[保養] fresh牡丹煥白潤膚精華 ♥ 七日感

好喇, 前嗰幾日我話用多fresh Peony Whitening Essence幾日再同大家分享。  今日已經用咗7日喇, 我想講一講佢美白嘅效果(我之前講咗佢嘅補濕效果, 如果未睇, 可以回顧)! 之後等我用足14日, 我會再寫多篇綜合大匯報, 等大家可以睇下個overall result。先再睇一睇佢個樣先丫:

(English:  Right, I have mentioned a few days back that I have been using fresh Peony Whitening Essence and I said that I would share my more in-depth comments after a few days.  I have been using it for 7 days so I want to talk about its whitening function (I talked about its hydrating function before, if you haven’t read it yet, please check it out!)   Well, I would probably share more after 14 days’ usage as well so that you could have the overall result for reference.  Let’s take a look at the product again:)

fresh 牡丹煥白潤膚精華
fresh Peony Whitening Essence

價錢(Price):HK$610/ 30ml

佢個設計係泵型設計, 我個人比較喜歡呢類嘅設計。 用落方便衛生!
(English:  I like the bottle design.  More hygienic!)

佢個包裝都有寫底產品功用同埋主要成份。 最吸引我嘅係佢有牡丹根部成分, 可以做到抗老同美白功效。 當然啦! 春夏天用同花有關嘅產品都覺得好有親切感(沉醉係春天嘅懷抱當中…哈哈!)。

(English:  There were functions and ingredients written on the box.  The most attracting thing for me is that it’s made from Peony Extract, which is effective in anti-aging and whitening skin.  Of course, it’s always a treat to use some floral products in Spring time *laughs*!!)

質感/ Texture:

未推開/ Not Blended:

推開/ Blended:
完全推開加吸收咗/ Fully Blended + Absorbed:
用後感(7日): 我之前未特別講佢嘅質感, 而家等我講下先。 佢嘅質地係乳液狀, 好容易推開, 吸收快, 但係佢個感覺唔厚重得嚟夠補濕。 唔會似我以前用嘅美白產品咁, 吸收完之後覺得塊面仲係好乾! 呢點真係值得一讚!  至於美白效果, 用咗7日, 當然我無真係白咗啦(又唔係搽漂白), 但係就睇到皮膚無SA黃氣, 有翻光澤感。  呢點我個人就覺得好重要。 因為潮濕炎熱嘅天氣, 皮膚都容易暗沉有黃氣, 如果係咁化咩妝都唔會有理想嘅靚靚效果。 唯有皮膚夠光澤感,咁個底妝先可以做到唔洗highlight都有發光效果!用咗7日,去印效果當然未為顯著。 但係我就發現膚色比以前均勻。 近咀嘅部位多數都比較深色, 但係近幾日我覺得顏色無咁深!! 哈哈, 應該用到兩個星期嘅時候效果會更加明顯! 我會再同大家分享!!

(English:  After-use Comments (7-day):  I didn’t talk about its texture in my last piece, so let me talk about the texture first.  It’s of a lotion form, super blendable and easy to absorbed.  The feeling is solid, yet not heavy and hydrating.  It’s not like my previous experience with whitening products that skin still felt dry after those products were applied.  This is a wonderful point!  Regarding its whitening function, I have been using it for 7 days, of course, my skin hasn’t turned “white” (I am not using some kinda bleach products!!), but I notice that my skin’s dullness is gone and is more radiant.  This is very important in this kind of weather.  Usually skin looks dull when there is humidity.  If this is the case, then no matter what kind of makeup you apply, you won’t have the best result because you don’t have the best foundation for it.  Only when your skin is radiant, then you would have the best foundation in the world without even highlighting your skin.  I have used it for only 7 days, so I haven’t noticed any of my freckles disappearing, but my skin tone is definitely evened out.  Also I notice that my darker patches around my lip area has been brightened up again.  Well, I am thinking I should be able to see a stronger result in another week – let’s see and I will share again!  Cheers.)

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