潤而不油既Hair Treatment

唔知你地有無印象, 我係好耐之前去左L’Occitane敗左兩樣野, 一樣連用完都唔記得寫(我會補翻), 另一樣就就黎用完都未寫.  今日等我”嫡”起心肝寫左佢先, 唔係整整下又以為自己寫左 (係呀, 呢期我成日都以前自己寫左d未寫既野).  好, 睇下隻product先:

(English:  I am not sure if you remember, awhile ago I went to L’Occitane to grab two items.  I used up one of the items already without even writing a piece on it  (I will write it sometime), and for the other item, I almost finish it up … but again haven’t really written anything on it!  Well, let me gather my right mind and give it a review first, otherwise, I’d probably assume that I have already written something about it (yea, I have been hallucinating these days).  Great, let’s take a look at the item:)

L’Occitane Repairing Mask for Dry & Damaged Hair  深層修護亮澤髮膜

價錢 (Price): HK$250/ 250ml

Product Information:


“English:  Particularly recommended for color and chemically-treated hair, this hair mask nourishes and deeply restores capillary fiber. Repairing, stimulating and regenerating, it protects against the damaging effects of environmental stresses. This rich and silky cream leaves your hair shiny, soft, and smooth.”


In the jar:

On the skin:

係cream狀, 但係唔係好杰身既.  好易就推得好開.

(English:  It’s of a creamy texture, but it’s not thick at all.  It feels rather light and blendable!)

使用次數 (No. of Usage):  Almost finish 1 bottle (once a week)

用後感:  你地知我成日整個頭ga la, 又電又染, 所以我d頭髮係又乾又傷.  呢隻hair treatment好香, 搽上頭聞到味個刻覺得好relax!  我最鍾意係佢唔洗hea係個頭太耐, around 5分鐘就可以喇.  你知啦, 如果要等太耐, 我真係無咩心機.  我覺得佢個texture好好, 好易比頭髮吸收, 搽左上去又唔會覺得佢lup住個頭.  沖完水個刻係覺得d頭髮滑左, 但係無話好似仲有d cream係度個隻feel.  同埋乾左個陣都見到d頭髮有翻光澤, 所以感覺真係好唔錯.  但係個效果唔算keep得好耐, 真係三日就無左, 所以keep住一個星期做都係有道理.  我用左成jar之後覺得d頭髮無之前咁乾同埋鞋手.  整體黎講我覺得d髮質係比未用既時候好左.  我係覺得佢唔錯, 但係我覺得佢係比較適合本身頭髮唔係好傷既人, 如果呢d人用, 應該個效果幾明顯同埋個效果keep得耐d.  但係如果本身d頭髮已經好乾再加埋後天既傷害呢, 可能會覺得未必夠潤同埋效果唔係好明顯.  如果你地要買, 就諗真d你地d髮質係點先決定喇.

(English:  After-use Comment:  You all know that I mess with my hair a lot, mostly perm and dye, so I can say that my hair is pretty lifeless!  This treatment smells REALLY nice and when I put it on my hair, I do feel very relaxed smelling the scent!  I also really like the fact that it doesn’t take long, only 5 mins!  You know, if something takes too long to happen, I’d probably lose my patience!  The texture is great, it gets absorbed really easily.  When I put it on my hair, I can feel that it’s getting absorbed, not just staying on the surface of my hair!  The good part is, it won’t leave your hair feeling too rich/ greasy after rinsing.  I feel that my hair is smooth and shiny afterwards.  For this, it’s not had!  However, the downside is that the effect doesn’t last more than 3 days – so they have a point in having you to keep doing your treatment once a week!  Now, I almost finish a jar and I notice that my hair is less dry and is smoother than before.  Overall speaking, I feel the improvement on the texture of my hair.  I think it’s more suitable for normal hair type, I believe they would feel a bigger difference.  For really dry/ damaged hair type, I still think that it’s not moisturizing enough and the difference is not dramatic.  So, if you are interested, please consider your hair type before making the decision.)

P.S.  我而家仲有隻 Avon Hair Treatment, 我下個target想用Tsubaki黃色隻treatment, 因為可以用埋頭皮, 你地有無人用過呀?  正唔正?

(English:  I currently still have Avon Hair Treatment on hand.  My next target will be Tsubaki Hair Mask (in yellow tube) because it can be used on the scalp too.  Have any of you tried it?  Any good?)

(the above product information is extracted from http://hk.loccitane.com)

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