore today so I have plenty of time on my hands!  I even got a few cup noodles to accompany me so that I don’t have to waste time going out – am I a good girl or what? >3<).)

好。 通常我寫文之前我都會先search翻d company嘅product information以便參考。 嘩, 我一search之下見Hitachi部HadaCrie超多試用文。 我先聲明我兩部機都係自費(敗家文: Handybio –> Click & HadaCrie –> Click), 我亦無收任何收益呀! 唔好一陣又冤枉我賣廣告(我知睇開我嗰d sis/ bro唔會, 但係唔睇開我嗰d可能唔知, 所以我要以示清白先! 呵呵~)。

(English:  Before I write any blog post, I usually got the online product information ready so that I could refer to it.  OMG!!  I did a search and found that there are so many “trial blog posts” on Hitachi HadaCrie.  Let me announce again that I bought both devices myself and I am not sponsored in any way by both companies (haul pieces: Handybio –> Click & HadaCrie –> Click).  Don’t blame me for silly things like I am advertising for them (I know if you have been following me, you know my style already, but still I would like to make my point loud and clear *laughs*, just in case!!).

本身我想淨係講HadaCrie, 但係又咁啱我又有Handybio, 兩部機個功能都差唔多(又橫掂我未真正寫Handybio個review), 所以我決定寫比拼, 如果你都心議呢兩部機唔知揀邊部好, 我希望呢遍文章幫到你丫。 我唔會特別講佢地點用, 因為網上都好多資料可以參考, 我會就佢地功能效果方面去做比拼。 準備好俾我燃燒未? 哈哈。  先望下兩部機個靚樣先:

(English:  Originally I wanted just to talk about the HadaCrie, but I have got Handybio and they are of similar functions (hmmmm…I haven’t really issued a review on Handybio anyway), so I decided to do a comparison blog post.  If these two devices are on your list and you are not sure which to choose, I hope this helps you!  I am not going to spend a lot of time talking about “how” to use them, because there are quite a bit of information online for that.  I am going to talk about their functions and effectiveness.  Ready?  Time for temptation!!  *laughs*  Let’s take a look at the two devices:)

Handybio Vs Hitachi HadaCrie CM-N8100

Handybio: 我09年買淨機價係HK$1,680, 而家我見佢網頁話要HK$1,800喇 >.<。
(English: Handybio: Used to be HK$1,680 in 2009, but its website says it’s HK$1,800 now >.<.)
Hitachi HadaCrie CM-N8100: HK$1,880 @ Broadway

Handybio得一部機jer, 可以導入同導出,無太多選擇。 而HadaCrie就有三款可以揀。 NC-5610BF同NC-5510都係得清潔功效。 我揀CM-N8100係因為佢都有導入同導出, 同Handybio個功能好相似。 你亦都可以睇你嘅budget同需要嚟做選擇。 如果你只想要清潔功效或者你唔想俾太多錢, 你可以選擇NC-5610BF/ NC-5510, 佢地價錢係HK$980。

(English:  There is only 1 machine for Handybio, which can ion cleansing and ion moisturizing, not many choices!  On the other hand, HadaCrie has 3 versions to choose from – NC-5610BF and NC-5510 are equipped with the ion cleansing function (only!).  I chose CM-N8100 because it can ion cleansing and ion moisturizing as well, very similar to Handybio.  You can choose based on your budget and the functions that you are after.  If you only want the ion cleansing function, you could choose NC-5610BF/ NC-5510 (HK$980).)



