無聊搞搞造型 + 大愛既豐咀Gloss

睇個title係咪唔知我搞乜鬼呢?  唔係, 我唔係整Halloween造型 (整都無咁快, 今年想就咁扮rock友算喇, 我強項ma), 只不過係我苦悶過頭所以玩下自己jer! 

(English:  Not sure what I am doing?  Nah, I am not going to do a Halloween look (not this soon, I just want to be a rock n’ roll person this year, it’s my strength anyway!).  I just got a bit too bored and sort of entertain myself.)

先化左個清清地既妝 (如果無咩時間, 我通常都化smoky eyes就算, 但係如果有d時間, 我會explore下其他顏色):

(English:  I put on some quite natural makeup – well if I don’t have much time, I usually go for smoky eyes, but if I do have time, I would explore other looks instead:)

再整下個頭, 因為我前面d陰又開始瘋狂, 所以我就紮起佢地…

(English:  Then I styled my hair.  Since my fringe has been acting crazy these days, I locked them up instead…)
但係我未搽咀咀wor, 不過我個樣咁清我又唔想個咀好鮮色, 點算???

(English:  But I haven’t put on any lip color.  I didn’t want to spoil my natural look – HELP!!)

個咀好乾仲有好多紋添…點算?? 我要用d野令佢地無咁顯眼先得…

(English:  Oh crap, my lips have been dry these days…there are quite a bit of fine lines appearing!!  OMG, I have to make them invisible…)


(English:  Well well well, here comes my method:)
係係係, 之唔係Becca呢枝野lor:

(English:  Here is the magic product:)
Becca Lip Plumping Moisture Gloss

價錢 (Price): HK$300/ 8.5g

Open up:

使用次數 (No. of Usage): 15 times

Product Information:

“Naturally plump and hydrate the lips for ultimate pout perfection with this high shine, double duty lip enhancer. BECCA Lip Plumping Moisture Gloss contains Atellocollagen to increase the lip’s natural collagen and is rich in nourishing ingredients such as Jojoba, Avocado Oil, Vitamin E, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter and Honey Extract.”

Finished Look:

用後感:  佢既氣味令我諗起X’mas, 佢好香cinnamon味, 同埋真係甜甜地咁 (我唔小心感受到).  佢幾function係令個咀比較豐滿d, 但係佢唔會好似其他lip plumping gloss咁辣咀, 佢一d都無令個咀唔舒服, 但係佢又做到豐滿既效果.  好滿意呀!!  佢仲有正既地方係我有時就咁用佢, 佢有少少令我個咀變粉紅色, 同埋令d咀紋無咁明顯.  好方便, 我好多試唔想個咀太多色都會就咁用佢.  同埋佢有少少潤咀function, 唔錯唔錯.  呀, 仲有, 佢唔係太sticky既, 所以唔會覺得個咀”chi”住!!  整體黎講, 我覺得佢好好用, 如果咀薄既人可以用佢黎豐下個咀仔, 如果好似我咁個咀都唔係太薄既話又可以用佢黎令d咀紋無咁明顯!!  好用呀!!  有興趣都可以試下丫.

(English:  After-use Comment:  Its scent reminds me of X’mas.  It smells so much like cinnamon and it actually tastes sweet (well I accidentally….).  Its plumping function is wonderful, it’s not like other plumping gloss which burns your lips up.  It doesn’t irritate your lips but gives you a nice plumping effect – amazing!  Sometimes, I only use it as a moisturizer or a gloss.  It turns my lips slightly pink and makes the fine lines less visible – very convenient!  Therefore, whenever I feel like I don’t want too much color on my lips, I use this!  Also it has a slight moisturizing effect, so this is a bonus!  Ah, it doesn’t feel too sticky on the lips as well, so you don’t have to be worried that your lips are gonna stick together using this!  Overall speaking, I think it works really well.  If you have thin lips, it gives you a nice plumping effect.  If your lips are like mine (not too thin), then it can help make the dry lines less visible!!  Brilliant!!  I love this and if you are interested, give it a go as well!!)(the above product information is extracted from http://www.beccacosmetics.com)

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