
好開心, 有friend上黎我屋企探我, 探就其次啦.  其實佢係睇完我個blog (而家先發現我有個blog >.<), 想上黎玩d產品至真.  佢黎到我屋企真係好開心, 好似d小朋友入左糖果屋咁, 樣樣都話要試 (幾時我屋企變左show room 哈哈!).  佢仲叫我幫佢化個妝添.  難得佢唔怕上鏡, 我就影左佢變身前同變身後既樣比大家睇下:

(English:  Super happy!  My friend came to my place to visit me, well, visiting is the secondary intention.  The main reason was that she found out I have a blog (after so long >.<), she wanted to drop by and played with some of my products.  She was so excited when she arrived, just like a kid entering into a candy store, she wanted to try everything (since when my home has become a show room? haha).  She also asked me to put makeup on her.  Since she is not afraid of cameras, I shot some photos to share with you all:)


(English: Before)

見唔見佢好期待既眼神? 梗係啦, 佢想我用新出隻Chanel Luminous Eyeshadow黎化佢個眼妝ma!  佢話佢唔係好敢去counter試, 怕d姐姐hard-sell, 都明gei!  如果去到先慢慢揀都真係會怕比人jer住.

(English:  Did you notice the excitement in her eyes?  Of course, she specially requested me to use Chanel Luminous Eyeshadows!  She mentioned that she was afraid to try at the counters since she suspected that there might be some hard-selling BAs there!  Understood!)

因為我呢個friend皮膚好白, 佢都知我屋企無d咁白既foundation, 所以佢帶左私伙Missha BB Cream:

(English:  Since my friend has such fair skin tone, she understood perfectly well that I wouldn’t have those foundation colors at home, therefore, she brought her own favourite – Missha BB Cream:)

我都玩過上手, 感覺唔錯.  我就係用呢隻黎同佢化個底妝. 不如而家睇埋變身後個樣丫:

(English:  I tried it on my hand as well – nice texture!  I used this as her foundation.  Now, let’s look at the “after” photo:)

佢唔係好鍾意做妖女, 所以我同佢化左個好清, 但係令佢望落好精神既妝 -醒神sa!! 難得佢都好滿意, 不枉我搞到我隻手變左:

(English:  She asked me not to turn her into a witch, so, I used some very light colors with an aim to make her look more awake!  Woke up!!  She was really happy with the makeup and it was worth to turn my hand into:)

佢對眼我就用左Chanel Luminous Eyeshadow兩隻色黎幫佢化:

(English:  For her eye makeup, I used 2 of Chanel Luminous Eyeshadows:)

我用左 #82做底色 (因為我怕我幫佢搽深色, 佢會發爛 (講笑), 所以我幫佢用左呢隻好自然既色), 另外我就用左 #85 黑色黎幫佢畫眼線, 清清地, 但係令對眼好有神.  畫完之後, 佢即刻比我燒著左, 話第二日要去Chanel買 #85呢隻色, 我當然都係保持微笑啦 (心諗: 又多一個犧牲者喇, 嘻嘻!).  不過今次咁化都有樣好, 就係我幫佢用呢隻#85黎做眼線, 成日都無溶過, 唔錯唔錯.  當然, 詳細review, 你地又等我用下先, 我會再share!

(English:  I used #82 as a base color (she might be furious if I used some darker colors *joking*, therefore I went for the natural tone), and I used #85 as an eyeliner.  Simple but neat!  It made her eyes look more awake as well.  Finished.  She immediately said she had to go to Chanel the next day to grab the #85.  Of course, I kept my smile thinking to myself, “another sacrifice!”  Well, with this experience, I discovered one thing – #85 stayed on as an eyeliner for the whole day, it didn’t melt!  Great!  For the detailed review, let me try them out for awhile before commenting.  I’ll definitely share my thoughts with you later!)

我諗諗下, 我呢個friend真係好襯d natural/ sweet look (我反而唔係好襯, 我個樣無我個friend咁sweet!! 哈哈!!), 如果佢同意, 我將來會邀請佢做我化妝片中既model, 等大家可以睇多d natural/ sweet look既分享.  如果你地鍾意睇, 就話聲我知啦, 等我得閒邀請下佢丫~~

(English:  BTW, I was thinking right… natural/ sweet look really suits my friend well (those looks don’t do wonder on me as I don’t look as sweet as my sweet pie friend! Haha!).  If she agrees, I might invite her for some video shooting later on so that you ladies could see more natural/ sweet look.  If you love to see these kinds of videos, please let me know so that I could ask her~~)

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