前幾日出左個post係黑咪店內敏感肌啱用既東東(link),其中一個超大既category未有,就係舒緩敏感用既mask喇。 好多時敏感我地都想敷下野,希望唔好咁熱咁辛苦亦都想快d好翻。 我之前敏感(試新野加轉天氣)又俾我有機會試下下面個東東睇下得唔得(無敏感試又無咩意思丫),用左好一期同大家分享下啦:
(English: I have done a blog post on skincare products that are suitable for sensitive skin from Hakme Beauty (link), one major category is missing – soothing mask! Very often when our skin is acting up, we are tempted to do something to hopefully reduce the heat and in turn helps heal quicker. My skin was having fun with me before (new products + change of weather), so I guess because of that, I had the chance to test this product (if I had no allergies, then it would be meaningless to test it), I have been using it for awhile and it’s time for a review:)
Glo Therapeutics Soothing Gel Mask

價錢(Price):HK$350/ 50ml
Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店 (link)
Made in USA
Product Information:
“Description: Cools and calms sensitive or irritated skin with a soothing complex of antioxidants and vitamins. Great for all skin types and skin concerns, especially inflammation.
Active Interest:
Rose Hip Seed oil – a soothing emollient
Vitamin E – chirally correct antioxidant that heals and repairs
Calendula Extract – a flower extract rich in antioxidants and it is soothing and calming
Wild Yam Extract – antioxidant filled with beneficial properties
EGCG – potent antioxidant derived from green tea
L-menthyl Lactate – cools and refreshes skin
Pomegranate Extract – source of Ellagic Acid that strengthens the cell membrane
Rutin – anti-inflammatory, protects capillaries from oxidative stress and prevents fragility”
Before Blending



使用次數(No of Usage): 15 times
用後感:Gel既質地,所以好輕身無負擔。 敏感先用,因為佢主要功效係舒緩,無敏感用唔會有咩特別。 一開始敏感通常面都係熱熱地先,之後先開始紅,出粒粒或者腫。 佢有涼涼地效果,所以敷緊個時都好舒緩,涼涼地幫敏感皮膚降溫! 我自己有兩個方法用佢:1. 如果係已經出哂事,即係已經去到好紅同開始皮膚鞋(粒粒),我就會用洗面奶洗面,洗幾次等無咁紅坐一陣,之後就厚敷呢個mask,由佢吸,吸到瞓覺,如果表面仲有野我就用tissue印咗多餘個d,咩都唔搽(因為個面已經嚴重,唔知呢個mask再加其他野會唔會唔得,所以用佢做mask加面霜就算),去瞓覺。 我試過咁樣第二日好咗好多,如果有需要,我會之後個晚做多一次,之後無咩事先用其他野。 2. 另外一個方法係,未出事,但係唔安心轉天氣覺得塊面有時紅紅地或者痕痕地,咁我就洗完面薄薄地敷10分鐘,之後過水再搽自己野,呢個係屬於皮膚未完全有問題但係預防爆發。 So far呢兩個方法係我既小心得,係幫到快d無咁唔舒服。 同埋我而家久唔久都會薄敷一下,因為敷完塊面好refresh得黎又見d紅無咗同埋無咁易突然大爆發!好愛佢丫!!!
(English: Product Review: It’s of a gel texture so it’s very light and it won’t create burden to your skin. Use it only when you have allergies because its main function is to soothe, if you don’t have allergies, you won’t feel anything too special. Well when our skin starts to act up, it usually gets warm, then red and then many bumps appear or it’s swollen. It has a cooling function, so skin feels nice to have it on, it helps with decreasing the temperature of the skin! I personally have two methods of using it, 1. When skin is allergic and almost all irritating signs appear, I would use cleansing milk to wash my face for a few times, sit for awhile, let the redness reduce a bit, then I use a thick layer of this on my face, just let it absorb till the time I go to bed. If I find some left on my face by then, I will use a tissue to tab off the excess and then go to bed straight (well skin is sensitive to start with, and I am not sure if this mask would react with something that I have, so I kinda use this as a mask + moisturizer). The next day, I find my skin so much better. If needed, I would repeat the process on the next day. 2. The other way is more like a preventive measure, skin doesn’t have the allergic signs, but more like some redness and feel a bit itchy, then I use a thin layer of this on my face, wait for 10 mins, rinse and follow with my usual skincare routine. So far, these are my tips of using this soothing mask and it does help to get back to normal a bit quicker. Right now, I use it from time to time to prevent major outbreak. I do like how refreshing it is and how it helps my skin to calm down. I am in love with it.)
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