[化妝] Giorgio Amarni Christmas Collection 2015

又講聖誕產品,今次講既呢個品牌我好少分享! 但係佢既聖誕系列都幾吸引,所以同大家分享一下。

(English:  Another Christmas Collection and this time I am going to talk about a brand that seldom makes its appearance in my blog/ YouTube channel.  I found their Christmas collection quite attractive and thought I would give these a go these year.)

Giorgio Amarni Christmas Collection 2015

Giorgio Amarni Luxe Is More 

Nude Eyeshadows and Contouring Face Palette




呢個palette顏色係大地自然色系,如果講顏色我覺得唔係好festive既顏色,反而係日日都用得到既顏色。 如果講包裝,我覺得就好重手喇。 呢盒野入面有眼影,face powder同埋concealer,我一見到就覺得好啱成日會travel既朋友,因為顏色易用大路,如果唔想帶咁多野,呢盒palette基本既需要都照顧到。 眼影方面,我覺得佢係偏淺色同埋sheer既效果,一般新手都好易用得到。 而powder方面都滑既,所以用黎定妝都唔錯。 另外concealer我試得好清楚,所以唔咁講話佢乾唔乾,初步摸落都係creamy既質感。 我覺得佢既包裝好貴氣,內容都實用。 我覺得如果你成日travel同埋都係鍾意nude色眼影既話,係投資得過!

(English:  This palette consists of natural earth tone eyeshadows.  Color-wise, they are not very festive, they are more on the day to day side of colors.  If I need to judge the packaging, it’s definitely fancy.  It comes with eyeshadows, face powder and concealers.  When I saw this, I immediately thought about someone who traveled a lot.  It’s still compact but it contains everything that suits the basic needs.  For eyeshadows, they are mostly on the lighter side and has a more sheer finish, I think even makeup newbies can handle these colors no problem!  For the face powder, it’s smooth to touch and I think it would be good for setting your foundation or retouching.  For the concealers, I haven’t had enough time to really give them a good test, so I can’t really judge them at this moment in time.  When I swatched them, I noticed they were of creamy texture.  I think the packaging is very luxurious whereby the content is very practical.  I think if you are always on the go and you enjoy nude colors, then this is for you!)

Giorgio Amarni Eye Tint 

No. 17 Hollywood

HK$280/ 6.5ml


佢今次出左三個顏色既Eye Tint,我之前無用過呢個產品,而我見呢個色淺淺地,一般日子用唔錯,所以入手! 佢係liquid,可以build深淺度。 出黎效果都透薄。 我覺得呢個色好唔錯,因為簡簡單單淨係搽佢,之後加條眼線,對眼已經有立體感同埋效果自然。 我覺得啱一d走自然路線既朋友。 詳細分享就要遲少少用多幾次先有,so far感覺良好。 如果顏色啱既話不妨去counter玩下睇下你自己鍾唔鍾意丫!

(English:  They have released 3 Eye Tints in this collection.  I haven’t used this before and I love how light this color is, I think it would be good just for a causal day look.  It’s liquid and then you can build the intensity.  The finish is more on the sheer side and I really like this color.  You can use this all over your eyelid and then add in your eyeliner, then your eyes are more 3D with a natural wash of color.  I think this is great for people who enjoy natural makeup look.  For detailed comments on the Eye Tint, I will leave it for another day because I do need to test it some more.  So far I can say that I am happy and if you like the color, you can check it out at the counter to see if you would enjoy the texture!)

Giorgio Amarni Lip Maestro

No. 509 Ruby Nude
HK$280/ 6.5ml


嗱,呢枝我係覺得個色好靚同埋趕住出試色圖俾大家望下,我未有機會用住,所以未有review俾大家。 但係我覺得佢係lip cream既質感,超級顯色~~~ 我係完全俾呢個咁sharp既顏色吸引。 哈哈~~~

(English:  Well for this, I basically love the color and I am in a rush to release the swatch for you all to see, so I really didn’t get a chance to give this a go (therefore I will review it at a later day).  First impression is that it’s a lip cream texture and it’s super pigmented~~~  I am totally sold by this sharp color~~ *Laughs*~~~)

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