[Giveaway] Instagram, Facebook, YouTube…

先好多謝大家咁多年黎既愛戴同支持! 我最初寫blog都唔知自己寫blog既路可以行到咁遠咁長! 多謝哂你哋! 唔係有你地,亦都唔會有黑咪! 雖然寫blog拍片都好用時間, 但係我每次都記得你哋同我講好鍾意睇, 所以我覺得所以時間都用得好值得!!

(English:  First I would like to thank you for all your love and support throughout the years!!  I didn’t think for a moment my blog would go this far!!  Thank you so much!!  Without you all, there wouldn’t be “Hakme”!!  Even though blogging and youtubing have taken much of my time up, whenever I think about all your encouragement, I agree it’s the time well-spent!!)

你哋都知blog我就一星期寫幾次, 片就一個星期先出一兩條。 我同大家溝通既方法都係用social media多! 而家有咁多social media, 但係我通常去既都係下面個兩三個, 每個既update都有少少唔同, 我諗如果有人三樣都follow我, 而我既update又一樣都會幾悶!! 我未來亦都會係呢幾個platform搞唔同既giveaway, 所以我今日想用少少時間講下:

(English:  You all know that I usually blog around 3-4 times a week and youtube once or twice a week.  Other than that, I usually communicate with you all acorss social media channels.  There are many social media channels but I usually hang around in the following ones.  I try to keep them a bit different because I think if a person follows me everywhere and I keep updating the same thing, that would be quite boring!  Yay, and the best part is I am going to organize different giveaways across the platforms and I would like to take some time to explain further:)


Instagram: @iamhakme 

Or http://instagram.com/iamhakme

我超愛Instagram, 因為係相多, 所以我好有興趣睇之餘仲好有心情update!! 如果你有follow我都知下面係我平時既update啦!!

(English:  I am in love with Instagram because they are photo-based, so I love browsing around and updating my stuff!!  If you have been following me there, you know the below are my recent update!)

之前我執咗堆化妝品出黎,大部分都係用過一次, 但係我又唔想搞blog sale, 我就諗不如我逐日送出黎, 等我可以幫呢堆產品揾到新主人!! 如果你地唔介意唔係100%新產品, 而係99.9%新產品, 你地一定要係Instagram follow我喇。  全部二手化妝品護膚品我將來都會係Instagram送出

(English:  I reorganized my makeup before and found some are seldom used (but only used once).  I don’t want to organize a blog sale, so I want to take my time to give away these instead, hopefully they all go to a better home *laughs*!!   If you don’t mind them being no 100% new but 99.9% new, then you have to follow me on InstagramGoing forward, all the almost new beauty products will be given away through Instagram!

每個platform既giveaway我唔會係blog度講喇, 所以如果你哋想贏產品, follow我好緊要!

(English:  Every giveaway at each platform is different and I might not talk about the individual giveaway on my blog, so follow me is very important if you want to win a certain product!)

下面呢兩個就係我而家係Instagram run緊既giveaway喇, 你地有興趣就記得要去望一望。 你可以download Instagram個app(我ID: @iamhakme)或者用PC都得(http://instagram.com/iamhakme)。

(English:  The below giveaways are currently live on Instagram, if you are interested, be sure to check them out.  You can download Instagram app (my ID: @iamhakme) or visit the website through PC: http://instagram.com/iamhakme.)

Chanel Le Blanc Sheer Illuminating Base

Instagram App: #ChanelBase

PC Link: http://instagram.com/p/V3uygtL6wZ/

Deadline: Feb 25th

Milani Baked Eyeshadows

Instagram App: #MilaniShadows

PC Link: http://instagram.com/p/V6xqJ-r67b/

Deadline: Feb 27th 



Facebook我都係成日update同埋同大家傾下計! 多謝大家令到我Facebook人數達到1561個Fans!! 我係Facebook都講咗, 當人數到2000人既時候, 我會係Facebook搞giveaway多謝大家。 係咩, 我就未知,到時再睇再買啦!!  未來既日子, 我都係繼續係Facebook搞giveaway, 多數都會係一d新產品!

(English:  Facebook is my other favourite platform to update my stuff and chit chat wih all of you.  Thank you everyone for bring my fan base to 1561 fans!!  I have said it on Facebook before, once it hits 2000, I will organize a giveaway!!  What would be the giveaway?  I am not sure yet!!  I will decide when the number comes through.  Going forward, I will be organizing different giveaway on Facebook and it should mostly be new products!!)



YouTube係我近年既baby! 我覺得我都算係勤力拍片既, 又係因為有大家, 所以subscribers人數過千!! YouTube會係我咁多個platform裡面最重手整giveaway既!! 正因為最重手, 所以唔會成日都有! 哈哈!! 一到一定人數既subscribers, 我就會搞giveaway慶祝一下!!  我當然好歡迎你地subscirbe啦, 我而家諗一到1500個人,我就會去買野送俾大家開心一下!! 哈哈!!

YouTube has been my new baby recently!!  I think I work quite hard in shooting vids and stuff.  Because of all of you, my subscriber number has reached over 1200.  I will be seriously giveaway stuff on YouTube.  My most expensive prizes will be put on the YouTube giveaway!!  When I reach a certain number, I will do it.  Of course, I welcome you to subscribe to my channel (if you haven’t already), right now, I am thinking to do a good giveaway when I reach 1500 subscribers!!)

My Blog

另外我好似未係我個blog度整過giveaway, 今年我諗過喇,無理由無giveaway㗎麻!! 係個blog既右手面有個Google Friend Connect既東東(如上圖), 你哋用呢個黎同我connect, 我就係達到特定人數既時候抽出幸運兒!! 下個目標係100人! 你哋又可以留comment話俾我知你地會想要咩禮物喎(等我唔洗諗得咁慘)。

(English:  Furthermore, it seems to me that I haven’t been giving away anything on my blog before, how could I forget?  I have given it some serious thoughts and I decide to do it this way.  See the Google Friend Connect thingie (just like the pic above) on the right hand side of the blog?  Use this to connect with me and when I reach certain “friends”, I will lucky draw a “friend” to win the giveaway.  Next target is 100!!  Oh, please leave me a comment as well to let me know what prizes you would love!)

好喇!! 講解完畢!! 簡單d講就係每個platform我都會有自己既giveaway, 當我係呢d platform進行giveaway既時候, 我未必會update哂所有platform, 所以如果你唔想miss咗個 chance既話, 你知點做啦!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Right, done!!  In simple terms, every platform will have its own giveaway.  When I am doing a giveaway on a certain platform, I might not broadcast it across other platform, so if you don’t want to miss out the chance, you know what to do!  *Laughs*)


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