無意之中遇到這本書,見到書名跟血糖有關我就非常有興趣。 因為爸爸之前有糖尿病的關係,他的狀況令我開始研究血糖及食物。 雖然我還是很健康,但我覺得知識永遠不嫌多。
I bumped into this book by chance and the word Glucose attracted me. My Dad got diabetes and his situation inspired me on all my food/ glucose research. Though I am very healthy, there is no limit on learning and knowledge.
Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspe

I really like this author, she uses a scientific approach to understand glucose and reminds us that glucose rollercoaster doesn’t only happen to diabetic people; each of us is on the ride everyday, and we should pay attention to what it does to our bodies and mood.
她用非常有趣顯淺的方式去講解血糖這件非常沉悶的事情,她亦有分享10個日常Tips保持血糖穩定而我很喜歡她的Tips,因為夠貼地夠簡單! 她不是一直叫大家不吃這個戒掉那個,而是教我們如何可以更健康地吃我們想吃的東西!
She uses a very simple approach to explain glucose, which can be a super boring topic at times. She also comes up with 10 hacks on how we can flatten our glucose rollercoaster. I do love her hacks because they are simple and easy to follow. She doesn’t ask you to go to the extreme and ditch this and that, she teaches us how to still enjoy what we love in a better sequence! I just love how realistic it is.
我覺得這本書真的非常值得一看,尤其如果你身邊有家人或朋友有糖尿病的話,我非常建議你介紹他們看。 如果你或者他們都不喜歡看書,可以follow這位作者的Instagram (@glucosegoddess) 或者上YouTube搜尋她的影片看看。
I do recommend this book to all of you and if you know someone who has diabetes, gift them this book as well. If reading books is not your/ their thing, you can definitely follow her IG account (@glucosegoddess) or find her videos on YouTube to watch.
每日都有人正在進行不同的research,所以在更新知識的過程中,有的會打破我們舊有的認知,或許你會不同意書中的某些論點,但是保持開放態度繼續搜尋答案是growth mindset的要點,我相信這本書會在某一程度上啟發你。
Everyday, many people are doing different types of research, so when we update our knowledge, the new information would smash the old information system that we adhere to. Maybe you don’t agree with some of the points in the book, do keep an open mind, I believe this book will inspire you somehow.