我覺得Goyard Sénat Mini Pouch比Chanel Mini O Case好用。
I love Goyard Sénat Mini Pouch more than the Chanel Mini O Case.
因為旅遊比較喜歡用這類型的小pouch,所以幾個月前入手Goyard Mini Pouch!價錢當時大概$4500。 買回來之後,發現比Chanel Mini O Case高一點點而且入面有卡位!
These mini pouches are my favourites when it comes to travelling. That’s why I got my hands on Goyard Mini Pouch a few months ago, the price was around HK$4,500. I did a little comparison when I got home and discovered the Goyard one is “taller” than the Chanel one a tiny bit and it has a card slot inside!

太好用,卡位可以放身份證放卡,其他位置可以放紙幣零錢。 就是因為有卡位,所以信用卡或者身份證不會被零錢刮花,亦因為高了那麼一點點,拉鍊的時候不容易卡到紙幣!
It’s very practical, the card slot can hold my ID and a couple credit cards, while the coins and notes can go into the pouch itself (and the coins won’t be scratching my cards)! And since it’s a wee bit “taller”, I don’t need to be too careful when I come up unzip and zip up the pouch, because it has enough space and it wouldn’t ruin the notes.

越用越喜歡,好想下次買多一個綠色! 而且網友跟我分享大mini一號的都非常實用。我要再去研究研究,有了這個Goyard Sénat Mini Pouch突然覺得Chanel Mini O Case比下去了!
I have been loving this Goyard Mini Pouch more and more and I want to get a green one next time! Also, one of you told me that a size up from the mini is wonderful too, I think I will check it out next! I have to say, after using this Goyard one, my love for the Chanel Mini O Case fades quite a bit!