  • 清除殘留於皮膚內的化妝品的金屬離子成分,這些有害物質通過角質細胞及毛孔滲入皮膚,在皮膚內以正離子方式沉澱,形成色斑,並使膚質粗糙老化,而一般的美容護理卻難以清除這些有害物質。
  • 溶解並導出毛孔中積聚過多的皮脂分泌,改善粉刺暗瘡的情況。
  • 能大量導入皮膚所需的養分,隨著年齡的增長,都市環境的污染,皮膚通過體內微循環所供應給皮膚的養分已難以滿足皮膚的實際需求,皮膚對營養補充的需求越來 越大,但皮膚的吸收功能卻不能滿足其所需要的量,而「離子導入法」卻能將大量養分一次性強迫導入皮膚深層,達到一定的效果。
  • 「手提離子美容器」有正、負電極選擇,正電極能產生酸性反應,有安靜神經、減低血液供應皮膚的數量、強壯皮膚纖維組織、收縮毛孔、減少皮膚發紅的功效,適 用於過敏及暗瘡皮膚。負電極能產生鹼性反應,刺激神經、增強血液循環,軟化皮膚纖維組織,增強皮膚彈性的功效,適用於代謝緩慢,乾燥老化的皮膚。
  • 加強細胞的通透度,將不容易滲透的營養物質導入皮膚深層,令皮膚的深層得到護理。
  • 通過此方法導入的養分會以「離子堆」的方式集結在皮膚的細胞週邊,讓細胞得以持續不斷吸收,大大提高產品養分的可用率,減少損耗。


  • 任何膚質


  • 心臟病患者,體內曾植入金屬架者及孕婦請勿使用。”

(English:  Functions: It basically can ion cleanse and moisturizes skin.  It helps pore cleansing, hydrating and anti-aging as well.)

Hitchi HadaCrie CM-N8100

功效/ Functions:

(English: Product Information – “Hitachi Hada CRiE, Ion Cleansing with Moisturizing Support Device which gets the Japan Sales No.1 makes your skin beautiful through several steps. You can achieve three wishes at the same time, pore cleansing, moisturizing and wrinkle reducing. Now you can enjoy a facial treatment with the level of beauty salon at your home!
Hitachi Hada CRiE is made in Japan, it contains auto-stop function. Moreover, different power level can be selected in order to suit your skin type. The head of the device can prevent allergy, people who is sensitive to metal are also safe to use. It is convenient for you to use by your own regular toner and cotton.”)

功效比拼:兩者功效差不多。 同時可以導入導出。 Handybio用正負同佢地嘅精華去做到你想要嘅效果。 HadaCrie比較分得仔細, 有Cleansing/ Micro-Pat/ Moisturize/ Refresh, 你想要有咩嘅效果就選用適當嘅功能就可以喇。

(English:  Comparison on Functions: Both are very similar, they can ion cleanse and ion moisturize.  Handybio has a positive/ negative ion design and it has a whole range of different essence to achieve your target results.  HadaCrie has more functions on the device itself – Cleansing, Micro-Pat, Moisturize and Refresh.  You just have to choose the right function to achieve your desired results.)

使用產品/ Products Used:

用Handybio基本想要配用佢地嘅精華素, 連棉花(HK$40/ 100pcs)都要用佢地嘅出品(我用sa佢地d棉花, 所以無得影)。 我相中由左至右嘅產品係: Deep Clear Ex: HK$480/ 30ml (產品資料)(我呢枝係舊版, 我都要快D用SA佢先, 就過期。), Treatment Essence: HK$680/ 60ml (產品資料), Wrinclear Lift Essence: HK$480/ 30ml(產品資料

(English:  Handybio device has to be partnered with its own range of essence, including cotton pads (HK$40/ 100pcs).  I have used up the cotton pads, so they are not in the pic.  From left to right: Deep Clear Ex: HK$480/ 30ml (mine is an old version I have to use it up *laughs*), Treatment Essence: HK$680/ 60ml and Wrinclear Lift Essence: HK$480/ 30ml.)

用HadaCrie就可以用翻自己用開嘅產品就可以喇。 我呢期同HadaCrie一齊用嘅係Guerlain嘅toner, 同埋Chanel隻保濕mask。其實唔用咁貴嘅產品都得, 不過我清野當中jer。 我遲d會用d比較經濟嘅toner!!

(English:  HadaCrie doesn’t require particular skincare items, just use what you have got at home is fine.  Right now, I am using Guerlain toner and Chanel Hydrating Mask with HadaCrie.  Oh actually, you don’t have to use anything expensive, I am just in the process of clearing some stock!!  I will use some more reasonably priced toner afterwards.)

