
今日想同大家分享吓,我之前入手左嘅fresh 茶萃強韌激活精華。 呢枝產品啱啱出嘅時候真係好受歡迎,而家出嘅時候已經要預訂。 我反反覆覆都用咗幾個月,一齊睇吓我覺得好唔好用。

Today I want to talk about this fresh Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum.  When this was first launched, it was really popular and I had to pre-order.  I have tried it on and off for a few months now and let me share my thoughts with you.  

fresh茶萃強韌激活精華 HK$1,080/50ml
 fresh Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum LINK

fresh茶萃強韌激活精華 fresh tea elixir serum



You can click into their official website to read about the functions in detail.

fresh茶萃強韌激活精華主要做四個功效: 減紋、增加皮膚彈性、提升皮膚整體光澤同埋收細毛孔。 我買嗰日都問過BA呢枝精華保唔保濕,BA話入面有5kDA透明質酸做深層保濕。 

fresh Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum focuses on 4 areas: fading fine lines, increasing bounce, visible glow and minimising pores.  Plus, it contains 5kDA hyaluronic acid so it’s hydrating too.

質感方面,佢好似稀身嘅lotion咁。 好容易推開,快吸收,吸完之後皮膚表面覺得清爽,但係唔似搽咗一陣風,亦唔會覺得笠。 我覺得呢個質感所有膚質都用得到。

Texture-wise, it feels like a light-weight lotion, it’s easy to blend and quick to absorb.  After absorption, it feels light on skin and doesn’t leave a tacky feeling.  I think many skin types would enjoy this texture.

我連續用咗四個星期已經見到有效果,我覺得保濕度唔錯,第二日唔會覺得乾,乾紋亦被減淡。 同埋皮膚質感變細緻同柔滑,皮膚摸落好柔軟。 另外都見到皮膚有返光澤感冇咁暗沈,同埋毛孔的確收細左! 增加彈性方面,反而我唔覺得有太大分別。 整體上我覺得呢枝精華搽落好舒服,亦都見到大部份嘅效果。 

Results were visible after 4 weeks’ consistent usage.  I think the hydrating power is nice, skin doesn’t feel dry when waking up and fine lines due to dryness are reduced.  Also, skin texture becomes refined and soft.  I can see that there is a light glow on my face and there is less dullness.  Plus, I can see my pores are more refined as well.  However, for increasing bounce, I don’t notice too much difference.  Overall, this serum is nice and it’s quite effective in most of the areas that it’s claiming.

唯一一樣嘢係,如果有玫瑰痤瘡或者皮膚比較敏感,當皮膚有唔穩定狀況出現嘅時候,可能要停咗呢枝產品,專心穩定皮膚先。 皮膚穩定咗先再繼續用呢個產品。 因為我轉季嘅時候皮膚比較易紅同埋熱,亦比較容易出粒粒,我當時繼續用呢個產品嘅時候發現出咗勁多細細嘅粒粒,所以我停咗佢專心穩定皮膚,之後冇事再用。

One thing, if you have rosacea or sensitive skin, you might want to put this product on hold when your skin is experiencing some instability.  Focus on getting the balance back before you continue using this product.  When the weather changed, my skin was more prone to redness and bumps.  I found that when my skin was unstable, I got way more bumps using this product.  So I did stopped using it during that time and only continued when my skin was back to normal. 

我覺得fresh呢枝茶萃強韌激活精華係春夏天適合大部份嘅膚質。 如果秋冬嘅話,乾肌或者沙漠肌,可能要另外再加強保濕滋潤先至覺得夠。 大家睇完有興趣就去佢哋counter試吓個質感啦。

I think this fresh Tea Elixir Skin Resilience Activating Serum is suitable for most skin types in Spring and Summer.  For dry and super dry skin types, you might want to pair this serum with your other hydrating ones during Autumn and Winter.  If you are interested after reading this, go to their counter to give it a try.

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