[保養] 近期大愛既三款Hand Cream

自從買咗Neal’s Yard Remedies既hand cream後,我嚴重愛上搽hand cream! 以前用個d全部都唔係好滿意,所以好多時我都唔搽hand cream搞到對手無敵咁乾! 其實我對hand cream既要求真係好高,因為我一定要係味道好得黎又唔可以笠(我成日掂iPad,如果笠就會笠埋部iPad),又要佢唔可以好似有層野係皮膚面,仲要唔可以洗完手仲乾過無洗! 我係咪好麻煩? 我都覺,不過如果唔符合呢d條件我係打佢入冷宮!! 哈哈~~ 不過雖然我麻煩,但係俾我好有心機底下揾到呢三隻hand cream,價錢亦都係分高中底價,等唔同budget既sis可以有唔同既選擇! 如果你要求同我一樣咁高就要睇落去喇~~

(English:  Since I got the Neal’s Yard Remedies Melissa hand cream, I have fallen in love with using hand creams!  All those previous ones that I used weren’t quite up to my standard, so that was discouraging to my hand cream ritual!  Indeed, I have extremely high requirement for hand creams.  First, it has to smell nice; second, it has to be moisturizing but not greasy (I touch my iPad all the time and I don’t want to turn it into some kind of a greasy gadget); third, it can’t leave a layer of what-not on my skin; and last but not least, my hands can’t feel dry after washing it off!  Hmmmm….right…I admit that I am very fuzzy when it comes to hand creams!  Well, but the good news is, with my dedication to find something that meets my expectations, I come across 3 with different price ranges (you can choose according to your budget)!  So, if you are as fuzzy as me, read on~~)



Neal’s Yard Remedies Melissa Hand Cream

屬於 (High-price range)

價錢(Price):HK$220/ 30g (on average $7.3/g)

Buy from: Store Locations

Product Information:


(English: Benefits:
• Soothing and softening
• Nourishing
• With revitalising lemon balm)

Jo Malone Vitamin E Nourishing Hand Treatment

屬於中價 (Mid-price range)

價錢(Price):HK$520/ 100ml (on average $5.2/ml)

Buy from: Store Locations

Product Information:
“Rich and sumptuous to the touch, Vitamin E Nourishing Hand Treatment conditions the skin while providing formidable environmental protection. A hint of pomelo and cassis leave skin deliciously scented.”

Glam-it! Feel Me Hand Cream

屬於底價 (Low-price range)

價錢(Price):HK$70/ 30ml (on average $2.3/ml)

Buy from Hakme’s Store or email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com

Product Information:

“Luxurious “Feel Me” Hand Cream moisturizes your hands and leaves them soft, smooth, and protected. It contains shea butter, collagen and almond oil.”


Before Blending



滋潤度(由最潤開始):Neal’s Yard Remedies –> Jo Malone –> Glam-it!

(English:  How moisturizing (starting from the most moisturizing): Neal’s Yard Remedies –> Jo Malone –> Glam-it!)



Neal’s Yard Remedies Melissa Hand Cream: 睇價錢唔算貴婦級,但係一除開同有對比底下就變得貴婦!我覺得香味真係好soothing同好香(Lemongrass味),同埋潤得黎唔笠同無負擔感。 用完對手好滑又潤! 好正!! 細細枝放手袋都好輕好方便! 呢個我通常係乾到好鞋個陣用,唔會日日都用,因為貴所以我會同以下個兩款隔住用,咁可以溝淡下佢個價錢! 之前我都有寫過一個關於佢既review,我唔長氣喇,你地想再睇詳細d就去 –> here

Jo Malone Vitamin E Hand Treatment: 睇價錢覺得係貴婦,點知因為佢ml數大,所以除開輸比NYR(都係好事),相比之下佢就變咗中價喇! Jo Malone既Vitamin E Body Balm係caramel味有少少甜甜地,但係反而隻hand cream就邊咗另一隻味,唔甜同埋幾好聞唔供鼻! 佢個質感薄過NYR少少,但係都好夠潤,搽緊按緊一路吸收,搽完皮膚好滑,但係一d都唔笠!洗完手又唔會覺得完全無咗野咁,都會仲覺得有少少留咗係皮膚,都仲潤!! 掂呀!!! 但係呢,佢個唔好處係佢好大枝,拎出街唔係好方便丫,拎咁大枝hand cream出街好似好誇張咁(我個人覺得啦~~)! 所以我呢枝野係放係屋企,係屋企個陣一般多數用佢,如果太乾就用NYR!! 哈哈~~~

