Gucci Web Sneaker with Studs

我都話我呢期好迷戀Gucci呢個品牌,佢轉咗desiner之後既出品真係唔講得笑。 話說我去試loafers,試下試下就試埋呢對Gucci Web Sneaker with Studs上腳,本身我唔係會着好多sneakers既人,所以未試上腳個下我係有d保留,點知一試完真係好鬼修腳同埋唔笨重,而Mr Honey都話好靚話我都causal會成日著,所以我就入手! 入完手之後,係,我真係成日著[如果你有follow我Snapchat(iamhakme)你知啦~],我熱愛佢既程度係需要用一篇文章去讚揚佢,所以我同大家分享下:

(English:  I have mentioned quite a few times that I am obsessed with Gucci at the moment – it’s not even funny.  I did drop by to try on some loafers and while I was trying on different pairs, this Gucci Web Sneaker with Studs caught my attention as well.  To be quite fair, I was concerned prior to my try on that I wouldn’t be able to wear these a lot because I am not usually a sneaker person.  However, my thoughts changed after putting them on my feet – they make my feet look long and slim and they are super light!  Then Mr Honey fuelled the situation by saying how it matched my causal style.  Hell yea, I got them.  And he was right, I do get a lot of use out of this [if you follow my Snapchat (iamhakme), you will know].  My love for this worths a whole blog post and here you go:)

Gucci Web Sneaker with Studs HK$6,100

Gucci Sneaker

Gucci Sneaker

Gucci Sneaker

Gucci Sneaker

Gucci Sneaker

真人睇係好超級閃,但係佢唔係閃粉,係佢本身用既物料係閃底,所以唔會一路行一路甩閃粉。 而望落去個下係真係閃得好誇張,不過著上腳又唔係真係咁誇。我覺得佢閃得好靚好均勻。而我好鍾意佢有唔同detail,有d款睇下。 同埋我著左好多次,真係超級無敵舒服,無夾無刮無行得耐痛。 佢好輕身,所以就算行得耐都無問題! 而且佢真係好修腳,望落腳好靚。 我著咁多次就有人讚咁多次! 我覺得佢靚得黎好好著,所以我好趕急要寫呢篇文章同大家分享。 如果你都鍾意既話,快d去專門店試啦,我怕遲d又未必有呀!!  貴價鞋黎講,呢對我係超級推介!!

(English:  When you see this pair in person, it really sparkles, but it’s not pure glitter, it sparkles from the materials used.  Therefore there is no concern of leaving a trail of glitter wherever you walk.  I admit when I saw them on the shelf, I thought they were a bit over the top, but when I tried them on my feet, they looked rather subtle.  I love how they sparkles and how even they shine from all angles.  Plus, I love all the little details, because they do make the sneakers a bit more statement.  I have been wearing these quite a few times since I got them, they are super comfortable, they don’t squeeze my feet, nor scratch, nor heavy.  They are very light in weight, so even if I walk for a long time in these, they don’t create burden to my feet.  Also, they make my feet look so slim!!  I get so many compliments everytime I wear these!!  I am in love and that’s why I am in such an excitement mode writing this piece.  If you like the look of these, please go to the Gucci shops to check them out because I do worry that they are not permanent!  For high-end shoes, these are one of those I would recommend to you without any hesitation!)

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