[保養] 嚴重愛上呢枝Hand Cream

要做blogger真係唔容易,亦都唔可以滿意於現狀,所以成日都要研究一d我無試過既品牌,希望發現更多唔係好多人知既好野同大家分享。 就係咁,我近期去左Neal’s Yard Remedies買咗幾樣野,睇下有無驚喜! 其實好多人都應該對呢個品牌唔陌生,因為佢係英國一個好有名既organic品牌。 佢係香港都有售點(我都係近期先見到,所以先有得買黎試)。 我今日想分享下佢一隻hand cream,真係唔講得笑,一用就愛上!!

(English:  Being a blogger is not an easy task and I can’t be satisfied most of the time, so I have to keep investigating brands that I haven’t tried before, hopefully, there would be some good and bad things to share!  Based on this thought, I went to Neal’s Yard Remedies recently and got a few things (to see if I would be impressed/ surprised).  I guess if you are an organic brand lover, you would be quite familiar with the brand already because it’s a famous organic brand from the UK.  Now they are available in HK (thank God, that’s why I am about to get my hands on a few things). Today, let me share my thoughts with you on one of their hand creams.  I fell in love instantly – no joke!!)

Neal’s Yard Remedies Melissa Hand Cream

價錢(Price):HK$220/ 30g

Product Information:


(English: “For ALL skin types A rich and protective cream to nourish and enrich the hands and nails.”)


Before Blending




使用次數(No. of Usage):20 times

用後感: 其實我一路都有用唔同既hand cream,滿意就真係講唔上。 就係因為隻隻我都有d野唔鍾意,所以我一路都好少搽hand cream搞到對手好乾。 上次買呢個hand cream個陣就係係counter試咗,超愛佢隻味同texture,所以即刻買,希望揾到我既dream hand cream!! 哈哈!! 佢隻味係比較似lemongrass,如果你愛lemongrass,你會愛呢隻味,我覺得聞落好舒服同埋佢隻味道好long lasting! 我自己最愛係佢個質感。 好易推,超易吸收,都有少少留係表面去保護隻手,但係感覺唔厚同埋唔會痴笠笠! 吸完之後對手d紋唔見咗,望落有少少光澤感,同埋潤得黎無過肥感覺。 有好多時我地搽完hand cream都會洗手,有好多hand cream我覺得一洗完手就咩cream都無留底(Crabtree & Evelyn就係喇),但係呢隻都會俾洗走,不過感覺上唔係完全無哂,所以我覺得佢真正有俾皮膚吸收咗,所以講真,我一日裡面都唔會補搽好多次。 平均都係三次咁上下! 另外,我都用咗佢一段時期,我而家覺得就算有d日子無搽hand cream,都無以前個種粗鞋咁,而家對手變得柔軟咗同滑咗!! 真係好滿意!!仲有,個日去買野發現原來我有個subbie係個度做,佢仲話我聽之前有客人有煮婦手用呢隻野用好咗。 我唔敢話一定得,因為始終我無煮婦手,但係如果你有既話又揾唔到其他方法,我覺得都可以一試,起碼多個choice! 係,我覺得hand cream黎講,佢都唔平,但係我覺得佢既效果係同個價錢成正比!! 超愛!! 用咗佢我都唔係好想用其他hand cream!! 哈哈!!! 超推!!

(English:  Product Review: I have been using different hand creams but none of them satisfies me.  Yea, I am so picky that I can basically find fault with everyone of them, so I seldom put on hand cream and in turn I have super dry hands.  When I got this, I tried at the counter and fell in love with its scent and texture, so I thought I would give this a go, hopefully it would turn out to be my dream hand cream.  *Laughs*  Its scent leans more towards Lemongrass, so if you are a fan of Lemongrass scent, you will love this.  The scent is soothing and long-lasting.  For me, I do love its texture a lot.  It’s super easy to blend and absorb, it does leave a thin protective layer on the hand surface, but it’s not greasy nor sticky!  After it’s absorbed, the lines of my hands disappear and they do look more brightened up, they are moisturized and look healthy.  Many times, we do wash our hands very frequently and so many of the hand creams would come off entirely during the washing (Crabtree and Evelyn is one of them).  This one does come off a bit, but not entirely, so I feel that it truly gets absorbed into the skin.  Therefore, I don’t reapply too many times a day, I usually do 3 times a day on average.  Also, I have been using it for awhile, I notice even without applying any hand cream, my hand is not as rough as before.  Hands become soft and smooth!!!  I am so happy about it!!!  I found out that one of my subbie worked there when I went and got my hand cream, she told me that one of her clients recovered from “cooking hands”  by using this.  I am not 100% sure, but I thought I would tell you, because if you have “cooking hands” and you have run out of suggestion, you might want to give this a chance!!  Right, for hand cream, I can’t say its price is really friendly, but honestly I think it delivers great results!!  I am so in love now and I don’t want to change to other hand creams~~~Highly recommended!!!)

Neal’s Yard Remedies’ HK Address:



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