Glam-it! Feel Me Hand Cream: 三款當中最平係佢喇! 亦都係我用得最多最狠既!! 哈哈!! 原因好簡單,因為佢細細枝,所以佢長期係我手袋入面跟我返工出街。 亦都因為佢平,所以我都放多咗枝係公司,係公司既時間多,亦都洗手多,所以補搽既機會好高! 咁佢平平地我多多用都唔會肉痛(突然好精打細算)! 佢個質感係三隻當中最薄既一隻,但係潤度只係薄過Jo Malone少少,所以日常用都好夠。 佢超快吸收得黎夠潤。 唔會搽咗好似無搽,亦都唔會話好似有d野係隻手表面。 搽完摸落都係好滑!! 洗完手都會仲有少少滑既感覺!! 加上佢有註明係Paraben Free (NYR都係Paraben Free )同Sulphate Free,所以用得多都安心! 同埋佢隻味係好清好light,掂掂掂!!!


(English:  Product Reviews:

Neal’s Yard Remedies Melissa Hand Cream: When you look at the price only, it doesn’t occur to me that it’s actually a high end product!  However, when I divide it up and compare it with others, yep, it turns out to be the most expensive in the bunch!  The scent is soothing and nice (Lemongrass), it’s moisturizing but not greasy.  After application, hands become smooth to touch and moisturized!!  Very nice!!!  It’s quite compact, so it’s easy to carry around in the hand bag as well – convenient!!  I usually use this when I feel that my hands are very rough, I don’t use it every single day because of the price.  I would alternate it with the other two below, so then I could feel that it lasts longer (LOL)!!  I have written a post about this hand cream before, so if you want to read more about this, go here)


 Jo Malone Vitamin E Hand Treatment: When I look at the price alone, it seemed to be ridiculous (HK$520 for a hand cream???!!!), but when I look closer, it comes with 100ml, so it’s larger than most hand creams.  Therefore, when I divide it up, it works out to be cheaper than NYR (which is good) and falls into the mid-price range.  Remember when I talk about Jo Malone Vitamin E Body
Balm?  I said its scent was caramel with a hint of sweetness?  Ha, the hand cream has a different scent (thank God).  It’s sophisticated, not sweet and quite light!!  Its texture is slightly thinner than NYR’s but it’s enough for most days.  It gets absorbed quite quickly and skin becomes really soft (but non greasy!).  It still lingers after washing hands and they still feel moisturized!!  Brilliant!!  HOWEVER, I feel that it has its disadvantage!!  It’s too big to haul around!!  I don’t know, somehow I feel like bring this massive hand cream in my bag is an over-the-top thing!!  So it stays home and when I am at home, I mostly use this; but if the weather gets too dry, then I would use NYR’s!!)

Glam-it! Feel Me Hand Cream: It’s the most affordable one out of the three and it’s my most frequently used one!  *Laughs*  The reason is very simple, it’s very compact, so it follows me everywhere I go.  Also because it’s soooo affordable, so I have another one sitting at my desk at work!!  You know we all spend a lot of our lives at work, and we do wash our hands more at work, so the chance of reapplying is very high!!  Its price is so lovely that it wouldn’t eat me up (see, I have my frugal moments)!  Its texture is the thinnest out of the three, but mind you, it’s just a tiny bit thinner Jo Malone’s, so it’s good enough for most days.  It gets absorbed super easily yet it moisturizes my hands effectively!  It doesn’t leave a ridiculous layer on hand, however, it certainly makes hands soft and smooth to touch!  This feeling does linger even after washing my hands!!  Plus, it’s Paraben free (same as NYR) and Sulfate free, so I feel safe to use it very often, not to mention I quite like the light and fresh scent!!!  Fabulous!!!)

好啦,一口氣講完,希望都幫到你揀到一隻啱心水既hand cream啦!! 三枝都好好用,你地自己睇budget同需要黎選擇丫!!

(English:  Right, finally done with the 3 reviews in one go and I hope that it helps you somewhat to pick your favourite!!  All three are great, you just need to choose according to your budget/ needs!!)



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