[保養] HABA Vs Hitachi 家居美容器比拼

好喇好喇,又係比拼時間。兩部機,究竟邊部會勝出呢?我之前寫咗用HABA部機既自家產品同埋自己產品,如果你地未睇, 可以睇咗先,等自己有個idea。我亦都講過Hitachi同埋Handybio既比拼,你地都可以望下先,link如下:

(English:  Nice – it’s comparison time!!  I am really excited to compare this two beauty machines and I am wondering which would win?  I did write about the HABA beauty machine together with its own product and my own product, if you haven’t read them yet, please do so that you have a general idea.  I have also compared the Hitachi and Handybio beauty machine, if you are interested, you can take a look as well.  Links are as follows:-)

[保養] 家居美顏器 HABA二合一離子明眸美顏器

[美容] 家居美容器: Handybio Vs Hitachi HadaCrie CM-N8100


(English:  Let’s look at the two machines first:)

HABA Ion My Esthe II Vs Hitachi HadaCrie CM-N8100

價錢(Price):HK$2,280 for HABA & HK$1,980 for Hitachi


(English:  Deep Cleansing Effect:)



比拼:兩部機都有導出功能,HABA部就用sheet mask, 而Hitachi個部係用cotton pad, 大家都係用toner導出。做完導出,HABA個張sheet mask係無野睇, 但係Hitachi個張cotton pad係有野睇(睇到自己幾dirty!)。 我覺得兩部機做完個效果感覺上都係乾淨,但係我覺得Hitachi個部效果明顯d。 我覺得做完Hitachi個部個效果真係好明亮同埋塊面真係好乾淨!HABA個部要用佢既G Lotion個效果先明顯,而Hitachi個部就用咩Toner都得,所以我覺得Hitachi個部比較方便。導出效果係Hitachi勝出。

(English:  Comparison:  The two machines have deep cleansing function.  HABA’s has to be used with sheet mask, while Hitachi’s can be used with cotton pads.  Both of the machines would require toner to get the deep cleansing to function.  After the deep cleansing, HABA’s sheet mask hasn’t got any trace of dirt, while Hitachi’s cotton pad got dirty if your face is!  Both machines give me a clean feeling after use, but I have to say that the one for Hitachi is better.  After using Hitachi’s deep cleansing, I feel the skin is really brightened up and clean.  For HABA, G Lotion has to be used to get that result; for Hitachi, you can just use a normal toner.  Therefore, I feel that the Hitachi one is more convenient. And for the deep cleansing function, I feel that Hitachi’s work better!)


(English:  Then what about the ion treatment function:)

比拼:HABA部機有一個導入功能,而Hitachi就有三個(用唔同既野有唔同function用)。我覺得做完HABA導入,塊面都好滑同埋有彈力。不過我都覺得要用翻HABA嘅產品先有咁既效果,用其他產品個效果唔特別。 如果講Hitachi,我用過唔同產品做導入,做完個感覺真係正,因為塊面超滑之餘,仲要係好保濕同埋好有彈性。 我覺得兩部嚟講,如果用HABA部機,你會用翻佢d產品,咁佢既效果真係同Hitachi差唔多,但係如果你話你會用其他產品,咁我就覺得Hitachi好d喇。

(English:  Comparison:  HABA has one ion treatment function, whereby Hitachi has 3 (depending what kind of products you are using).  I feel that after using HABA, the face has become smooth and very elastic.  However, again I feel that only when I am using HABA’s own products.  If I use other products, I basically don’t feel much difference.  For Hitachi, I have tried using different products for the treatment and the result is fabulous!  The face is smooth, hydrated and very elastic!  To compare the two, if you are using HABA, you must use their products in order to achieve the same results as Hitachi.  If you are using other products, then Hitachi’s is better.)


(English:  The design:)

比拼:設計其實兩部個樣都差唔多,不過個碌碌唔同。HABA個部係碌碌型,而Hitachi個部係平面型。用起上黎,我覺得HABA個部係好好碌,因為唔會怕扯到皮膚,而Hitachi個部就要就住,小心d用,如果個cotton pad太乾既話係會扯到皮膚!

(English:  Comparison:  The design of the machine is very similar but the heads are different.  HABA’s is like a roller and Hitachi’s is like a flat face.  When in use, HABA’s more convenient because I don’t feel like it’s pulling my skin.  For Hitachi, I have to be careful when the cotton pad dries out.)

Point Care功能效果:

(English:  Point care function and result:)

比拼:呢點要一提! HABA個部有個頭係for point care, 鼻位眼位都照顧到,但係Hitachi就無咁既功能喇。 反而我覺得HABA呢個point care function如果用係眼就真係好正(鼻位唔覺有咩特別),用自己既eye cream同埋佢呢個point care function用完眼位感覺好緊!! 個緊既感覺仲要維持兩日,真係唔錯。 但係掉翻轉頭講,佢照顧唔到頸位丫,除非你用cover埋頸既face mask再用HABA部機去碌! 反而Hitachi個部就可以好易照顧到頸位喇,因為都係用cotton pad捽麻!!

(English:  Comparison:  I have to mention this point.  HABA has a point care function and it comes with the roller for eyes and nose area.  Hitachi doesn’t have this.  I feel that the point care function is fabulous when using on eye areas (don’t feel anything special on the nose area) with my own eye cream.  After using it, the eye areas are tightened up and the effect lasts for around 2 days.  Really nice!!  On the other hand, it doesn’t take care of the neck area that well, unless you use some sheet mask that covers that neck area.  For Hitachi, it can take care of the neck area during the normal procedure!)

總結:你見啦,兩部都真係各有各好。你可以睇下自己既習慣喜好需要去決定。如果你買HABA,就真係要記得配埋佢既產品去用,唔係會無咩驚喜! 如果你想要有眼部護理,HABA係一個好既選擇! 如果你話唔想用某一個品牌既產品,又唔太介意無眼部護理, 你可以揀Hitachi丫!

(English:  Conclusion:  Both have its advantage and disadvantage!  You can choose depending on your habit, needs and preference.  If you buy HABA machine, please remember to use its products as well, otherwise, it won’t give you any surprising result.  If you particularly love to take care of your eye area, HABA is a great choice.  But if you don’t want to use only 1 brand of skincare products, Hitachi would be better!)

好喇,希望幫到你丫! 如果你地有問題,或者我有咩講得唔清楚,可以問我啦!(笑)打到我手殘!

(English:  Right, hope this piece helps you to make a wise choice and save some money!  If you have any question, you are welcome to ask me!!  Now my hands are tired!!)

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