Gaston Luga Classic Black & Black Backpack

#PRGift 我平日好少用backpack,因為我盡量都唔會拎好多野出街,但係如果要去某個地方影相,或者當日要拎Macbook既話,咁我就會用backpack喇,貪容量多而重起上黎又可以背哂兩邊減輕下負擔。我鍾意既backpack都係比較中性同比較隨性,而我覺得Gaston Luga呢個瑞典品牌既style都好襯我。我呢款係Classic,款式比較causal,而佢另一個系列係Praper,我覺得就lady d。

(English: #PRGift I seldom use backpack on a normal day because I always try not to carry too much with me.  However, when I go for picture-taking, or I need to carry my Macbook, then I would use a backpack because it usually holds so much more and I can distribute the weight across both of my shoulders if things get ridiculously heavy.  The backpack that I like usually is more unisex and causal and I think the style of this Sweden brand – Gaston Luga suits me really well.  Mine is a classic and it offers more of a causal vibe.  They have another line called Praper which is more lady-like.)

Gaston Luga Classic Black & Black Backpack HK$1,595
Purchase Online

**如果你唔係ship去EU國家,仲可以有20% off VAT添。

(English: **You will enjoy a 20% EU VAT Tax Rebate Online for non-EU customers.)

外面黑色,入面紅色。 裝到好多野。 入面仲有唔同既間隔,所以d野都可以比較整齊咁放。 背面既位置亦都有一個位可以放野,我自己多數用呢個位放電話,又安全而且要用個陣唔洗成日要開個袋。

(English:  It’s black outside and red inside.  It holds so much stuff.  The inside comes with a few compartments which mean I could still store my stuff tidily.  On the back, it has a small compartment as well, I usually use this for my phone because it’s a safe space and also it’s easy to reach for my phone when I need it without having to open and close my bag a million times.)

呢個袋基本上已經成為我行動袋,如果要出動拎好多野既話,我就會用佢,實用得黎又簡潔stylish! 唔錯。 佢地公司比咗個discount code俾有興趣既你地,你地係佢地網站check out既時候入:HakmeBeauty 就會有85折喇 (買其他款式都有折)。 佢地網站寄香港,係Free Shipping!下面有佢地既網站同Instagram,有興趣自己研究下啦~

(English: This backpack has become my action bag, I would use this whenever I need to bring quite a few things with me.  I love how practical yet simple and stylish it looks.  Nice.  Their company has given you a discount code, use HakmeBeauty during check out and you will get 15% off (applies to other backpack styles).  They offer free shipping to Hong Kong so you don’t have to worry about shipping charges!  If you are interested, you can check out their website and Instagram as follows.)

Instagram: @gastonluga

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