手袋平價版 Handbag Dupe

化妝品平價版我就講得多,手袋平價版我都係第一次。 其實無諗住特別要寫呢個topic既blog post,只係我前幾日無意中上網碌下碌下俾我睇到有兩個品牌既袋好相似,但係價錢當然下差一截,所以同大家分享一下。

(English:  I think we are all very familiar with me talking about makeup dupes, but handbag dupes?  It’s definitely my first time!  Actually I didn’t have this topic in mind until last couple days when I stumbled across the handbags from two brands that are quite similar (of course the price difference is significant), so I thought it would be interesting to share.)

我諗大家對Chloe既Drew Bag唔會陌生,因為佢係網上前一兩年既IT bag,好多fashion紅人都會用佢黎做配搭,我都差少少俾燒而買,但係我又唔記得點解我最終又無入手!

(English:  I am sure you have heard of Chloe Drew Bag before, because it was the IT bag a year or two ago.  Many fashionistas use it to accessorise.  I almost got mine but I couldn’t remember why I didn’t get one at the time, oh well.)

Chloe Drew Bag

Blue: HK$13,750 (Shop Online)

Chloe Drew Blue

Beige: HK$13,750 (Shop Online)

Chloe Drew Beige

Red: HK$12,580 (Shop Online)

Chloe Drew Red

睇完Chloe Drew,咁平價版係邊個品牌呢? 就係Follie Follie喇。我地一齊望下Follie Follie既款式丫~

(English:  Now we have finished admiring Chloe Drew, let’s take a look at the dupe.  It’s from Follie Follie~)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Should Bag

Black: HK$1,555 (Details Online)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Black

Beige: HK$1,555 (Details Online)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Beige

Red: HK$1,555 (Details Online)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Red

當然唔係100%一樣啦,但係一眼望落個外型係好似。 Follie Follie個扣做左四葉草,多咗個小handle同埋條帶有皮既部份。 但係至於型狀我覺得有8成似,但係價錢就差一個位! 我覺得如果喜歡Chloe Drew Bag既外型但係想要平價款又有牌子既話可以諗諗。

(English:  Of course it’s not 100% the same, but they look so similar, don’t they?  Follie Follie’s lock is in a clover leaf shape, it comes with a small handle and there is leather on the chain.  However, for the overall look, they look 80% similar.  Follie Follie’s is much more affordable (1 digit difference)!  So I think if you enjoy the look of Chloe Drew Bag but you want something less high end, I think this one could be an option.)

好喇,又睇另一個款式。 我早前行Lane Crawford見到呢個,其實我有d心動,因為我無Tote bag,而呢個有少少型,所以諗緊會唔會入手,應該裝得落我部MAC!

(English:  Right let’s move onto the next one.  I saw this in Lane Crawford before and I was actually tempted because I don’t own any Tote bag and this one somehow learns on the edgier side.  I am still considering because it should be able to hold my MAC!)

Chloe Milo Tote

Black: HK$9,530 (Shop Online)

Chloe Milo Tote Black

Brown: HK$9,530 (Shop Online)

Chloe Milo Tote Brown

Blue: HK$9,530 (Shop Online)

Chloe Milo Tote Blue

我本身係Lane Crawford見到啡色,好燒,因為個啡色好靚,同埋加左d黃色好sharp,但係而家望望下又覺得籃色有少少洗水味道,好似襯我多d。 我拎過上手唔重,夠大,啱鍾意用大袋既朋友用。

(English:  I saw the brown one in Lane Crawford and I was really tempted because the brown was a really nice brown with that pop of yellow – very eye catching!  However, now that I browse more online and I feel that I quite like this blue because it has that washed off feel, which might suit me better!  I tried it before and it wasn’t heavy, it’s definitely very roomy, so it’s suitable for those who enjoy their big bags.)

平價版都係Follie Follie見到,講真我覺得Follie Follie呢個無Chloe個咁有causal feel,不過因為似我地都望下啦。

(English:  Again the dupe is from Follie Follie.  To be honest, I don’t think the Follie Follie one gives out as much “causal vibe” as the Chloe’s but since they look quite similar, let’s take a look.)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Tote

Black: HK$1,965 (Details Online)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Tote Black

Brown: HK$1,965 (Details Online)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Tote Brown

Red: HK$1,965 (Details Online)

Follie Follie Heart4Heart Tote Red


(English:  I think the colour combination is not as spot on as Chloe’s.  Follie Follie’s doesn’t come with tassels and the leather looks a bit more stiff, therefore I think this one gives out a more of a formal vibe.)

好啦,分享完畢,唔知大家覺得有唔有趣,不過我望到個下就覺得可以同大家分享下,因為你地可能真係揾緊差唔多既款式㗎麻。 如果大家都鍾意呢類分享,咁我未來見到類似既又可以同大家講下啦!

(English:  Okiedokie.  I am not sure if you find it somewhat interesting but when I saw the bags I was dying to share my thoughts just in case some of you might really be looking for something more affordable.  Anyway, if you enjoy this type of sharing, let me know and I could be tempted to do more in future!)

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