[敗家] Gmarket 第二回

好開心! 我迷Gmarket真係迷上腦! 繼上次第一回之後,我好快又敗咗第二回。 其實Gmarket係咪真係好平,我覺得買護膚品化妝品又唔算,但係衫呀,袋呀,accessories都好買得過。 雖然唔係真係好平,或者work out都係同香港seller差唔多,我都係鍾意係Gmarket買(尤其係護膚品化妝品),唔知呢? 我自己一來鍾意睇,二來一買又可以買埋其他野,唔洗分開好多個seller咁! 不過呢d人人唔同啦。 唔講咁多,分享下敗左d咩先!!

(English:  Yay!!!  I am really addicted to Gmarket!! After my successful first order, I couldn’t wait to place my second order and I got it safe and sound!!  Actually I don’t think that the stuff on Gmarket are all very cheap (esp. some skincare and cosmetic products) but for the clothes, bags and accessories, they are really friendly priced with good quality.  Even though it’s not dead cheap and the prices might be comparable to some of the local sellers, I would still buy my own on Gmarket (esp. some skincare and cosmetic products). Well, I guess it’s because I love browsing the website and I could get other stuff as well, and I don’t need to split up my order with different sellers.  Anyway, each to their own!  Let’s see what I have got now!!)

Gmarket Round 2

今次唔係買左好多野,不過就咩都有d! 我兩件衫遲少少再著上身同大家分享。 兩件我都係Realcoco買,質量真係一流,仲要車線好好啦,同埋係Made in Korea!!

(English:  I didn’t get too many items this time, but it kinda spread across different categories!!  I will put on the two tops later and show you a closer look!  Both are from Realcoco and I have to admit the quality is good and the linings are well done.  More importantly, they are made in Korea!!)

Realcoco Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩9,900 and ₩12,900 

Local Delivery: Free



呢個我超想試!! 當然啦,我用左會再特別分享一下。 但係太多人都話好好用,所以我當然都要去研究下啦!! 呢個我係一set咁買,個seller都有好多個set,可以自己去睇下!

(English:  I really want to give this a try!!  Of course, once I get to try them, I will separately talk about them.  However, I heard so many people saying that they are really good, so I had to investigate further.  This comes as a set and the seller offers many different sets/ combination, you could definitely drop by and take a look!)

Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩10,900

Local Delivery: Free


哈哈!! 呢個個concept我之前都有講過,好搞野, 所以我超想試!! 當然我又係會再分享啦!!

(English:  *Laughs*  I love the concept and I find it really fun, so I want to give it a go!  Yep, I will review them later!!)

Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩14,900

Local Delivery: Free


It’s Skin PRESTIGE Cream Descargot /Snail Cream & Masks

我愛蝸牛丫!! 我見呢個cream同呢個mask超多人上Gmarket買,講真我覺得唔係平(如果係以平既心態上G買野既話),但係如果同香港其他品牌比,佢都唔係貴!! 我有野試緊,所以唔開住!! 我會先試個mask分享咗先,再試個cream!! 好快好快!!

(English:  I love snails (products only)!!  I see many people buy these from Gmarket.  Honestly, I don’t think they are cheap (if you are thinking that you could get these very cheap on Gmarket).  However, when I compare this to other brands in HK, they are not expensive either.  I am currently trying something else, so I won’t start using the cream too soon.  But I will give the mask a go and will share my thoughts!!  Yep, very soon!!)

Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩60,000 (Cream) & ₩24,000 (Mask – 5pcs)

Local Delivery: Free

O’ Sulloc Water+ 健康瘦身茶

呢個人買我又買! 邊個唔想瘦多少少先!! 試咗再分享!

(English:  Who doesn’t want to loose a bit more weight?  I will tell you how I feel after drinking these!)

Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩4,900 (1 box – 10 sachets)

Local Delivery: Free


好靚呀好靚呀!! 又可以當係clutch又可以側背丫!! 呢個我再留翻我講個兩件衫個陣一齊講!!

(English:  Extremely in love with this!!  It can be used as a clutch or a shoulder bag!  I will save this in my next post with my tops!!)

Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩29,900

Local Delivery: Free


Korean Instant Noodle

好無聊!! 我見到人地買,所以突然又好想試下睇下好唔好吃!! 哈哈!!其實每款應該有兩包(入面有5包),但係我留咗兩包係公司遲d先拎翻屋企, 所以影住咁多先!!

(English:  I think I must be getting bored!!  I saw quite a few people getting these instant noodles, so I really want to give them a go and see how they taste like (I am an instant noodle maniac – I know, it’s not good for you!!)! *Laughs*  Each flavour comes with 2 packets (with 5 packs inside), but I leave two at work intending to bring them home later.  Hence this photo with the missing instant noodles!!)

Store & Item Information

Store Link


Price: ₩12,400 (for 20 packs)

Local Delivery: Free

好喇!! 因為係敗家文,所以好多野我都未寫到感覺。 我一用咗會一路分享!! 又等等我!!

(English:  Right!  Since this is a haul post, I haven’t been able to share much of my feelings towards the products!  I will start using some of them and share my thoughts.  Please wait for me!!)

仲有,如果你miss左我June個團購都唔洗失望,我July會再搞一轉! 你地如果有興趣可以like我Facebook,我搞既時候會再係Facebook度announce!!

(English:  Furthermore, if you have missed my June Group G Buy, please don’t be disappointed.  I will arrange another one in July and if you are interested, please like my Facebook Page and when I organize it, I will announce there!!)

[G代購] 韓國網站Gmarket代購/團購詳情
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