經濟程度比拼: 我覺得用Handybio真係無底深淵。 買部機只係開始, 之後所有精華素用要用翻佢地嘅出品, 真係好貴。 呢點我就覺得HadaCrie好好多喇, 用翻自己用開嘅野, 唔需要再買更多嘅產品。

(English:  Comparison on Cost: I feel using Handybio is like a blackhole.  Buying the device itself is only a start, and you have to buy their different essences for different result – very costly.  For this, I love HadaCrie more, since you can just use your own skincare products, there is no need to spend on particular products for using with the device.)

方便程度比拼:講方便, 當然係HadaCrie啦! 唔需要另外用其他產品之餘, 仲可以用翻自己平時護膚嘅步驟就可以喇。 我用Handybio個日唔只用嘅產品會唔同咗, 就連做完機之後我都唔知搽唔搽翻自己d野好。

(English:  Comparison on Convenience: Of course, HadaCrie wins!!  There is no need to use specific product and I can follow my own skincare steps.  I feel like the day that I use Handybio, the products have to be different and I am not even sure if I should apply my own skincare products after.)

導出清潔功效測試/ Ion Cleansing Function Test:

我兩部機用係手。 左手用Handybio, 右手用HadaCrie!

(English:  I used both machines on my hands.  I used Handybio on my left hand and HadaCrie on my right!)

Handybio: 要同佢個deep cleansing一齊用。

(English:  Handybio: Have to use its deep cleansing essence.)

HadaCrie: 用咩toner做deep cleansing都可以。

(English:  HadaCrie:  Use any toner for the deep cleansing function.)

比較/ Comparison:

導出比拼: 先講我係沖左涼先做呢個測試, 所以唔係因為我dirty呀!你見兩者效果都差唔多。 可以講話係平手。 兩部都一樣, 做完deep cleansing塊面會覺得好滑同埋感覺好乾淨。 我都試過有幾次張棉花無dirty過, 咁係因為本身我個期成日做deep cleasing皮膚好乾淨(唔係部機無用)。 我用係頸就最睇到喇, 通常都好dirty(笑)! 如果你皮膚好靚嗰期, 你都唔會覺得有咩特別。 但係我有日病完皮膚好黃(食藥丫), 我用完deep cleansing之後會好有光澤無sa黃氣。  正呀!

(English:  Comparison on Deep Cleansing:  OK, I did take a shower before trying the devices, so it’s not because I am dirty!  You can see the results are very similar, so I think it’s a tide on this.  Same for both devices, after using their deep cleansing functions, the skin feels super soft, smooth and clean.  There were a few times whereby my cotton pads didn’t turn dirty, it was because I was very diligent in doing my deep cleansing mask, so my face was really clean (not because the devices are not working).  Whenever I use it on my neck, I could see the most result, because it’s usually dirty *laughs*.  If you have perfect skin, you wouldn’t notice that much of a difference.  But, one day, my skin was really dull due to my flu (and the medicine?), I used the deep cleansing function and the dullness was all gone!  Brilliant!!)

導入保濕功效測試/ Ion Moisturizing Function Test:

Handybio: 我有佢兩枝產品:保濕同抗皺。 我今次用保濕, 因為HadaCrie部機有保濕功能。

(English:  Handybio: I have two of their essences – hydrating and anti-aging.  I will use the hydrating one this time (Treatment Essence), since HadaCrie has moisturizing function as well.)

要用棉花! 你見啦, 做導入個陣張棉花係乾淨嘅。

(English:  Have to use a cotton pad!  See?  When you are doing the ion moisturizing, the cotton pad is clean.)

做完之後我覺得我d皮膚好潤, 但係有小小覺得heavy。 如果好乾皮膚都還可以, 但係如果你嘅皮膚比較油, 我就唔建議喇。因為我乾性皮膚都覺得有d lup, 如果油性皮膚我怕你反而會出豆豆。

(English:  Skin feels really moisturized afterwards, and too moisturized that I feel a bit heavy.  If for dry skin types, that’s fine; but if for combination/ oily skin types, it would be too rich!  I am afraid the richness would cost you pimples afterwards.)

