最愛化妝水 ♥ Hada Labo 肌研極潤保濕化妝水

我諗你地睇到個title都知我想講邊隻野啦.  應該好多sisters都有用過/ 用緊.  我就真係遲左幾步.  點解我咁遲先試呢隻野呢? 之唔係因為我唔係好鍾意用toner lor.  Toner係我屋企唔會經常出現, 我都係有時想試某隻先會去買下黎用.  哈哈, 今次一試呢隻野之下就成為大愛, 幾好幾好:

(English:  After reading the title, you must know what I am going to talk about.  I suspect that many sisters have already tried/ are using this toner.  I am a bit slow this time in trying this.  Why?  Coz I am not a big fan of using toner.  Toner is not a must at my place, very often, I would only get one when I really want to try a particular one.)

肌研極潤保濕化妝水 Hada Labo Gokujyun Toner

價錢 (Price): HK$99/ 170ml

Product Information:

“「肌研」是日本樂敦制藥研究中心及美國曼秀雷敦公司共同研發的肌膚護理系列。本著”Perfect & Simple”的理念,不斷尋找最純正的成分,由最嚴格的制藥基準監控,為肌膚締造最健康的美肌產品,讓肌膚重拾柔嫩細白。

HadaLabo (肌研) 極潤系列 極潤保濕化妝水含豐富超級透明質酸,能深入滲透及滋潤角質層,瞬間深度保濕,令膚質更細緻柔滑。此外,又能鎖緊水份,持續補充肌膚所需水份,使肌膚即時展現水嫩美肌。弱酸性、低刺激性、不含香料及色素。”

(English: “Hadalabo is a newly mutually-developed brands operated by Rohto (Japan) and Mentholatum (USA), with the concept of ‘Perfect & Simple’. They bring you a series of skincare products with the highest purity of ingredients under strict quality control.

HadaLabo GOKUJYUN Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion is infused with super hyaluronic acid which deeply penetrates into skin. It keeps on moisturizing and softening skin, meanwhile enhancing skin’s water-binding ability, leaving skin supple, smooth and radiant. Weak acid, no fragrance, and no colorant.”)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 1.5 months (@ mornings & nights)

用後感:  初初聽人地話佢咁好用, 我都諗唔知係唔係, 同埋加上我有個friend用完佢之後同我講話佢個texture比較杰身, 佢唔係咁鍾意用, 我就真係有d猶疑.  不過, 我都想親自試下, 所以我就敗左喇.  我覺得佢texture唔算好杰, 其實都好水下.  不過比起一般toner個感覺實在d.  呢隻野講明用手搽, 我初初唔believe, 仲用cotton pad, 但係我覺得用cotton pad個效果真係唔出, 要用手先見到個效果.  我早晚都用佢既, 我倒4滴落手, 之後就全面搽.  佢係超快吸收, 吸左之後好明顯個感覺係好保濕.  我試過用佢之後成個鐘都未搽serum/ cream個d, 都keep到好保濕個感覺wor!  正!  最good既係我用左佢一期之後塊面無再覺得乾, 感覺好夠水!  掂呀!  加埋佢價錢唔貴, 用量又唔洗咁多, 佢已經成為我最愛之一喇.  我自己係乾性皮膚, 我就覺得好好用喇.  簡簡單單就做到好保濕既效果, 唔怪得咁多好評啦.  推呀!! 如果你想搵d保濕toner, 但係又未試過呢隻, 我真係超級建議你試下!  可能你都會一試愛上!

(English:  After-use Comment:  At first when I heard the rave comments, I thought, “really?”  Plus, my friend used this once and mentioned the texture was a bit thick and she didn’t quite like it, I became skeptical.  However, I believe in giving things a chance, I got this and was determined to test it out myself.  I find the texture quite nice, it’s quite runny but it feels more solid on skin when compared to other toners.  It says use this with the hands.  I didn’t really follow the instruction at first and used it with cotton pads.  Nah, the effect wasn’t spectacular.  Then I use it with my own hands and wonder starts to happen!  I use 4 drops in the mornings and at nights.  After rubbing it on my face, I instantly feel that it’s absorbed into skin and it leaves skin very hydrated!  I try leaving it on for an hour without putting on any serum/ cream, and my skin still feels very hydrated!  The most amazing thing is after using it for awhile, I notice that my skin stays hydrated.  Brilliant!  It’s not expensive, and you don’t need too much each time – what more could you ask for?  It’s become one of my greatest loves!  I love it so much (I have dry skin) because it does what it says.  If you are looking for a hydrating toner and haven’t tried this one before, I would highly recommend you try this!  Maybe you will fall in love with it too!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.sasa.com)

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