今日跟大家分享一下我用了幾個月的Briogeo洗頭水跟髮膜。 其實很早之前都用過他家的產品,但我又沒覺得很特別就沒有多提。 反而今次這組護髮產品讓我覺得有驚喜,所以在這裡記錄一下。 買的時候是因為那個香味實在太吸引,沒想過滿意度竟然不錯!
Today I want to share with you something that I have been using for a few months – Briogeo shampoo and hair mask. Indeed, I had tried their other hair care products awhile back, but I wasn’t too impressed, so I didn’t mention them. However, this time around, I am pleasantly surprised by this set of products, so I want to record them here. I bought them simply because of their amazing scents, I am now happy that I actually like them!
Briogeo Be Gentle, Be Kind Shampoo and Hair Mask
Briogeo Be Gentle, Be Kind™ Matcha + Kale Replenishing Superfood Shampoo Briogeo Be Gentle, Be Kind Avocado + Kiwi Moisture Superfood Mask
- Left: Briogeo Be Gentle, Be Kind™ Matcha + Kale Replenishing Superfood Shampoo HK$220/ 354ml (Shop HERE)
- Right: Briogeo Be Gentle, Be Kind Avocado + Kiwi Moisture Superfood Mask HK$285/ 240ml (Shop HERE)
先分享左邊的洗頭水,我看網上評價好壞參半,但我自己好喜歡這枝。 這個味道好清香,就是一點點綠茶加蘋果的味道,非常舒服。 質地偏流動性強,亦因為沒加入太多的化學成份,所以不會非常多泡泡。 我通常洗頭會洗兩次洗頭水,洗第一次的時候都不會有太多泡泡,過完水之後洗第二次,泡泡量就會多一點。 所以如果那天頭皮頭髮比較多油的話,你就會覺得為什麼沒有泡泡似的,但其實洗多一次,你就會感覺到泡泡的存在啊! 我喜歡它的原因有好幾個。 1. 它不會令我掉更多頭髮。 2. 它不會令我頭痕。 3. 吹好頭之後頭髮比較有空氣感。 4. 頭髮乾淨但不會過乾或者頭頂過潤。 用了幾個月還是好喜歡! 覺得值得推介給大家!
Let’s talk about the shampoo on the left first. I saw contrasting reviews online, but I do like this a lot. The scent is fresh and it’s exactly like a bit of green tea and a bit of apple flavours, it’s very refreshing. The texture is quite runny. Since it doesn’t contain too many harsh ingredients, there is no excessive amount of foam. I usually wash my hair twice with shampoo. The first time usually doesn’t have a lot of foam; however, the second time usually ends up with more foam than the first round. So I conclude that if your scalp and hair are quite oily that day, you probably would be feeling “no foam”, but when you wash them one more time, you will notice the difference! There are a few reasons why I love this. 1. it doesn’t make me loose more hair. 2. It doesn’t irritate my scalp and make it itchy after. 3. Hair is quite airy after blow drying. 4. Hair feels clean without feeling dry or too “oily” at the top. I have been using this for a few months and I am still loving it, so I confirm that I can recommend this to you!
而右邊正式來說是護髮膜,但我當它是護髮素啦! 這個香味比洗髮水更香更撲鼻,每一次用我都覺得那個香味是一種享受! 雖是髮膜,但質地都不過油過厚,比較似輕型的cream狀吧, 申延力非常好,用量也不需要太多! 除了氣味之外,我覺得它令我的頭髮柔順保濕,但不會過潤而令頭髮沒有空氣感! 它也算是容易過淨,不會黏著皮膚引至痘痘問題。 過完水吹完頭,頭髮都清爽易打理! 我不覺得這個髮膜可以令頭髮起死回生,但如果你頭髮比較乾,但又易笠的話,我覺得這個髮膜可以補充營養給頭髮之餘,亦有適當的清爽度。 日常護髮產品的話,我覺得是一款值得推薦給頭髮較乾的朋友們。 當然如果你是因為漂染而令頭髮受損的話,這個就不能將稻草變漂亮! 大家要到髮型屋做更深層次的修復啊!
On the right, it’s officially a hair mask, but I use this as a conditioner! The scent is definitely stronger than the shampoo and I enjoy it so much! Every time I use it, it delights me! Though it’s a hair mask, the texture is not overly solid, it feels more like a light cream. Don’t need too much and it goes a long way! Apart from the amazing scent, it hydrates and smooths my hair without weighing it down (this is super important)! It can be washed off quite easily without leaving a layer onto the skin and cause pimple issue. After rinsing and blow drying, hair feels fresh and easy to manage! I don’t think this hair mask is a magical product in fixing damage hair though. If you dye or bleach your hair to the point that it’s completely damaged, you still need to go to a hair salon and get some more advanced repairing solutions!

我覺得滿意的護膚品難找,而滿意的護髮用品更難找。 這組產品我的滿意度是會回購那種,所以如果你想試試的話,我絕對推薦!! 大家可以按這裡找到這個洗頭跟按這裡找到這個髮膜! 今日就分享這麼多,下一次再見!
I think it’s difficult to find amazing skincare products, but it’s even more difficult to find wonderful hair care products. I am so happy with this set of products and I would repurchase in future. If you want to give them a try, I highly recommend you do!! You can click here for the shampoo and here for the hair mask! That’s it for today and I will see you next time!