[保養] Glycel 幹細胞肌齡逆轉精華 Stem Cell Ageless Booster

上個星期收到Glycel既幹細胞肌齡逆轉精華, 令我又突然記起其實我未寫blog前都用過Glycel既產品, 但係因為個時太後生(而家都後生呀! 哈哈!), 所以當年用佢既產品覺得太rich, 最後貢獻咗俾媽媽!!媽媽就好評如潮!! 我都好耐無用過佢地既產品, 所以收到呢個精華既時候我都好興奮!! 抗老呀!! 佢個廣告仲講到可以同Botox媲美(但係少咗枝針), 睇下係咪咁正先!

(English:  I received this Glycel Stem Cell Ageless Booster some time last week and I suddenly recalled that prior to my blogging time, I used some of Glycel products, however, at that time I was probably a bit too young (I am still young *laughs*), therefore I thought their products were too rich!  My mom got the benefits of them though and she did like the products very much!  It’s been awhile since I last used their products, so I was excited when I got this!  Anti-aging stuff!!! Yay!!  In the advertisement, it says its effect can be compared to Botox (without needle), let’s see if it’s really the case!)

Stem Cell Ageless Booster

價錢(Price):HK$820/ 30ml

Made in Switzerland


(English:  The bottle comes with a pump!)

Product Information:


(English: “This ultra-light luxury serum contains Alpine apple stem cells and
Ameliox and in addition to replenishing the skin’s moisture levels, can
effectively slow the development of wrinkles. The serum also prevents
premature aging and will keep your complexion softer and healthier with a
longer-lasting, youthful glow.”)




使用次數(No. of Usage): 8 times

用後感: 先講佢個質感, 係我鍾意既類型! 透明有少少稀身! 泵出黎之後按上面同頸, 初初感覺會好濕, 過一兩分鐘就會吸收哂。 同埋因為佢個質感稀身, 每次都唔洗用太多, 我用兩泵就搞掂成面同頸喇。 我覺得佢個效果都真係幾即時, 吸收完個下已經感覺到皮膚好緊,摸落兩邊面又好彈手!! 我好鍾意個緊緻效果, 一流!! 用咗大概四日, 我覺得d皮膚好滑添!! 哈哈!! 唔錯!! 保濕方面我覺得暫時呢個天氣都仲可以, 但係再乾d既時候就要再加保濕精華喇! 唔。 如果你問我佢係咪真係可以媲美Botox呢? 我就覺得雖然佢個緊緻效果係好即時, 但係去小紋效果就當然無Botox咁勁一針吉落去就唔見哂啦, 不過用耐d應該會見效果。 我反而覺得佢個效果似唔似Botox唔緊要, 最緊要係我覺得佢可以幫皮膚抗地心吸力, 令皮膚緊緻度提升! 我覺得呢點好掂呀!! 如果你係輕熟女, 又揾緊一d好既抗老產品, 我好建議你去試呢個, 加入平常既skincare routine就可以喇!!推呀!! 但係如果你係讀書,好後生, 真係唔洗用住呀, 開開心心享受下青春先丫! 哈哈!! (唔驚, 搽完呢個輕熟女都可以享受青春!! 呵呵!!)

(English:  Product Review:  Texture first!  I love it, it’s transparent and it’s a bit more liquid-y in texture!  Right after applying the essence on face and neck, they at first feel quite wet but it gets absorbed after just 1-2 mins.  Because of its texture, I don’t have to use a lot each time, only two pumps work fine for me (face + neck)!  I feel the effect is quite instant.  Immediately after absorption, skin feels tightened and skin elasticity improves!!  I really love the tightening effect, it’s just brilliant!  After using it for 4 days, I feel my skin is getting smoother as well!! *Laughs*  Bonus point!!  For the hydrating side, I feel that it works at the moment but when we come to a drier weather, adding another hydrating serum would be safer.  Well, so can its effects be compared to Botox?  Even though the tightening effect is instant, it doesn’t remove the fine lines on the spot (Botox can, right?  Fine lines are gone right after the injection of Botox).  However, I feel that it might fade away the fine lines when used for a longer while.  I don’t feel that’s really important to compare its effect with Botox’s.  I think it’s more important to me that its tightening effect can help me to fight against gravity and it actually tightens my skin up!!  This is the amazing point of the product!  If you are coming to an age whereby you will need some anti-aging products, I would recommend you try out this one and add this into your regular skincare routine!  Highly recommended!!  However, if you are still a student and quite young, there is no need for you!!  You should enjoy your youth *winks*  (no worries, I can enjoy my youth after using this as well *grins*!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.glycel.com)

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