[時尚] 合作 | Fxlite既簡約個性包包

我好少講時尚講穿搭,原因係我個style係超級簡約同埋我都係個性風啦,唔知大家鍾唔鍾意睇!! 哈哈,甜美真係同我無緣呀!! 不過早前收到Fxlite既邀請,見佢袋都好啱我既風格,咁就答應左,同埋啱啱Mr Honey有時間,咁我地兩個就凍住咁去影下相俾大家望下。 其實如果大家有興趣睇多d穿搭,話聲我知,咁我可以勤力少少做多d同大家分享下。

(English:  I seldom talk about fashion because my style is really simple and edgy, so I am not sure if you like what you see!!  *Laughs*  As all of you know, sweet girl look has nothing to do with me!!  I received an invitation from Fxlite sometime ago and I thought the bags match my style really well, so I promised to feature them, plus Mr Honey has a bit of time on his hands, so we went for a shoot (and got frozen to death!!).  Indeed, if you like my style and you would love to see more of this, let me know, I can always do more but I don’t want to bore you!!)

其實我行簡約都有原因,以前我細個都會追所謂既潮流,衫都揀好多有款式既,但係我發覺通常著兩著就會厭,咁跟住又係咁買,但係無一樣野係可以著好多季,我覺得咁樣有d浪費! 之後個人大咗,就覺得著衫最緊要襯自己身型(著得瘦係重點),襯自己性格同特出個人味力先係常勝之道!  跟住我就不斷試下咩style啱自己喇,就係咁我就end up咗簡約個性風!! 哈哈~~所以以下既穿搭有d衫我都買左好一斷時間,而家無得買喇。 不過大家鍾意既話可以用作參考,揀d差唔多既都可以做到同樣效果!!

(English:  To be totally honest, I chose simplicity with an edge to be my signature style was due to my past experience.  When I was younger, I followed on the so-called trends very seriously and I picked clothes which would work for those trends.  But then after wearing the same thing a couple times, I would get bored and I ended up hauling more.  Well nothing seemed to last for more than 1 season and I thought, “what a waste!!”  So when I got older, I came to terms that fashion is all about picking things that suit your body structure (to give an illusion of “slim body” is the key), show off your personality and magnify your personal taste!!  Then I played with different looks and I finally ended up with simple yet edgy look.  *Laughs*  So for the following pieces, I might no be able to tell you where to get them because I do have them for awhile.  However, if you like what you see, just go shop for something similar to create your individuality!!)

Edgy – Leather Kind Of Day

影相不忘覆大家message!! 哈哈~~

(English:  Yes in a shoot but I haven’t forgotten to reply your messages!!  Haha~~)

呢期鍾意手拿包 (clutch),因為我見韓國穿搭用clutch係真係型好多!!

(English:  I love clutches these days because when I see how the Koreans carry these babes off, I am like “oh yea, that’s edgy!!”)

Breakdown of My Outfit:-

Glasses: Tom Ford (available at Lenscrafters)

Ear-rings: Chanel 

Leather Jacket: Bought it 3 years ago if not more
Grey Top: Topshop, UK (maternity version)

Phone: iPhone 6 Plus
Pants: New Look, UK

Boots: Bought it last year at Dailylook.com
Clutch: Fxlite 

Watch: Agnes b. Boy Version

Diamond Ring on Index Finger: Adamas

Star Ring on Thumb: Pandora


我揀clutch有一個好重大既要求就係佢唔可以太細,因為我真係有好多野要帶出街! 呢個clutch個size就好好,容量大得黎又唔會望落好大舊!

(English:  When it comes to clutch, I need something with a decent size because I do have quite a lot of stuff to bring with me when I am out!  This clutch is of a good size, it can hold all my necessities without looking bulky!)


Fxlite Japanese Hand Made Calf Skin Clutch


全部都放得落! 唔洗要我換個細d既銀包添呀!!

(English:  Everything fits perfectly and the best part is that I don’t need to change to a smaller purse!!)


(English:  This is inspired by the freshness of forest, they want to retain the natural texture of the calf skin, therefore they are all processed in special methods, therefore each of this has a different shininess and pattern, and of course individuality!!)


Simple – Casual Kind Of Day


(English:  The other look is more on the causal style.  Basically if you bump into me on the street, I most probably be in the above style or this one!!)

呢個袋無敵有古著味道!! 一眼就已經好鍾意,同埋佢容量適中呀!! 放到好多野,同埋佢本身個袋唔重,所以就算放咗野落去都唔會好重!

(English:  This definitely has a vintage touch and I love it at the first sight, plus it has a decent size, so I could put quite a few things inside!  Also the bag itself is not heavy, therefore, you won’t feel like you are hauling a rock when you walk around with it!!)

Breakdown of My Outfit:-

Glasses: Tom Ford (available at Lenscrafters)

Sunglasses: Prada

Jacket: Primark, UK
Jumper: Warehouse, UK

Necklace: Topshop, UK
Pants: New Look, UK

Boots: Bought it last year at Dailylook.com
Bag: Fxlite 

Watch: Agnes b. Boy Version

Diamond Ring on Index Finger: Adamas

Star Ring on Thumb: Pandora

Leather Bracelet: 尖沙咀百利No.327舖


Fxlite Korean Light Weight Should Bag




(English:  There are two compartments inside and both are zipped up!!)

裝到好多野呀!! 呵呵~~ 同埋我好愛佢個紋,好有undone,古著感覺,我就係鍾意有少少殘殘地既野,因為感覺上佢地有自己既故事!!

(English:  See it holds quite a few things!!  I really love the pattern and the texture, it’s just so undone and vintage!!  I love vintage things because they seem to have a story behind themselves which make them way more interesting!!)


呢個系列來自韓國既仿中古皮革系列,有韓流色彩,亦同時帶有美式設計既洗水牛皮!! 如果你行個性路線你會明白古著單品既重要性,佢係成個look既靈魂所在!

(English:  This series is from Korean, but it does have a touch of American style in it.  If you are looking for individuality, you will understand the importance of vintage items because they are usually the soul of your look!!)

Fxlite不斷係世界各地引入唔同既包包同配飾,每一款都只係作少量發售,如果你睇到鍾意,可以自己去望下。仲有,佢地sponsor咗4個袋俾我做giveaway送俾大家做新年禮物! 你有興趣既話,聽日(19-12-2014) 要留意我Facebook喇!

(English:  Fxlite will keep introducing bags and accessories to us from all over the world, and each of the item is kind of limited in a way, so if you see something that you like, please go and check out their store!  Also, they have sponsored 4 bags for me to giveaway (New Year presents).  If you are interested, stay tuned on my Facebook tomorrow (19-12-2014)!!

Fxlite Details:

Website: www.fxlite.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fxlite

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