[保養] HABA二合一離子明眸美顏器 ♥ 自家用品篇


(English:  I have written about my comments on the effects of HABA beauty machine together with its products (click the link below), today, I am going to write about the same machine but with non-HABA products.  I have so many skincare items at home and it’s impossible to try everything because it would take a good few months.  I did try the following steps with different products in the category and my comments are more of a consolidated version.  The products that are showing on the pictures are just representatives!)

[保養] 家居美顏器 HABA二合一離子明眸美顏器


(English:  Let’s start with my bare face:)

先黎Deep Cleansing:

(English:  First – Deep Cleansing:)


(English:  I used HABA paper mask but with the toner that I got from Japan.)


(English:  Same as last time, the treatment stopped after 8 mins.)


(English:  Done!)

用後感(導出功能):同上次一樣,張mask都係無野睇! 我望一望自己完成個效果,我覺得無上次用翻HABA產品感覺咁好wor!上次雖然無野睇, 但係我感覺上都覺得好乾淨同埋膚色明亮咗。 今次用左另外既產品,反而我覺得效果麻麻,雖然都有感覺到少少乾淨,但係面色同效果我覺得無用翻佢HABA產品咁好喇。

(English:  Product Review on Deep Cleansing Function: Same as last time, there is no dirt, absolutely nothing left on the sheet mask.  I looked at my finished results and I felt that it’s not as good as last time using HABA’s own products!  Even though there was nothing to see last time, I felt that my pores were clean and my skin was more radiant.  However, for this time using other brands, I felt the result was just so so.  Even though I felt that my face was a little bit cleaner, the result wasn’t as obvious as last time.)


(English:  Then Ion Treatment:)

今次我用mask,我揀美麗日記隻蝸牛係因為佢紙質夠薄,又d似HABA張face mask!

(English:  This time I used a face mask instead and I chose My Beauty Diary Snal Mask because the cloth was very thin and it was similar to HABA’s face mask!)


(English:  Again another 8 mins.)


(English:  Done!)

用後感(離子護膚功能):都係無上次用佢自己既產品咁好呀! 我覺得我碌完8分鐘,個感覺同我自己敷mask個效果無咩唔同呀!! 唔覺得加強咗個效果!! 無咩驚喜,你見我張相都明我講咩啦!!

(English:  Product Review on Ion Treatment Function:  Again not as good as using HABA’s own products.  I felt that the effect of using the machine for 8 mins was very similar to using the face mask alone!  Nothing enhanced and no surprise!  You can tell that from the pic!)

哈哈!!因為佢有個眼碌,所以我想用佢碌眼! 我試下唔加mask用eye cream去碌丫~~

(English:  Oh since it comes with the head for the point care, I used it on eyes with an eye cream~~)


(English:  I used SKII this time because its texture is very nice and it doesn’t dry out fast, great for massaging!)

今次就用point care個function!

(English:  Use the point care function for this!)


(English:  Done!!)

用後感(Point Care功能):呢個就真係唔錯,佢個碌碌好smooth, 唔會捽住皮膚,同埋我用呢隻eye cream碌,碌完之後感覺緊咗!! 哈哈!!!當然啦,去唔去到眼圈,眼紋就未知,但係我覺得係做到緊緻! 唔錯, 呢個效果係最有驚喜!!!掂!!

(English:  Product on Point Care Function:  This is exciting!  The head is very smooth and it doesn’t stick with the skin.  It goes really well with the eye cream and I could feel that the eye areas are tightened up!  *Laughs*  Of course, I am not sure if it can minimize the dark circles or fine lines, but all I can say is that it can tighten up!!  Nice!!  This is surprising!)

總結:我覺得HABA呢部機都係要用翻佢自己既產品先最好,用咗另外既產品我覺得效果唔係太明顯。反而眼就ok,用eye cream再用碌直接碌,緊緻效果唔錯!! 呢點就好驚喜下!!

(English:  Conclusion:  I feel that the HABA beauty machine has to go with its own products to have the biggest effect.  Using other products mean that the effect is not effective.  For the eyes, using the eye cream with HABA beauty machine is great, it’s nice to see the tightening effect!!)



(English:  Great!  After reading the two pieces about HABA beauty machine, you should have know if it’s worth your money.  If you still cannot decide, make sure to read my tomorrow’s post on the comparison!)

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