HadaCrie部機保濕方面有兩個層面。 一個係Micro-Pat, 即係就咁搽toner上面, 部機唔洗用棉花, 就咁按係搽咗toner嘅面上就得。Micro-Pat係幫助提升滲透。 另一個係Moisturize, 呢個要用棉花濕咗d toner再按上面。 呢個主可以加強保濕。 兩個我都試比大家睇。

(English:  There are two moisturizing functions for HadaCrie: 1. Micro-Pat (apply toner on face and use the device without cotton pad); 2. Moisturize (apply toner on the cotton pad and use the device on face).  Let me try both for you to take a look:)

做完Micro-Pat同平時就咁用toner個感覺唔同。 做完Micro-Pat係覺得皮膚好夠保濕, 同埋個保濕感覺好持久, d乾紋都會唔見咗(做緊個陣部機會少少vibrate, 唔知同唔同搽toner用拍打方式個道理)。 但係就咁搽toner就唔會有咁保濕個感覺/個保濕感覺會一陣就無咗。 我唔想用棉花個陣會用呢個功能!

(English:  After Mirco-Patting, it feels really different from applying toners with just cotton pads/ hands.  Skin feels really hydrated after Micro-Patting and the effect is long-lasting.  Also, the dry lines disappear (the device vibrates a bit when use).  Using the toner with hands won’t have this hydrating feeling/ the feeling would be gone in a jiffy!  Whenever I don’t want to use a cotton pad, I choose this function!)


Moisturize呢個要用棉花! 都係啦, 做導入d棉化係唔會變色嘅。 我覺得做完呢個Moisturize嘅效果比Micro-Pat清爽少少(因為有棉花同無棉花嘅關係?), 做緊個陣部嘅都會vibrate㗎。 做後個感覺都好保濕, 一d都唔會覺得lup, 保濕效果都持久。 之後再搽野唔會覺得好heavy! 如果好乾我會用Micro-Pat個功能,如果唔太乾我反而會用Moisturize呢個功能。 兩個功能做完都會覺得皮膚好夠水, 好保濕, 乾紋唔見左。 讚讚讚!

(English:  Have to use a cotton pad with this Moisturize function.  Again, the cotton pad won’t turn dirty when you are using it for moisturizing functions.  Skin feels hydrated yet more refreshed when compared with the Micro-Pat function (again the device vibrates when use).  I love the hydrated effect, it doesn’t feel heavy and it lasts quite well.  I can apply my cream after without feeling overly rich!  If I feel my skin is really dry, I would use the Micro-Pat function; if my skin is just dry (not too dry), then I would opt for Moisturize function.  Both are really great!!  Glad that my dry lines disappear afterwards – wonderful!!!)

導入比拼: 我覺得HadaCrie好好wor! 我諗係因為我覺得Handybio枝Treatment Essence效果太rich喇。 反而HadaCrie用自己野, 起碼啱自己皮膚先。 雖然兩者導入都係做到, 但係講效果我覺得HadaCrie比較好。 事關我可以睇翻皮膚嘅需要去選擇功能同埋睇下用自己邊隻Toner。 仲有就係,我覺得用完Handybio Treatment Essence之後我唔可以on top再用自己嘅面霜(太rich喇!!), 變相我用少咗自己嘅產品。HadaCrie就無呢個問題喇。

(English:  Comparison on Ion Moisturizing:  I LOVE HadaCrie!!  I think the Handybio Treatment Essence effect is too rich.  On the contrary, I can use my own items with HadaCrie, which suits my skin type/ needs.  Even though both devices can effectively do the ion moisturizing, I love the effect with HadaCrie.  I can choose which functions/ toners to use based on my own needs.  Also, after using Handybio Treatment Essence, I cannot apply my face cream on top (too rich!!), that means I use less of my own products, whereby HadaCrie doesn’t have this problem.)

最後喇, 我想講一講一個HadaCrie有, 但係Handybio無嘅功能(部機嚟講)。 就係Refresh喇。 我覺得呢個功能好得意, 同大家分享埋丫!

