Book Review: 最強習慣養成 by 吉井雅之


I think many people experience difficulty in building habits.  There are some habits we are doing every single day and they are part of our auto-pilot mode; however, when we want to drop or build other habits, it’s not as effortless as we would like it to be.  We often find ourselves in a constant loop of starting and giving up the “habits”.

最強習慣養成 by 吉井雅之



Of course I encounter similar situations too, like writing journal and exercising.  I don’t know how many times I have started and given up in the process.  Years have gone by and I still can’t seem to turn them into something I can call a routine.  Due to this issue, when I saw this book, I thought I might be able to get something out of it, so I bought it and started reading it.


This book is not asking you to force yourself into whatever habit that you are building.  It shares tips and tricks, and also it gives scientific insights of how our brains function.  When we are building the habits, what is actually going through our brains?  Why would the brains choose to escape instead of sticking to it?  How can we adjust ourselves to facilitate the habit building process?

呢本書聽落好似會好悶,但係其實我覺得作者都用咗一個輕鬆嘅手法去解釋,同埋每一個章節唔太長,所以每日都可以花少少時間睇幾版,唔覺唔覺就睇完。我覺得佢屬於輕鬆讀物類。 買佢嘅時候對佢冇乜期望,但係我讀完都覺得有得着。

Well by now, you must think that this book sounds boring.  Not really, the author talks about things in a light-hearted manner and each chapter is short, so you can just spend a few minutes a day to read a chapter and you will finish it in no time.  To me, this is a light read.  I didn’t expect too much when I got this book, but I am glad that I do have a few takeaways.

其中一個最大嘅得着係作者叫我哋問吓個大腦 「點樣可以完成呢件事」,「點樣可以做得到呢件事」,而唔係成日話俾自己知自己做唔到。 作者話用呢一個問題嘅方式去問我哋嘅大腦,而大腦係負責搵答案,所以當我哋一問完個問題嘅時候,大腦自己就會去尋找相關嘅答案,令到我哋做到嗰件事。我覺得呢本書除咗講習慣,當中仲包含咗正向思想。

One of the biggest takeaways is that the author asks us to throw questions like “how did I achieve this?”, “how can I accomplish this?” Instead of telling ourselves we can’t do something (which is a limiting though btw), we ask a positive question.  One of the brain’s duties is to fetch answers, so when we finish asking a positive question, a positive answer will follow.  Interesting, right?  I think this book is not only about habit building, it also contains bit and pieces of positivity thinking as well.


If you are like me, you are into positivity and you want to build some new habits, I think you will find this book useful.

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