
今年好似無咩經歷過Spring time就直入左Summer time喇.  我連泳池都去埋 (澄清: 我係唔識游水既…係咪估唔到呢20070217222443.gif?  我係陪Mr. Honey去游水, 自己去sun bath下同玩水), 你地又去enjoy左sunshine未?

(English:  This year I feel like we have skipped Spring time and go onto Summer time straight!  I even went swimming (hmmm….I don’t know how to swim…what a surprise, right20070217222443.gif?  I accompanied Mr. Honey, he went swimming and I went sun-bathing and playing with water), what about you?  Have you visited the pool yet?)

早三個星期之前收到一間公司寄比我既products, 就係今次泳池之旅大派用場喇:

(English:  3 weeks ago, a company sent me some products, which are really suitable for my pool trip:)

Ocean Potion Broad Spectrum Sunblock SPF30 Water/ Sweat Resistant + Ocean Potion 100% Pure Aloe Gel 

見唔到個hand written既envelope?  我見到個陣笑左出黎, 因為覺得d字好靚, 同埋有個心心好搞笑.

(English:  Can you see the hand-written envelope?  I smiled when I saw it, the hand-writing is beautiful and there is a “heart” next to my name!)

今日我想講左枝100% Pure Aloe Gel先.  枝sunblock我就聽日再同大家share.  我覺得逐樣逐樣講會清楚d.  而家再睇下個樣先:

(English:  Today I wish to talk about the 100% Pure Aloe Gel.  For the sunblock, it will be the star tomorrow.  I like doing each product alone as it’s neat to do it like this.  Let’s take a look at the product again:)

Ocean Potion 100% Pure Aloe Gel

價錢 (Price): HK$79.5/ 250ml (@ Watsons, Sasa)

Product Information:

“1. 百分百天然純蘆薈
2. 不油不膩,不含酒精
3. 修復、舒緩,滋潤肌膚,用後倍感冰涼
4. 專特配方,有助平衡肌膚
5. 經常使用可令曬黑效果延長一星期以上
6. 適用於曬傷、輕微燙傷及其他皮膚敏感症狀

(English:  100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel is known world wide for its healing and soothing qualities for the skin. Regular use will help heal, soothe, cool and condition the skin. Also moisturizes and helps maintain tan for weeks longer with regular use. Use on sunburns, windburns, minor burns and other skin irritations. Non-sticky and will not stain.)


使用次數 (No. of Usage): 2 weeks (on my body)

用後感: 我未去”游水”之前對腳好乾,乾到有兩條紋, 仲要好痕添.  我搽過d body lotion, 但係都唔係好得, 因為當我一唔記得搽個兩條紋又走出黎同埋開始痕, 唔係真正修護!  當我收到呢枝野個陣我就即刻拎黎搽.  初初枝出黎個感覺都係好挺身, 好容易推得開, 仲有涼涼地既感覺.  佢有少少味香味, 但係一d都唔攻鼻.  佢係超易比皮膚吸收, 過一少陣就吸sa, 摸落皮膚係”線手”, 完全無chi lup lup既感覺 (呢個係點解我夏天就鍾意用蘆薈gel既一大原因).  感覺良好!  最正既係, 過左4日度個兩條紋無左.  之後我試下唔用, 睇下條紋會唔會出翻黎啦, 無事wor!  變翻正常呀!!  好開心!  真係修護到20070218185356.gif!!  之後我去左玩水, 翻到屋企第二日皮膚又開始乾 (因為chlorine係會令皮膚乾ga!), 今次係成個人都乾 (再加埋我sun bath左一陣, 唔乾有鬼!), 之後我又拎佢黎成個人搽, 搽左三日就變正常!  Yay!!  推!!  如果你成日都會去sun bath/ 玩水/ 游水/ 做戶外活動, 我就真係好recommend你有一枝係屋企, 乾起上黎個陣可以急救.  好快見效!  我自己就好滿意個效果喇20070220210945.gif.

(English:  After-use Comment: Before I went swimming, skin on my legs was so dry.  It got to a point that I got two big dry lines which were very itchy!  I applied some body lotion but whenever I forgot to put it on, the itchiness came back.  So, it wasn’t truly helpful as those body lotions didn’t restore my skin.  Then I received this product and I started using this instead.  The texture is of a firm gel one.  It’s really blendable and offers a cooling effect.  It contains light fragrance and the scent is not irritating.  It’s super easy to get absorbed, basically after a jiffy, it just gets sucked into the skin – great!  When I touch my skin afterwards, it just feels so fabulously smooth!  It doesn’t feel rich or heavy at all (that’s what I love about Aloe gel in the summer time).  NICE!  The most amazing thing is after 4 days, the dry lines disappeared totally.  I delibrately “forgot” to use it for a few days and the dryness hasn’t returned!  Great!  It really did restore my skin20070218185356.gif!!  Then I went swimming, when I got back home, my skin felt really dry (due to chlorine), I felt like every inch of my skin was so dry!  Of course, I used it to apply all over and my skin was hydrated to a normal state after 3 days!  How could I not love it?  I would really recommend it for those of you who enjoy sun-bathing/ swimming/ outdoor activities.  It helps to sooth and restore your skin within a short time and it’s an amazing product!  I personally love it20070220210945.gif!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://opotion.com/)

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