Swatches: Givenchy Le 9 de Givenchy Palette

之前同大家都有喺YouTube分享過Givenchy 9格眼影盤,我之前嗰兩盒都好鍾意用到見底。 突然間醒起我喺英國買咗呢盒Givenchy Le 9.08都未同大家試色分享,今日我哋就嚟近距離睇吓呢一盒眼影。

I shared some Givenchy Le 9 de Givenchy palettes with you before on YouTube, I got two, I loved them so much that some colours hit pan.  Suddenly I remember I got this Givenchy Le 9.08 in U.K. and I didn’t even swatch them for you, so let’s take a closer look today.  

Givenchy Le 9 de Givenchy Le 9.08


呢盒眼影入面有三個唔閃matte嘅顏色,另外有四個閃底顏色同一個閃粉金色。 我覺得佢閃底顏色同閃粉金嘅顯色度比matte色高好多。 圖入面嘅閃底顏色同閃粉金只係畫一下就出到色,至於唔閃嘅顏色就畫成3下都唔夠顯色度。 閃粉金呢一隻色雖然出色,但係有少少散開,凝聚度唔高。 我覺得唔閃嘅matte色反而用來做blending唔錯因為佢唔會太出色,可以令交接位置比較迷朦。 但係如果你想單搽唔閃嘅顏色就要預先用eyeshadow primer打底,否則畫來畫去都未必出到你想要嘅顏色。 

It comes with 3 mattes, 3 shimmers and 1 glitter gold colour.  I think the pigmentation is much better for the 3 shimmers and the 1 glitter gold.  In the photos, the 3 shimmers and the glitter gold are the results from one stroke, however for the mattes, it takes me 3 strokes and it is still non-committal.  For the glitter gold colour, though it gives a nice intensity, it’s a bit loose in texture when applied.  Well, the not-so-pigmented mattes can be good for blending because it would give that blurry finish.  However, if you want to use them on their own, you would need to apply an eyeshadow primer underneath, otherwise, it would look like you have nothing on your lids.

我覺得顏色配搭都非常日常,本身有黑有灰有啡有粉色應該可以配出好多個唔同嘅妝容,可惜嘅係有啲顏色嘅出色度未如理想令至可以配搭嘅可能性大大降低。 總括而言,我鍾意佢嘅顏色配搭,但係顯色度呢一方面令我唔會特別叫大家衝出去買。

I like how day-yo-day the colours are; it has black, grey, browns and pinks, it should be able to create so many different looks.  Sadly, the pigmentation let some of the colours down and it actually hinders the combination possibility.  To conclude, I like the colour combo; but the pigmentation deters me from recommending it.  

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