[保養] fresh牡丹煥白潤膚精華 ♥ 十日感

好喇, 上個星期講咗我用咗fresh Peony Whitening Essence一個星期嘅感覺。 而家又過咗幾日, 所以係時候總結下個overall效果!  如果你想睇翻我用咗三日同一星期嘅感覺, 你都可以回顧一下我之前嘅文章(三日感 + 七日感)!
(English: Right, last week I have talked bout my 7 days’ comments after using fresh Peony Whitening Essence. A few more days has passed and let me sum up the overall results.  If you are interested in my 3 days’ and 7 days’ comments, please read my previous pieces (3 days’ + 7 days‘)!)

fresh Peony Whitening Essence

價錢(Price):HK$610/ 30ml

好愛佢, 所以要同佢影兩張合照先(好無聊呀!!)!
(English:  Love it – so I have to take a couple pictures with it (*laughs* – I am helpless!!)!)

十日用後總結: 首先我真係要讚下佢嘅清新花香味, 真係越用越覺得清香。 夜晚搽佢個下真係超級relax!!補濕方面真係做得好好, 用左佢, 唔洗特別要加保濕產品都覺得皮膚好夠水份養份, 第二朝皮膚上妝好貼! fresh用料天然呢點我唔洗多講, 唯一我想一提係我有時會對某d美白產品敏感, 但係我用fresh就一d事都無, 敏感皮膚可以放心用。 至於美白效果, 我就覺得好讚。 當我素顏嘅時候, 我見皮膚比之前均勻, 亮白有光澤! 掂呀! 總結嚟講, 各方面都表現得好好! 哈哈!! 又一好用產品!! 推! 你有興趣就去counter試下個質感睇下你自己鍾唔鍾意丫!
(English: After-use Comment (10-day):  Firstly I love its floral scent.  The more I use it, the more I love the scent, especially after a hard day’s work, it relaxes me.  The hydrating function is great, I don’t need to particularly top up with other hydrating products after using this.  The makeup stays really well the next day too!  fresh uses natural ingredients and everyone knows this.  Sometimes my skin would encounter skin allergies using other whitening products but fresh hasn’t caused my any allergies.  For the whitening function, I have to say thumbs-up!!  When I have no makeup on, I notice that my skin tone is more even than before and it’s definitely more radiant!  Nice!!  Overall speaking, it performs really well in different aspects!! *laughs*  Another wonderful i

P.S. 掛住講佢呢隻新產品, 我都未講我之前敗家個堆fresh產品添(敗家文一+敗家文二), 大部份都用左好一段時間。 我好快會同大家逐一分享。

(English: P.S. I am so obsessed in talking about this new product, I recall that there are other products that I got from fresh and I haven’t even talked about them (haul piece 1 + haul piece 2).  I have been using many of them for a good while and I will share each one of them really soon.)

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