(English:  Finally, I want to talk about the Refresh function which is in HadaCrie and not Handybio.  It’s quite fun so I want to share my views as well!)


HadaCrie: 呢個要用乳液/保濕面膜(要保濕面膜呀, 會乾個d面膜唔得㗎! 因為要用部機按呀!)。 我用Chanel比大家望下。

(English:  HadaCrie:  Have to use a emulsion/ lotion/ hydrating mask with this function (have to be a hydrating mask, those drying mask can not be used with this!!).  I use Chanel Hydrating Mask this time:)
上面係我搽完Chanel拎部機按完5分鐘個樣。 吸哂呀!! 哈哈!! 因為呢隻面膜要過水/ 過toner, 所以我去過埋水(下圖):

(English:  The above shows the results after I massage my hand (with Chanel Mask) with the device.  It’s totally absorbed!!  *laughs*  Since this mask needs to be washed off/ wiped by a toner, the following shows my clean hand:)

呢個功能係話清爽護膚, 令皮膚恢復精神(我的菜!)。 好特別! 平時我敷完Chanel(就咁敷), 我會覺得幾rich下, 反而用呢部機就有種好爽感覺。用完部機整mask, 皮膚都會覺得好保濕, 但係就唔會覺得rich, 反而係清爽! 哈哈。 我覺得呢個功能對油性皮膚係一大喜訊, 唔洗擔心d野太rich用唔到。 呢個功能亦都比較適合春夏天用, 唔洗特別轉左d mask/乳液, 用呢個功能就得喇。 變相慳咗換護膚品嘅錢(當然要買美白產品個d另計)。

(English:  This is a Refresh function and can revitalize skin (my cup of tea).  Quite a special function!  Usually after I use Chanel (without the device), I feel it’s a bit rich; now with the device, I feel it’s quite refreshed!  After using the device with the hydrating mask, skin feels hydrating but not rich at all, and yes it feels refreshed!!  *laughs*  I believe this is a good news for oily skin types, as you don’t have to worry about products being too rich for you.  I think this function is more suitable for Spring and Summer time.  There won’t be any need to change to lighter mask/ lotion/ emulsion, I can just use this function!  In turn, it helps me to save buying other skincare items due to weather change (well not including buying whitening products!).)

總結: 我覺得Handybio係靠d essence做到唔同嘅效果。 除左我以上個d essence, 佢仲有美白去暗倉呢d。 但係就真係無底洞耶~ 佢枝枝野都唔平,如果同自己皮膚夾就好丫, 唔夾就慘喇! 反而我覺得HadaCrie係真係部機掂, 可以用翻自己d skincare ,佢只係幫助嘅角色令自己嘅skincare發揮到最好。 我覺得佢好實用, 同埋長用係比較經濟。 如果你想要美白效果,只要換過隻toner/ 乳液就可以(平日都可以用)。 我鍾意部HadaCrie多好多丫!! 我會推HadaCrie!!! 笑~~~

(English:  Conclusion: Handybio rely on its essences to achieve different effects.  Apart from mine above, they have something for whitening and acne as well.  However, it’s like a blackhole since each one of them is quite pricey.  If it suits your skin, then it’s brilliant; but if it doesn’t, then it’s a waste.  Well, I definitely LOVE HadaCrie way more, because you can use your own skincare items, and it just helps to achieve a better result!!  I feel that it’s really practical and it’s not costly for long-term use.  If you want to whiten your face, just change your regular toner/ lotion/ emulsion.  I would really recommend HadaCrie instead!!  *laughs*~~

P.S. 好啦, 呢篇文打到我手殘, 寫左4粒鐘, 希望幫到你地啦。 我先去休息。 Facebook再傾丫!!

(English:  P.S. Right, my hands are numb right now since I have been typing this for 4 hours!!  I hope it would help you to make your own decision!  I will take a rest first, see you on Facebook or on Twitter if you are English-speaking folks!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.handybio.com & http://www.hitachi-hk.com.hk)

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