Gentle Monster Sunglasses

唔知大家睇Bali Vlog睇得開唔開心。因為Bali,我又俾藉口自己買太陽眼鏡! 哈哈~ 早前同管家睇到呢款Gentle Monster既太陽眼鏡,一路無買,因為覺得我都已經有幾副,又入秋冬,所以遲遲無入手! 唉,但係一決定咗去Bali,我就即刻覺得有藉口同埋我都掛住咗佢好耐。 哈哈~~ 又分享下丫:

(English: Not sure if you are enjoying the Bali Vlog (hope you do).  Because of Bali, I once again gave myself an excuse to get another pair of sunglasses!  *Laughs*  I saw this from Gentle Monster with Butler awhile back, but I couldn’t justify it (well, I have a few pairs and we are transitioning to Autumn and Winter…etc.).  Then, we decided to go to Bali for a holiday and this was the game changer.  Time to take a closer look:)

Gentle Monster Big Bully HK$2,300
Item Code: GL000069


我呢款係金色,我記得佢仲有黑色同銀色選擇。 我本身覺得我帶金色好carry得到,但係又怕好土豪feel,所以我都試過其他,我覺得銀色唔係好襯我膚色,然後我帶黑色又覺得Matrix味道太強,所以我都係買金色! 無後恢!

(English:  Mine is a gold colour, I recall these also come in silver and black.  I really love the gold colour one when I first tried on but then I was kinda worried that it was too over the top, so I did try others.  I didn’t think the silver one went with my skin tone well and the black one gave me too much of a Matrix feel, so I ended up getting my first love and guess what?  No regrets.)




擁有完第一副Gentle Monster之後,我可以講我覺得佢好好帶! 如果你鼻扁(好似我),我諗你知道大鏡係好難搵到啱帶,因為成日好似係塊面托起個鏡,唔係個鼻! 但係Gentle Monster呢款大鏡,輕身得黎,個鼻位做得好好呀,鼻扁既人都唔洗擔心! 好舒服又型! 如果有興趣去自己玩下試下,好多款都好有型!

(English:  After getting my first pair of Gentle Monster, I can say I really fall in love with the brand!  If you have flat nose (like mine), I don’t need to tell you how hard it is to find a pair of big sunglasses without them sticking on your cheeks!  I really have to give credit on these Gentle Monster sunglasses, because they are big, they are light and the nose area is really well done.  Even those with noses like mine could easily pull these off without having to worry these would leave a mark on the cheeks.  These are comfortable and they certainly make a statement!  If you are interested, I highly suggest you go try these on yourself, and they do have a good selection which many are fashionable!)

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