[保養] 家居美顏器 HABA二合一離子明眸美顏器

之前係Facebook問過你地我去唔去HABA呢個event好,你哋話去啦,都想知我對呢部機既感覺如何。咁我就乖乖咁去咗個event同埋拎咗部機! 諗住試下睇下有咩感覺!
(English:  I asked you all before on Facebook whether you wanted me to go to the HABA event or not, many of you mentioned that you would love to have my opinion on the newly released beauty machine.  Well, I listened and went to the event and took the machine home to give it a good test!)
話說我拎咗呢部機既前幾日, 我一直敷緊Base Formula既mask(回顧按此),所以皮膚太好。我第一日拎完部機試個陣,感受唔太大,所以我隔咗幾日,咩mask都無做,再去試呢部機(所以要你地久等喇),咁樣就真正可以feel下部機有無感覺! 先望一望部機先~

(English:  Just before I got this machine, I was obsessed with Base Formula mask (refresh memory) and my skin was great, so the first day when I tried the machine, I didn’t feel the effect too much.  Therefore, I stopped all my facial masks for a few days and try the machine again (sorry to keep you all waiting).  This way, I can really feel if the machine is working or not!  Let’s take a look at the beauty machine first~)

HABA Ion My Esthe II

(English:  When I picked this up, the packaging is very Japanese!!)
價錢(Price):HK$2,280 for the machine
入面有部二合一離子明眸美顏器同埋一d大裝travel size HABA既產品!咁我今日呢篇文章先講用HABA部機 + 佢d產品既效果先。

(English:  Inside the box, there is the Ion My Esthe II and some large travel size products from HABA.  I will concentrate on using HABA products for this blog post.)

先望望一隻無咩點保養既黑咪! 死未?無保養真係唔得! 皮膚真係又殘又黃!唉!! 我要試野就冇計啦,如果唔係我一定唔會俾自己咁既樣丫!
(English:  Also please take a look at Hakme without any “skincare”!  OMG!  I really cannot live with any extra skincare steps.  My skin looks horrible!!  Well, I have to give this product a fair try, so ….*sighs*!)


(English:  Ion Cleansing First:)

佢呢部機唔用cotton pad, 係用mask既。 先將張mask濕咗G Lotion (Toner), 敷係面上面,開著部機既Cleansing功能(有強弱可以選擇),就可以開始碌喇!
(English:  This beauty machine uses sheet mask instead of cotton pad.  Wet the sheet mask with G Lotion (Toner), put it on face, switch on the Cleansing function of the beauty machine (you can choose high or low).  Then the process starts!)

要特別提一提張mask先,真係好好好薄! 佢咁薄就令部機可以更加貼面! 同埋唔會好似一般cotton pad咁碌碌下塊面d綿花飛出黎!
(English:  I have to mention the sheet mask!  It’s really really really thin!! It stays really close to the skin and so can the beauty machine as well!  Also it doesn’t have any fly away like cotton pads!!!)


(English:  When using the cleansing function, there is the LED blue light, it can enhance the function!)

部機自己set咗8分鐘就會停。之後可以換過個頭,用Point Care個頭去做下眼位,鼻位。

(English:  The machine will stop automatically after 8 mins.  Then I would change the “head” and use the point care function for the eye areas and nose.)


(English:  The biggest selling point for this machine is that it comes with 2 heads, one for face and one for the “smaller”/ “delicate” areas.  I love the fact that it’s like a roller and it won’t pull skin too much!!  Thumbs-up on that!)

用後感(清潔功能):拎開張mask嗰陣,我見唔到有咩化妝品殘跡/dirty野係張mask上面,有少少失望啦!因為見到會覺得好爽麻!! 但係我見我塊面係光亮咗, 感覺乾淨咗, 同埋摸落係滑咗!! 雖然肉眼話唔到俾我知有冇用,但係感覺話俾我知佢係有幫我清潔到!望見皮膚個效果唔錯!幾好!!感覺毛孔好乾淨~~
(English:  Product Review on Cleansing Function:  Take the mask off and I cannot see any makeup residue or dirt on the mask, a bit disappointing since I love seeing how much dirt which was supposed to be on my face.  However, I feel that my skin is brightened up and feel cleaner, when I touch it, it’s smoother!!  Even though my eyes cannot tell if it works or not, my feelings can!  I like what I see in the mirror and I feel the pores are clean!  Nice~~)
(English:  Then Ion Treatment:)

我用White Lady黎試! 先搽一層White Lady係面,之後用 G Lotion濕張mask,敷係面,開著部機既Refine function(有強弱揀),就可以碌喇。
(English:  I use White Lady this time.  Apply a thin layer of White Lady on face.  Then wet the sheet mask with G Lotion.  Apply the sheet mask on face.  Switch on the Refine function (high and low to choose from) and get the rolling started!!)

(English:  When doing the ion treatment, the LED light is on red.  Again after 8 mins, the beauty machine automatically stops and I would change the head to do my point care for the eye areas!)


(English: Done!!)

用後感(導入功能): 我覺得唔錯,做完導入之後見皮膚更加光澤同埋飽滿! 白淨哂!! 摸落好滑同埋好保濕!! 掂! 最正係佢有個頭可以碌眼位,可以加強平日既保養!!超愛佢碌眼個碌碌丫!!!好方便,又唔會扯到眼位!!

(English:  Product Review on Ion Treatment Function:  It’s quite good, I can see that my skin is even more brightened up and fuller!!  Nice and bright!!  It feels sooo smooth and hydrated as well!  Great!!  I really love the fact that the head can be changed to use on the eye areas and it can enhance the daily routine on the eye areas!!  Love that!!  Very convenient and it won’t pull the skin on the eye areas!!)

好! 睇到而家你又應該會問,咁用呢部機係咪一定要用HABA既產品? 拿!佢本野話最好用翻佢d產品,但係用自己既產品都得! 我未來幾日會再寫一篇究竟用HABA部機 + 自己既產品又會點,你地有興趣可以睇埋先決定!
(English:  Good!  By now, you should be asking: Is it necessary to use HABA products together with the machine?  Right, they mention that it would be the best thing to do, but you can also use your own products.  I will write another machine about HABA Ion My Esthe II + own products!!  If you are interested, you can wait for the blog post first before deciding!)
咁你知我有Hitachi Hadacrie N8100, 我知你又會問邊部好d,係咪? 唔好心急!我已經諗埋要寫比拼,都係未來幾日會出。 我分開三篇寫既原因係你先可以了解多d!!!等你知道佢配唔同既產品個效果會唔會有唔同!! 你地等等我啦,好快會出埋另外兩篇,唔好擔心!
(English:  And you probably know that I have a Hitachi Hadacrie N8100 and you probably are thinking: which one is better!  Don’t worry!  I will write another blog post on the comparison in the next few days.  I separate everything into 3 pieces because I want you to have better understanding on the machine as a whole!!  Please wait for me, the other two pieces will be coming!!)
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