[保養] 玫瑰香香保濕Gel Cream ♥ fresh Rose Hydrating Gel Cream

近期我覺得我愛fresh既程度好快可以蓋過我對Chanel既鍾愛!之前講咗同系列既精華(回顧按此),有無燒親?我個friend就俾我燒死,睇完我個post即刻嫡我同佢落去fresh掃貨!! 哈哈!!!佢用咗都話真係好正!!今日我又再燒大家(你地會唔會對我又愛又恨?)!!哈哈!!!等我點火先!!  

(English: Recently, I feel that my love for fresh is overcoming my
love for Chanel. So if you have read my previous post on fresh Rose
Hydrating Serum (refresh memory), have you got it yet? My friend
literally got tempted so badly that she dragged me to the fresh counter
with her right after reading my post and she got quite a few things (I
was more of the sales lady than the real ones there *funny*). She has
starting using them and she loves my recommendation too!! And I am here
today to tempt you once again (don’t you love me and hate me
sometimes?). Right, let me light the holy fire for you!!)

fresh Rose Hydrating Gel Cream


價錢(Price): HK$390/ 50ml

Product Information:


– 白芷葉萃取有效助長膠原蛋白,改善補水效能**
– 紅景天根部具有保護性抗氧化物**,有助肌膚細胞再生
– 透明質酸有助鎖緊水分及保濕,回復水潤
– 青瓜萃取有助舒緩肌膚,保持清爽”

(English: “A daily moisturizer for all skin types that is proven to provide 24 hours of significant moisture* while protecting against damage caused by pollution. The secret to this product’s cooling and calming effects is pure rosewater, which has been used since antiquity for its astringent properties. The cream’s concentrated blend of nourishing ingredients and refreshing liquid-like texture results in a supple, radiant complexion.

Key Ingredients:
-Rosewater, rose flower oil, and jojoba oil soothe and nourish
-Porphyrydium cruentum, a “smart” algae, delivers optimum moisture
-Angelica leaf extract is known to boost collagen and improve moistureretention**
-Rhodiola root extract is a protective antioxidant** that helps revive skin cells
-Hyaluronic acid helps attract and maintain moisture to restore suppleness
-Cucumber extract helps to calm and cool the skin”)


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month

用後感:Gel cream,春夏天見到gel cream呢個字,好多人都會發光,因為即係話佢無兩隻質感既優點: gel既感覺,但係cream既滋潤! 但係我同gel cream唔太有緣份,因為通常我用gel cream野都會好易出油。 同埋我覺得gel cream對我黎講都唔係好夠力! 直到黑咪越上fresh Rose Hydrating Gel Cream之後,我真係改觀喇!!! 佢個質地真唧出黎真係似gel多d,好易推喇,亦都比較爽身,一d都唔厚重。 講香味,我都講過我係超級愛佢呢個玫瑰味。 好清香搽上面亦都好舒服好relaxing!! 搽完上面,皮膚吸收得好好,但係又唔會好似搽其他gel個感覺咁(多數搽gel吸完之後都會好爽,感覺好似冇搽野咁)。 個感覺係你會覺得有野係皮膚入面,但係就唔會覺得笠! 真係超級啱呢個天氣或者好怕笠痴痴既人。 第二日起身先掂呀!! 唔好睇少佢係gel丫,佢真係好保濕,第二日皮膚一d乾都無,反而仲覺得好保濕好有彈性。 皮膚亦都唔暗,一起身就好好氣色!!!好正呀!!! 上妝亦都覺得好貼服,超愛個效果!!尤其是呢個天氣皮膚最容易唔聽話,但係用完fresh既產品,我既皮膚聽哂我話!!正正正!!!好掂呀!! 如果你想換季揾緊枝保濕產品但係又唔想笠住皮膚,去玩呢個丫!!!好正!!各方面效果都好出色!!!  

(English: Product Review: Gel cream…hmmm…so many people are really excited to see the words “gel cream” here during Spring and Summer. It’s simply because it means the product has the texture from the best of both worlds – the feeling of a gel form but the moisturizing function of a cream form. Sadly, I didn’t have too much luck with gel cream products because my skin would act up and create so much oil. Also, I felt that those gel cream products don’t really give me the moisture that I need. Not until I have come across this product, I overrule my previous statements regarding gel cream!! Fresh Hydrating Gel Cream is more of a gel form, it’s very easy to blend and it’s on the light side when it comes to texture, it doesn’t sit heavily on skin at all. For the scent, you all know that I am really in love with fresh’s rose scent. It smells elegant, soothing and relaxing!! When it’s applied on skin, it gets absorbed really well and it feels different from applying other gel-like products (usually you don’t feel anything after it’s absorbed). You definitely feel that there is product in your skin, but it doesn’t feel like a burden!! It’s perfect for this Spring and Summer time or people who are literally afraid to use anything too heavy. The best is when I wake up the next day, skin is really hydrated and I see no trace of dryness. Skin is supple and bouncy!!! Also, skin looks bright and healthy (what more could I possibly ask for?). I really love it and I love it even more when I come to apply my makeup up, I feel that the makeup sits better on skin (due to the good amount of hydration in my skin)!! My skin usually act up during these kinda crazy hot-and-humid then suddenly-cold-and-dry weather, but I notice that my skin is a lot more stable after using fresh’s products!! Oh MYYYY!!! I am absolutely loving this product!! If you are looking for a hydrating product with the right texture for this Spring and Summer time, you have to check this one out!!! It just performs so well!!!)

哈哈!!fresh隻玫瑰味太迷人喇!!我好想敗埋佢既Cleansing Foam同Toner丫!!!

(English: *Laughs* I am a sucker for fresh’s rose scent and now I really want to get it cleansing foam and toner as well!!!) 


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.fresh-hk.com)

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