[保養] 敗完再敗的fresh Soy Face Cleanser 大豆卸妝潔面乳

我真係對唔住大家! 其實我已經偷偷地用到呢枝產品既第三枝, 但係我竟然仲未同大家分享。 哈哈, 我個心路歷程係咁既, 用第一枝個陣想用耐少少先分享, 之後用用下再敗第二枝, 用到第二枝既一半, 我又覺得我都會再敗, 所以唔洗咁急分享,搞搞下而家開第三枝喇。 不過我一開個陣就同自己講一定要分享呀, 所以即刻影相寫文, 唔係一等又唔知等到幾時!  哈哈!! 你地都估到如果唔好用既話, 我都唔會翻敗咁多次啦。 不過究竟佢有幾好用呢?

(English:  I really need to apologize on this!  I have been secretly using my 3rd tube of fresh Soy Face Cleanser and I haven’t even reviewed it for you!!  *Laughs*  Let me share my thought process with you.  When I started my first tube, I was like, “oh I want to test it out a bit more before committing a review!”  Then I went on my 2nd tube and I was like, “hmmm,  I will get another tube anyway, what’s the hurry?”  And now I just opened my 3rd tube and I was like, “I really have to write this, otherwise, it will probably take forever!!”  So here you go, instead of keeping you all waiting further, I am committed to share my comments with you.  By now, you should probably guess that I am in love with the product, otherwise I wouldn’t have repurchased so many times.  But, how good is it really?)

fresh Soy Face Cleanser


價錢(Price):HK$350/ 150ml

Product Information:



(English: “SOY FACE CLEANSER is a unique, multifunctional, daily formula that promotes a pure, clean, healthy complexion. Ideal for all skin types, this ultra-gentle face wash contains nourishing amino acids, rich soy proteins, and soothing botanicals to hydrate, calm, and tone. The lightweight, natural cucumber- and rose-scented formula has a refreshing, cooling effect. For those who wear makeup, SOY FACE CLEANSER effectively removes every last trace, even around the delicate eye area.

– Fresh’s unique crème gel formula won’t strip skin of its essential nutrients
– Removes all makeup and is safe for use around the eye area
– Soothes and refreshes the complexion
– Gentle enough for a.m. and p.m. use
– Effectively removes pore-clogging impurities, including pollution and makeup
– Leaves skin clean, fresh, and hydrated
– Fragrance free”)


使用次數(No. of Usage):on my 3rd tube

用後感:佢係可以卸妝既潔面乳, 我自己就當佢係洗面產品。 我覺得佢既卸妝功能可以啦, 但係唔會好似卸妝油/水既清潔力咁強, 所以如果你平時淨係搽下BB cream/防曬,你都可以當埋佢係卸妝產品, 但係如果你係會搽粉底, mascara等等, 你最好當呢枝係洗面產品! 我自己就用完Bioderma再用Soy Face Cleanser洗面。 先講佢個質感, 佢比較係gel狀, 加水唔會有太多泡泡(都係天然產品既特徵)。 佢有好清香既氣味, 所以洗面既時候係好relax同舒服。 最正係眼位都可以好放心咁用!  過完水之後, 會覺得皮膚好精神, 白淨同保濕! 乾淨清新得黎又唔會令皮膚過乾!! 好掂呀!!! 我最愛就係春夏天用佢,因為用完佢洗面皮膚唔會暗同埋會好有光澤。 同埋佢有少少涼涼地,所以呢d天用佢真係無得頂!! 仲有呀, 如果你係敏感肌都唔洗擔心, 佢好溫和同埋可以穩定皮膚! 我試過塊面起敏感, 之後我用佢洗面, 隔一少陣d敏感退咗!! 哈哈, 好掂呀!! 超推!!! 你而家知我點解一敗再敗啦!! 好愛呢個產品, 如果你想試但係未試或者你想買過枝新既洗面, 我超推你買呢枝Soy Face Cleanser呀!! 好多皮膚都適合!! 我用完又會再敗~~

(English:  Product Review: It can be used to remove makeup and as a face cleanser, I personally use it as face cleanser.  It has a fair makeup removing function, but I wouldn’t say it’s as excellent/ strong as cleansing oil or water, so if you only wear bb cream or sunscreen, you can use this as a makeup remover; however, if you are into foundation and mascara like me, then it would be best for you to use it as a face cleanser!  I usually use this Soy Face Cleanser after Bioderma Cleansing Water.  Right, let me start off with its texture – quite a gel format and it doesn’t generate a lot of foam when added water (normal for natural/ organic products).  It has a very soothing and refreshing scent, so it’s quite relaxing during the whole face cleansing process.  The best part is that it’s safe to use around the eye areas!!  After rinsing, skin is definitely more awake, brightened and hydrated!!  It cleans well without leaving skin dry.  Brilliant and it’s perfect for Spring and Summer time in the sense that it kicks away dullness on skin.  Plus it has a light cooling effect, what’s not to love about this?  Furthermore, if you have sensitive skin, there is no worry for you, because it’s a very gentle product and it tends to calm skin as well.  Sometimes my skin is acting up and I would use this cleanser to wash my face, after a little while, the craziness on my skin will fade away!  Excellent product!!!  Highly recommended!!!  Now you understand why I keep repurchasing this product, right?  I am super in love with this.  If you want to try this and haven’t tried it yet/ you are on the look for a new cleanser!!  I highly recommend this Soy Face Cleanser as it’s suitable for different skin types!!!  I will repurchase again when I run out~~)


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.fresh-hk.com)

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