嘩,唔經唔覺都敗咗呢個眼霜都有大半年。我仲記得我係上年Thankful Week敗嘅。 諗諗雖然眼霜普遍都偏貴,但係因為可以用得咁耐,咁買貴少少都唔怕。我用眼霜嘅速度真係其慢,一jar野閒閒地可以用成年有多。Guerlain呢個眼霜我都覺得我好叻喇,用咗大半年已經無咗一大半! 哈哈!!
(English: OMG! I got this eye product sometime during the last Thankful Week. It’s quite expensive to buy eye cream but when I think that they can be used for so long, it’s worth the price. Honestly, my speed of using eye cream is very slow. Usually one jar lasts me more than 1 year. I have a sense of achievement when I am using this Guerlain eye cream because I have used up half of the jar with just 6 months! *laughs*)
Guerlain Abeille Royale Up-Lifting Eye Care
價錢(Price):HK$800/ 15ml
Before Use:
(English: “Born from the exceptional repairing power of bee products, this eye cream helps reduce the visible signs of aging and fatigue around the eye area. It helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, firming the eye contour and creating a lifting effect. With anti-puffiness and anti-dark circle properties, it lightens the area of shadow, making the eye contour appear more youthful and uplifted. Apply as a mask for an immediate expert age-defying effect.”)
(English: Product Review: At first I got this eye cream because I tried the sample and found it quite nice. It can be used as a regular eye cream or as an eye mask (apply a thicker layer). I love its convenience, therefore, I went for full size. I really love the texture but it’s creamy but not too rich. It gets absorbed really easily and it doesn’t create burden around the eye areas. Great! Sometimes I use it as an eye mask too, I just apply a thicker layer to let it sit for 10 mins without rinsing it afterwards – very convenient! The first few times I used it, I really felt that my eye areas were tightened. However, this feeling goes away after around a week (maybe it’s because my eye areas are tightened up?). One time, I tried not using it for 2 weeks, then when I first got back to it, the tightening feeling was there again. *Laughs* I feel that my eye areas are more moisturized after using it and my very fine lines are less visible, but it’s not magical, some of my deeper lines are still around. For dark circles? Don’t even think about it! I still mimic panda very well. Indeed, I have given up looking for things to “remove” fine lines and dark circles. I use an eye cream because I want to keep up the situation and don’t want it to worse off. Since I don’t have huge expectation that it would do wonder, I love this product in the sense that it helps me to keep my current eye status. If you have the same expectation like me, I would recommend you use this product. However, if you have the wish to look for something that totally cure your eye problems, I don’t think this product is the one!)